Transfer Coursework

Transfer Coursework Topics

Transfer Coursework

Graduate Council Policy on Residence and Transfer Units

Doctoral students do not transfer coursework.  Programs may accept coursework taken elsewhere in substitution for required program coursework provided the student is able to demonstrate the equivalence of the courses.  Coursework substitutions are approved at the program level, and are not reviewed by Graduate Studies.

Master's students may transfer coursework in certain circumstances (see Types of Transfer Credit below) with permission from their graduate program.  

Transfer Coursework Process

  1. Student completes the Petition to Transfer Coursework, and orders an official transcript if one has not yet been submitted to Graduate Studies.
    • If the transfer coursework was NOT included on the official transcript(s) submitted during graduate admissions, students must order an official transcript from the institution to be delivered electronically or by mail to UC Davis Graduate Studies.  This includes UC Davis Extension transcripts if not submitted during admissions.
  2. The Graduate Advisor reviews the transfer coursework, confirms eligibility of the transfer, and signs the petition if approved.
  3. The Graduate Coordinator submits the petition to the Graduate Studies Senior Academic Advisors.
  4. SAA's review for adherence to policy, and forward approved petitions to the Office of the University Registrar.
  5. OUR Transfer Credit staff add the coursework to the student's transcript.  Course information is available in the Notes section at the bottom of the transcript.

Transfer Regulations

  • Transfer coursework must have been taken at an accredited institution.
  • Transfer coursework must not have been used to fulfill the requirements of another degree.
  • Transfer coursework must not conflict with the Graduate Council approved degree requirements of the graduate program.
  • Only coursework completed at another UC, from a UC summer session prior to matriculation, or completed through UC Davis Extension will be calculated in the student's graduate GPA.
  • No lower division undergraduate coursework may be transferred.
  • For coursework transferred from the undergraduate record, the Graduate Advisor or an advisor from the student's undergrad institution must provide a statement confirming the coursework was 1) graduate level and 2) was not used to complete the bachelor's degree.  

Time Limits on Transfer Units

The program Graduate Advisor (or appropriate program committee) may make decisions about accepting older courses for credit based on program protocol.  The program may give the student an opportunity to demonstrate (by exam or interview) that they have sufficient background and have met the current requirements.  Along with the petition, the Graduate Advisor must include a statement describing whether the material covered in the older course meets current curricular goals, and whether that course was equivalent to a current course.

Types of Transfer Coursework

Transfer of Credit from Another UC Campus (Graduate Standing)

Up to one-half of the units required for the UC Davis degree may be transferred from another UC campus.  Transfer from another UC Extension is not permitted.  Only upper-division and graduate level courses are eligible.
   •  Transfer coursework can be used toward the graduate-level course requirement for master's students
   •  Residence, units and grade points (GPA) are transferred.

Transfer of Credit from a Non-UC Campus (Graduate Standing)

Up to two courses (no unit maximum) completed while in graduate standing may be transferred from a non-UC university.  Only upper-division and graduate level courses are eligible.
  •  Transfer credit cannot be used to reduce residence requirements, and grade points are not transferred.
  •  Only units are transferred.  

Transfer of Credit from UC Davis Extension (UC Concurrent Enrollment)

Up to 12 quarter units of upper-division or graduate level coursework may be transferred while in postbac status (after undergraduate and before the first quarter of graduate).
  •  Courses taken through Open Campus (concurrent registration) must be completed prior to matriculation as a graduate student at UC Davis.
  •  300 level Extension courses (professional units) cannot be transferred.
  •  Students will receive unit and grade point credit for their concurrent coursework.  Extension courses do not reduce UC Davis residence requirement.

Transfer of Credit from a UC Davis Summer Session (Postbac Standing)

Up to two courses (no unit maximum) taken during a UC Davis Summer Session, prior to matriculation as a graduate student, may be transferred toward the UC Davis master's degree requirements.  This coursework must be taken and completed after the student has received a bachelor’s degree. The coursework does not qualify as transfer credit if it is a prerequisite for admission to the graduate program.
  •  Only units are transferred.  If requested, students may receive unit and grade point credit for their summer session coursework.  Does not reduce UC Davis residence requirements.

Transfer of Credit from Undergraduate Status (Any Institution)

Up to two courses (no unit maximum) of graduate work taken by an undergraduate student may be credited towards the UC Davis master's degree requirements.  Only graduate-level courses are eligible for transfer. 
   •  Only units are transferred.  Does not include grade points, and does not reduce UC Davis residence requirement. 

Transfer Quick-Reference

Source of Transfer CourseworkStudent Standing During Course(s)Transfer Units/Courses PermittedTransfer Course LevelUnits TransferredGPA TransferredResidence Reduced
Another UC Campus (not a UC Extension)GraduateUp to 50% of units required for the UC Davis master's degreeUpper-division or Graduate YesYesYes
A Non-UC CampusGraduateUp to two courses (no unit max)Upper-division or GraduateYesNoNo
UC Davis ExtensionPostbac (after undergrad but before grad)Up to 12 quarter unitsUpper-division or GraduateYesYesNo
UC Davis Summer SessionPostbac (after undergrad but before grad)Up to two courses (no unit max)Upper-division or GraduateYesBy RequestNo
Undergraduate (any Institution)UndergraduateUp to two courses (no unit max)Graduate OnlyYesNoNo