GrEdPri 2 Es
GrEdPri 2 Es
GrEdPri 2 Es
(curso 2024/25)
El equipo docente de la asignatura está publicado en la página web y en el campus virtual del
This subject aims to develop communicative competence in the English language in an intermediate
level (B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference) in each one of the linguistic
competences through a series of activities and tasks based on different real-life contexts and
CG8. Diseñar estrategias didácticas adecuadas a la naturaleza del ámbito científico concreto,
CT10. Conocer y utilizar las estrategias de comunicación oral y escrita y el uso de las TIC en el
desarrollo profesional.
CT13. Adquirir la capacidad de trabajo independiente, impulsando la organización y
favoreciendo el aprendizaje autónomo.
CT14. Aplicar el uso oral y escrito de una lengua extranjera en el desarrollo de la titulación.
CM8.8 Valorar distintas estrategias metodológicas adecuadas a las diferentes áreas del
conocimiento en Lengua y la Literatura
CM8.7.1 Comprender los principios básicos de las Ciencias del Lenguaje y la Comunicación.
CM8.7.5 Expresarse, oralmente y por escrito en una Lengua Extranjera.
CM8.8.1 Conocer el proceso de aprendizaje del lenguaje escrito y su enseñanza.
2. The students will participate in an active way in class and will develop a sense of autonomy and
responsibility in their own learning process.
3. The students will show interest in the sociocultural contexts of English speaking countries.
4. The students will practice the English language as related to their teaching profession and will be
committed with their own learning developing a professional responsibility.
5. The students will develop the communicative competence (linguistic, discursive, sociolinguistic and
strategic) through the basic linguistic skills according to the B1 level (CEFR).
The CEFR describes level B1's user capable of carrying out the following linguistic skills:
• Understanding:
o Listening:
- Can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly
encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
- Can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of
personal or professional interest
- Eating in.... and out. Present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs.
- Modern families. Future forms: present continuous, be going to, will/won´t.
- Practical English. Reacting to what people say.
- Spending money. Present perfect and past simple.
- Changing lives. Present perfect+ for/since, present perfect continuous
- Revise and check 1&2
- Survive the drive. Choosing between comparatives and superlatives
- Men, women and children. Articles: a/an, the, no article.
- Practical English. Giving opinions.
- Bad manners? Obligation and prohibition: have to, must, should.
- Yes, I can! Ability and possibility: can, could, be able to
- Sporting superstitions. Past tenses: simple, continuous, perfect.
- #thewaywemeet: past and present habits and states.
- Practical English: permission and requests.
La metodología docente se inspira en el Modelo Pedagógico del CES y el enfoque DUA, cuyos
objetivos son: desarrollar una educación inclusiva y de calidad, promover oportunidades para todo
el alumnado y fomentar un aprendizaje significativo, experiencial y cooperativo en el que el
estudiante es parte activa del proceso.
Esto implica enseñar a pensar de una manera fundamentada, ordenada, eficaz y práctica, que
impulse la madurez y la autonomía, el interés por el aprendizaje y finalmente, la capacidad de
transferencia a su futuro contexto profesional.
En el desarrollo de la asignatura se van a aplicar técnicas de aprendizaje que mejoran la
construcción del pensamiento y favorecen la innovación tecnológica.
Por último, la asignatura puede incluir visitas formativas a centros educativos y entidades y/o
charlas de profesionales en el aula con el objetivo de fortalecer el conocimiento directo del ámbito
1. Practical lessons: classroom practice that will involve analysis and problem solving.
2. Theory: linguistic English features- including grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation-will be
analysed within real life contexts.
3. Communicative lessons, so that students can develop their communicative competence, with a
special focus on interaction.
4. Lessons will be taught in English, so that students language proficiency can eventually develop at
a B1 level.
5. Interactive methodology and use of audiovisual materials.
6. Use of Cooperative Learning Strategies, like the rotating paper.
7. The methodology will combine individual, pair and group work activities.
4. Independent work is a must, so that teacher's evaluation and feedback can be effective.
7. Tutorials: to support students in their learning process in a progressive way, not just at the end of
the course.
