Modular Report I Financiera Confianza SAA
Modular Report I Financiera Confianza SAA
Modular Report I Financiera Confianza SAA
FINANCIERA CONFIANZA SAA........................................................................................1
GONZALES PEÑA, JHON RUBEN..................................................................................1
1.6. Authority under whose guidance and advice the practice was carried out............7
1.7. First Module: Organization and Programming......................................................7
2.1.1. Vision.................................................................................................................9
2.1.2. Mission...............................................................................................................9
2.1.3. Institutional values.............................................................................................9
2.2. Internal evaluation...............................................................................................11
2.3. External evaluation..............................................................................................12
2.3.1. Sector analysis:................................................................................................12
2.3.2. Growth of Financial Confidence......................................................................12
b) Liabilities....................................................................................................................14
2.4.1. Interpretation and analysis...............................................................................15
• Technological resources..........................................................................................15
• Human Resources....................................................................................................15
• Prestige in the sector...............................................................................................15
• Years of experience.................................................................................................15
• Attention quality......................................................................................................16
• Transparency in information...................................................................................16
• Customer satisfaction..............................................................................................16
• Organizational climate............................................................................................16
2.5. Goals....................................................................................................................17
2.5.1. General objective.............................................................................................17
2.5.2. Specific objectives ..........................................................................................17
3.1. Organizational structure......................................................................................18
3.3. Organization and functions manual.....................................................................21
3.4. internal regulations..................................................................................................23
7.1. Recruitment and staff selection...........................................................................24
7.1.1. Job profile analysis..........................................................................................24
Job profile:......................................................................................................................24
7.1.2. Recruitment......................................................................................................26
7.1.3. Selection...........................................................................................................26
7.1.4. Motivation........................................................................................................27
7.1.5. Leadership (Management Skills).....................................................................27
7.1.6. Effective communication.................................................................................28
7.2. Communication strategies with the financial client............................................28
5.1. Design of Head of Operations/Cash/Treasury Position.......................................29
5.2. Cashier/Treasury/Shop Operator Position Design...............................................30
6.1. IFI Products and Services and Marketing Strategy.............................................31
6.1.1 Active Operations............................................................................................31
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES...............................................................................38
This modular project report is titled active and passive products of Financiera Confianza
and its main objective is to promote, through experiential experience, the sale of financial products
and services of Financiera Confianza in the target market in accordance with its organizational
culture. . Demonstrate the organizational culture of Financiera Confianza, demonstrate the
marketing strategies and techniques used for the sale of Financiera Confianza products and services
and use the use of techniques and tools in customer service management in accordance with the
organizational culture of Financiera Confianza. Trust
The following report is organized as follows: The first chapter considers the general data of
Financiera Confianza. In the second chapter we consider the information of the financial institution
which will see the philosophy of Financiera Confianza and making an internal and external
evaluation of the competitive and objective profile. The third chapter will detail the organization of
Financiera Confianza of which we will take into consideration the organizational culture, process
flowchart, with organization and functions manual. The fourth chapter applies quality to customer
service taking into account the rules of Financiera Confianza. The fifth chapter details points about
the operations or cash area. The sixth chapter explains the marketing strategies of active and passive
Likewise, to conclude, the seventh chapter includes the evaluation of results, success factors
and restrictions, culminating in the improvement plan.
1.6. Authority under whose guidance and advice the practice was carried out
2.1.1. Vision
We create opportunities for sustainable and inclusive economic and social
development through Productive Finance.
2.1.2. Mission
We promote the sustainable and inclusive economic and social development of the
most disadvantaged people in society through Productive Finance.
Created in 2007, it is
part of the
According to the resolution of the legal framework
Legal framework Microfinance
of operation, Financiera Confianza was able to open
of operation Foundation
its doors to the public on May 29, 1998.
Foundation brings
the voice of Latin
American Formalizing new businesses, improving the quality
of life of thousands of farmers, that reality is now
possible, thanks to the work that has been done to
Evidence of social women to the UN. - help create companies in the central mountains and
responsibility Niño Costero: in the capital with the
Affected clients trust as a supreme value to improve the quality of
received close to S/3 life of rural populations in the growth of businesses
million. in the micro and small business sector.
participation and concentrating 18.9% and 12.3% respectively of the total loans, with greater
growth in the Northern and Central territories. The loan portfolio was distributed among
211,635 clients, of which 50.8% correspond to women. In liabilities, the deposit portfolio was
made up of 437,409 depositors, with 493,164 net clients at the end of 2017 (24,262 more
clients compared to 2016).
The maintenance and growth of Financiera Confianza is based on the management of the
reputation of its members. The final goal of our government system is the implementation of
mechanisms that allow a harmonious balance between control and management, and the
satisfaction of the requirements of interest groups.
