Lev Manovich è un esperto nel campo della new media art.
Lev Manovich is an author of new media books, professor of Visual Arts, University of California, San Diego, U.S. and European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland, where he teaches new media art and theory, software studies, and digital humanities.[1] His best known book is The Language of New Media, which has been widely reviewed and translated into Italian, Korean, Polish, Spanish, Lithuanian, Latvian and Chinese. According to two reviewers, this book offers "the first rigorous and far-reaching theorization of the subject"[2] and "it places new media within the most suggestive and broad ranging media history since Marshall McLuhan".[3]
Nato a Mosca, dove studia arte, architettura e informatica, nel 1981 si trasferisce negli Stati Uniti e si perfeziona in Cognitive Science [ NYU, 1988 ] e in Visual and Cultural Studies [ University of Rochester, 1993 ]. Dal 1992 inizia a insegnare Digital Arts [ California Institute of the Arts, UCLA, University of Amsterdam, Stockholm University and University of Art and Design di Helsinki ]; attualmente e’ professore alla University of California.