Penalización del plagio o intentos de engaño en las técnicas de evaluación, suponiendo la
pérdida de la convocatoria. El docente estimará si precisa aplicar técnicas complementarias
en caso de detectarlo.
Realización y entrega en fecha y forma establecida las actividades y trabajos
Para la cita y referencia de fuentes de información de los trabajos académicos, el alumnado
debe seguir las recomendaciones de las normas APA vigentes.
Ortografía en los trabajos académicos y en las pruebas escritas: Entendemos que el
alumnado universitario tiene asumidas las capacidades lingüísticas en relación a la
expresión oral y escrita. Por tanto, es primordial y obligatoria la corrección ortográfica
(ortografía, acentuación y puntuación), gramatical y léxica en los trabajos y exámenes
En los criterios de evaluación, se atenderán las indicaciones que el SOUAE sobre
estudiantes con Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo.
- The students themselves are responsible for their own learning process. This means they must
contact the teacher at the course start, so that they they can be closely informed about the course
requirements they must meet in order to pass, that is, the work plan and the guidelines for the
assessment techniques.
- "Those students who hold a language certificate with a higher level than the one given in the course
are exempt to attend lessons, as long as they apply for a convalidation by sending an email to the
teacher with an scanned copy of the certificate from the following Table
( In that case their
final mark would be 5.
The pass mark will be 5 out of 10. Therefore students will have
to get at least a 50% so that the partial mark obtained in this
assessment technique can be added to the final mark. In other
words, it is necessary to obtain at least 2.5 pt. out of 5.
Proyectos Students will do an individual show and tell presentation , thus 10%
demonstrating their public speaking skills in class.
The pass mark will be 5 out of 10. Therefore students will have
to get at least a 50%, so that the partial mark obtained in this
assessment technique can be added to the final mark. In other
words, it is necessary to obtain at least 0.5 pt. out of 1.
Debates y Students will take two Listening Comprehension tests. Each test 20%
exposiciones will be worth a 5%
The pass mark will be 5 out of 10. Therefore students will have
to get at least a 50% so that the partial mark obtained in this
assessment technique can be added to the final mark. In other
words, it is necessary to obtain at least 1 pt. out of 2.
Clemen, G.D.B. (2014). British and American Festivities: A2-niveau ERK. Vicens Vives.
Deuter, M, Bradbery, J, & Turnbull, J. (Eds.). (2015). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. (9th
ed.). OUP.
Hancock, M. y McDonald, A. (2014). Authentic Listening Resource Pack. Delta Publishing.
Hancock, M. (2017). English Pronunciation in Use. Intermediate. Cambridge: CUP.Hornby, A. S.
(2006). Oxford Dictionary of Current English. OUP.
Latham-Koenig, C., Oxenden, C & Lambert, J. (2019). English File B1, Intermediate with Online
Practice for Speakers of Spanish. A. (4th ed.). OUP.
Logan, S. & Thaine, C. (2008). Real Listening and Speaking with Answers. CUP.
McCarthy, M., & O´Dell, F. (2017). Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Book with Answers:
Vocabulary Reference and Practice. CUP.
McCarthy, M., & O´Dell, F. (2017). English Collocations in Use Intermediate Book with Answers:
How Words Work Together for Fluent and Natural English. CUP.
McCarthy, M., & O´Dell, F. (2017). English Idioms in Use Intermediate Book with Answers:
Vocabulary Reference and Practice. CUP.
Murphy, R. (2017). English Grammar in Use Book with Answers: A Self-Study Reference and
Practice Book for Intermediate Learners of English. CUP.
Murphy, R.(2019). English Grammar in Use. (5th ed.). CUP.Parrott, M. (2010). Grammar for English
Language Teachers. (2nd ed.). CUP. Roam,D. (2014). How Everybody can make extraordinary
presentations. Porfolio Penguin