Currently, at Financiera Confianza we have more than half a million clients, who come
from 1,335 of the 1,838 districts that exist throughout the national territory. For this reason, we
are also the microfinance network with the greatest rural reach throughout the country. Below
is a graph of the Financiera Confianza.
b) Liabilities
Below is a table of the substitute passive products of Financiera Confianza with Caja Arequipa
and Caja Huancayo.
Transparency in information
0.10 3 0.3 3 0.3 3 0.3
Customer satisfaction 0.20 3 0.6 3 0.6 3 0.6
Organizational climate 0.08 2 0.16 3 0.24 4 0.32
TOTAL 1 3.14 3.22 3.46
Own source.
• Technological resources
Financial Confidence in technological resources with its competition are in the same range on
average of 4, the competition also uses the same technology.
• Human Resources
Caja Huancayo: It has a rating of 3, because it has highly trained personnel.
Financiera Confianza: It has a rating of 2, because it does not apply an adequate strategy for
the optimal development of personnel.
• Years of experience
Caja Huancayo has a rating of 4, because it has been offering its financial products and
services for more than 50 years.
Financiera Confianza has a rating of 3, because it has only been in the financial market for 22
Caja Arequipa has a rating of 3, because it has only been in the financial market for 33 years.
• Attention quality
Financiera Confianza has a rating of 3, as do its competencies because they have responsible
financial inclusion with their clients and users.
• Transparency in information
Financiera Confianza has a rating of 3, as do its competencies because information on costs
(interest rates, commissions and expenses) is available in our offices and websites or on our
customer service platforms.
• Customer satisfaction
Financiera Confianza has a rating of 3, as do its competencies because it has a good
development approach and commitment to its clients in the development of the country.
• Organizational climate
Caja Huancayo has a rating of 4, because the work environment is pleasant for the
collaborator, the interrelation is familiar.
Financiera Confianza has a rating of 2, because the place where people live together lacks
dynamism and teamwork.
2.5. Goals
2.5.1. General objective
Promote through experiential experience the sale of Financiera Confianza's
financial products and services in the target market in accordance with its
organizational culture.
Figure 2. Organizational chart of Financiera Confianza, recovered from the page of the same
3.2. Flowchart:
Placement processes and IFI recruitment process
a) Placement process
b) Recruitment process
Commercial advisor:
Principal function
4- Responsible for managing the promotion, evaluation, granting, monitoring and recovery of
credit operations, products and services to new and recurring clients of the financial
institution where they work.
Secondary Functions
4- Carry out the analysis and participate in the decision to grant credit operations according to
the current regulations of the financial entity, in addition to ensuring compliance with the
resolution of the credit committee.
4- Monitoring and control of credits from the beginning of placement until its cancellation.
4- Provide information to the client and/or user about savings and credit products.
4- Daily field visit of your credit portfolio and potential clients through credit promotion.
4- Compilation of economic, commercial, family, financial and moral solvency information,
both at home and in the business, of recurring and potential clients.
4- Carry out the economic and financial analysis of credit operations to determine the level of
risk, verifying that the amount and repayment conditions bear a reasonable relationship
with the economic-financial situation of the client.
4- Preparation, verification of the credit file that contains all the required information, keeping
it in an orderly, legible and adequately documented manner.
4- Notification to delinquent clients, both to the owner and guarantor, as appropriate.
4- Provide immediate solutions such as rescheduling, refinancing or judicial collection of
overdue loans that have cash flow problems or are unlikely to pay.
4- Maintain optimal delinquency indicators, adequately managing the level of provisions of
the assigned portfolio.
4- Administration of own and inherited client credit portfolio with the objective of generating
4- Generation of profitability of your portfolio, by subtracting the Financial Income of
your portfolio minus the provisions generated by it.
4- Receives and delivers checks, cash, bank deposits, control forms (cash deposit form)
and other valuable documents.
4- All collaborators without exception must show up to work with their respective
uniform and excellent presentation.
4- No employee may smoke inside the facilities. No person, without exception, may
4- Alcoholic beverages.
4- Drugs.
4- Firearms or sharp weapons.
4- Staff will not be able to enter the facilities if they are intoxicated or under the
influence of any drug or narcotic, which may lead to their permanent discharge.
5- No collaborator may receive personal visits.
6- No employee may make personal calls except in emergencies.
7- Pets are not accepted inside the facilities.
Platform: The care provided is extremely effective, with personalized attention which
explains in detail each of the services to be provided.
