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Potret diri

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Potret Diri dengan Dua Lingkaran (s. 1665–1669) karya Rembrandt.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]

Potret diri atau swapotret adalah sebuah perwakilan dari seorang seniman yang menggambar, melukis, memfoto, atau memahat karya tersebut. Meskipun potret diri telah dibuat sejak masa-masa awal, para seniman baru giat menggambar dirinya sendiri sebagai subyek utama atau karakter menonjol dalam karya mereka pada zaman Renaisans Awal pada pertengahan abad ke-15.

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Catatan dan referensi

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  1. ^ Chapman, H. Perry: Rembrandt's Self-Portraits: A Study Seventeenth-Century Identity. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1990)
  2. ^ Cumming, Laura: A Face to the World: On Self-Portraits. (London: HarperPress, 2009, ISBN 9780007118434)
  3. ^ Gottwald, Franziska: Das Tronie. Muster—Studie—Meisterwerk: Die Genese einer Gattung der Malerei vom 15. Jahrhundert bis zu Rembrandt [Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien, Band 164]. (Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2011)
  4. ^ Hall, James: The Self-Portrait: A Cultural History. (London: Thames & Hudson, 2014)
  5. ^ Rubiś, Wojciech; Tendera, Paulina (2014), 'Artistic Thinking – Thinking of the Essence (the Self-portraits of Rembrandt van Rijn)'. Estetyka i Krytyka 34(3): 101–118
  6. ^ Lecoq-Ramond, Sylvie; Paccoud, Stéphane; Schäfer, Dorit (eds.): Autoportraits: de Rembrandt au selfie [exh. cat.]. (Lyon: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon; Köln: Snoeck, 2015)
  7. ^ Hall, James; Vaisse, Pierre; Ullrich, Wolfgang; et al. (eds.): Facing the World: Self-portraits from Rembrandt to Ai Weiwei [exh. cat.]. (Edinburgh: Scottish National Galleries; Köln: Snoeck, 2016)

Bacaan tambahan

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Tidak dalam bahasa Inggris

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  • Joëlle Moulin, L'autoportrait au XXe siècle, éd. Adam Biro, Paris, 1999
  • Pascal Bonafoux, Les peintres et l'autoportrait, 1984
  • Bernard Auriol, L'image préalable, l'expression impressive et l'autoportrait, Psychologie Médicale, 19, 9, 1543–1547, 1987 {available on line : self-portrait}
  • Bonafoux, Pascal / Rosenberg, David: Moi! Autoportraits du XXe siècle. Musée du Luxembourg (Paris) / Skira Editore (Milano), Exhibition catalogue. 2004, Text French, Paris 2004, ISBN 88-8491-854-5 The book presents 155 artist (fine art) of the 20th century by showing their self-portraits added by informative texts.
  • Borzello, Frances: Wie Frauen sich sehen  –  Selbstbildnisse aus fünf Jahrhunderten. Karl Blessing Verlag, München 1998, ISBN 3-89667-052-2
  • Calabrese, Omar: Die Geschichte des Selbstporträts. Deutscher Kunstverlag, München 2006, ISBN 3-7774-2955-4
  • Pfisterer, Ulrich / Rosen, Valeska von ~ (Hrsg.): Der Künstler als Kunstwerk. Selbstporträts vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Reclam, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-15-010571-4 (Rezension)
  • Jeancolas, Claude. (1998). Passion Rimbaud: L'Album d'une vie. (Prancis) Paris: Textuel. ISBN 978-2-909317-66-3
  • Kathrin Schmidt: Annegret Soltau: ich selbst, Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt (Germany), 2006 ISBN 3-935062-06-0

Self-portrait in neurology

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  • Tielsch AH, Allen PJ (2005) Listen to them draw: screening children in primary care through the use of human figure drawings. Pediatr Nurs 31(4): 320–327. This survey of literature is focused on the method of drawing people as the method of diagnostics. Children's figures can recognize mental disorders. The authors describe the use of self-portraits for diagnostics of emotional disorders in children from 6 to 12 years. Although this procedure does not make it possible to place final diagnosis, it is useful for the recognition of problems.
  • Morin C, Pradat-Diehl P, Robain G, Bensalah Y, Perrigot M (2003) Stroke hemiplegia and specular image: lessons from self-portraits. Int J Aging Hum Dev 56(1): 1-41. Patients with hemiplegia have diverse problems of self-perception, which are caused by neurological defeats of the idea of body, or by psychological problems with the perception their own self.

Psikologi persepsi diri

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  • Wegner DM (2003) The mind's self-portrait. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1001: 212–225. Psychology and neuroscience approach understanding of reason and consciousness. Meanwhile, each human reason contains the self-portrait, which contains the self-appraisal of cognitive processes. This self-portrait assumes that the actions of man are governed by thoughts and, thus, the body is governed by consciousness. Self-portrait leads to the persuasion, that we consciously desire to make something. Studies show that self-portraiture is a caricature on the function of the brain, but at the same time it is the basis of the sensation of authorship and responsibility of one's own actions.

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