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Like I said to you on discord you have the worst take I ever read about a game.

You only played the demo first of all but even for someone who only played the demo you managed to miss so much stuff and arrive to many wrong conclusions.

I don't know how anyone can mess up this bad but whatever for the sake of everyone else reading this I will explain where you went wrong in your review:

1- You said why didn't Vega explain the reason for the experiment but in the full game this is explained so I won't spoil it here.

2- For your second point, Vega said that her master is among the participants if you believe her or not that doesn't really matter. Vega also has no reason to manipulate the result of the coin toss if she was a psycho and wanted someone dead, she could easily kill them like she did to the green hair guy.

3-For your third point you say everyone accepted the coin toss but what other choice do they have they saw how Vega killed the green hair guy with just lifting a finger, so they either play the game, or they die. at least with a coin flip they have 50 percent chance of survival. Also, if you know how coin toss work opposite to popular belief it's not a 50/50 percent chance.

As for your final point it just sounds like you're just trying to force your idea on the game, so this point isn't even worth refuting.

One thing I agree with you however is Phi is best girl.

But anyway, I should also let you know that I will not be responding to any comments you make because I'm no longer interested in discussing this game with you.

Thank you.


dont worry man your respons is onje of the worst i ever heard also. not only your main argument is (its a demo in main its explained uhhehhh) but also you just ignore half of my points

1. isnt about Vega not explaining whats the point of the game its about the characters not even questioning her why this game is a thing. and dont talk about some lousy "no time" because they had time and vega was open to talk as well as before the 3 challenge she said she does it for humanity and again no one questioned her when there was no active danger.

and what about the winning conditions/surviving?

AKA characters are dumb dont even make sense her. first you question Vegas liability if the master is there or not. and then say she doesnt have a reason to have any sides in the game. also using your statement from dc and your statement from here both that Vega doesnt have a reason to lie and the best they can do is listen to her. its fair to assume the master is there. BUT THAT STILL DOESNT CHANGE MY POINT. 

because it doesnt matter if he is or isnt there because Alpha just assumes for absolutely no reason at all that the master doesnt care if he dies which makes no sense because everyone right in their mind would assume otherwise.(because it doesnt make sense from their standpoint). and then alpha question vega about her picking a side at which she just responds to close her eyes which calms them down. but in fact vega could still predict the outcome because she made her own coin which can be balanced to always drop on the same side or calculating the trajectory using physics. either way from the survivors perspective they can realise the game isnt fair and compared to previous statement right before that her master is there with them and them not objecting the truthness of that statement. one could assume a strategy to it like everyone choosing one side. or you know just like you said alpha and beta realised the magic behind this game because they were calm and you said it yourself on dc so they could easily yell the right answer but didnt. which can mean they might have an ulterior motive

so again

CHARACTERS ARE DUMB for assuming things from their asses. and thn they are just evil for not helping each other

3. idk if you realise but half of my point before that you just responded to was about coin tosses not being fair. but what can i expect from you who just ignores my statements and creates his own points.

and just as i said before the coin toss doesnt make sense from a challenge stand point to be luck based. unless the game master just wishes to commit mass murder. which not only contradicts later statement from vega that she does it for humanit, your imaginary statements from the main game that i dont care about, and even your statements in dc that alpha and beta figured the game out thats why they were so calm. you cant be certian of the game if it truly is 50/50 and even just because of what you said if vega wanted to kill everyone she could so there is no reason ever anywhere that this game was 50/50. It just wasnt. and comparing it to the statements before from vega about master it doesnt make chance to think this game is fair if you dont include alpha taht is. because that guy just blatantly said the master doesnt care about his life with no proof and calmed everyone down by asking vega for whatever reason to trust her fairness.

alpha is just smelly and i call dips on him being an antagonist/game master/villain whatever

not only was he insisting for hiding their names for whatever imaginary reason after all no one can really make sure you didnt lie about your name there. through the demo version has fun from the game, gaslights people into believing the coin coss is 50/50. and even figures the game out that it isnt 50/50 and just doesnt tell anyone.

either he is evil or just a dumbass. either way others arent very smart either for not calling out his bullshit.

its fair for people in their panic and fear to play the first challenge without question to save their lifes.

but they then in the second challenge questioned the morality and pleaded not to play it when just like before their lifes were at the stakes. and it was both the girl from audience and the both girls taking part in the challenge actively objecting taking part in it.


and as for your final response just shut your mouth or idk use your eyes. just as i said in the comment and then explained to you on discord it is only my suggestion about a cool addition to the game from my point of view about it as a sadistic and adult squid game/saw styled game. and you just wish i would blackmail the creator to add what i want or something.

and then you finally opened your eyes and for the first time actually read what i said which is that Phi is the best in this game. but its weird you didnt assume straight up that i already threatened the creator in that remark that if he wont make phi a goddess yatta yatta.

in conclusion you keep on claiming how my review cleary about the demo version isnt trule because the main version is diffrent about which i dont care because i reviewed the demo version with what is in the demo version. because that is for what a demo version is. a slice of the main game and i dont care about some imaginary points outside it.

other than that you just straight up ignored half of my points and their content. then proved to me stuff that i already said and proved.

you even agreed to some points of mine but still problems arise

your remark about my comment is truly one of the worst i ever read.

nonetheless dont worry about even responding to me because i already made myself clear enough and i dont care about your half baked responses. and neither will i ever respond to you again.

because at the end of the day the creators made a good game even if looking only at the demo. but im sure the full version has even better content and with some spicy plot twists. and if characters like alpha re just the foreshadowing of further plot twists and explainings one can call it a gem. and my points were only meant as comments about the plot for that worthy of being called a gem among many.

(2 edits) (+5)

You two both need to get some help. Ain't no one in their mind going to read the walls of text you wrote. Get a life both of you.