Cash: They maintain strict control and supervision of the financial movements offered by the
Job profile:
4- Credit Analysts evaluate the solvency of people who apply to obtain a bank loan. In
this sense, they are in charge of collecting and examining each person's financial
information, such as their payment history, income balance and savings.
5- The work performed by these professionals is different from that of Credit Advisors,
who guide and assist clients throughout the entire process. Instead, Analysts explain
the different types of loans and their conditions to clients; Next, they proceed with the
verification of the financial record of those who apply for a loan or line of credit, in
order to determine whether or not that person qualifies for the corresponding approval.
7.1.2. Recruitment
Carry out the recruitment and selection of personnel to cover the personnel requirements for
massive, commercial, administrative and leadership positions within the established deadlines
and assigned positions.
Know and apply the policies, standards and procedures established in the Manual for the
Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism of Financiera Confidencia.
7.1.3. Selection
At this point it is important to mention that there is no single way to carry out the selection
process. The way to design and execute the process depends on the needs, priorities,
organizational policies , as well as the resources available for it.
Human Resources or the agency that presents the vacancy, who will be in charge of
evaluating the information collected, according to the requirements that the position demands
of its occupant and making a preselection.
Step 2: Collected Background Assessment
Selection should be viewed as a real comparison process. The purpose of this stage is to
preselect candidates, establishing a comparison between:
4- The individual records collected, and
5- The information provided by the analysis and description of the position to be
In this way, when establishing this comparison we will obtain those candidates who meet
the minimum or basic requirements to occupy a certain position, such as: studies, profession,
experience, age and income requirements, among others.
Step 3: Selection interview
During the selection process, the personal interview is the factor that most influences the
final decision regarding whether or not to accept a candidate for employment.
It consists of a formal and in-depth conversation, conducted to evaluate the applicant's
suitability for the position.
The interviewer aims to answer two general questions:
7.1.4. Motivation
4- The main motivation for our collaborators: emotional motivation, in this type of
motivation congratulations are used (employee of the month), which is expressed in
front of all the personnel in the area.
5- Financial confidence motivates its collaborators through good commissions with
respect to the goals proposed by the entity, according to the productivity of each
6- Through an excellent work environment that maintains the human resources area and
this helps in work motivation, contributing to the fulfillment of the goal and the
productivity of the entity.
7.1.5. Leadership (Management Skills)
Leadership techniques are vital today for a good boss to know how to get the most out of
his team. In this case, each manager of each branch always maintains composure and trust
with each of his workers, speaking to them and guiding them how the work should be. The
value that most characterizes us is respect for each of our clients and speed when serving, this
is emphasized to each of our workers.
Source: Staff.
Treasury: the treasury in our financial institutions will be in charge of receiving money
from clients in our bank. The treasury will support everything that will be the cash flow.
We also maintain order among our collaborators
a) Competitive profile:
4- Graduated university professional or with a bachelor's degree with knowledge:
Administration, sureties, accounting or other purposes.
5- 2 years of experience in the financial sector, advanced level knowledge of
Microsoft Office.
6- Knowledge of client portfolio management.
7- Knowledge of using Internet tools at an intermediate level.
b) Competencies:
4- Competencies in soft skills.
5- Customer orientation.
6- Continuous improvement.
7- Teamwork.
8- Analysis capacity.
9- Market management.
10- Empathy.
11- Effective communication.
Window: This is in charge of receiving money. In addition to that, they will be in charge
of receiving and addressing complaints or claims that each of our clients may have, providing
b) Competencies:
4- Competencies in soft skills.
5- Customer orientation.
6- Continuous improvement.
7- Teamwork.
8- Analysis capacity.
9- Market management.
10- Empathy.
11- Effective communication.
2. Knowledge of the marketing and sales strategies and techniques of products and services
used by Financial Trust was facilitated through facilitating understanding of the
strategies and techniques applied, such as advertising through social networks and
websites. The media and the distribution of information sheets, as well as active sales
through mobile banking. Call center and modular offers in public places the
demonstration of marketing strategies, sales of products and financial services through
the simulation or effective reproduction of all applied techniques and tools.
3. The knowledge of techniques and tools on customer service management that uses
financial trust was achieved thanks to understanding. Such as the cover letter or
personal image and the deployment of soft skills, assertive communication, teamwork,
positive attitude, decision making and acceptance of claims and criticism of tools such
as savings and credit simulators, the risk center. and the posters, diptychs and triptychs
of normal use of financial confidence, demonstrations of the techniques in the field on
management in the various aspects involved in improvement and continuous
2. At Financiera Confianza you have to continue carrying out your service protocol,
established in the MOF. From the Financial Department, the function of
expanding the marketing mix is to be able to reach and have more sales forces in
the sector and the most important is to promote the development of sales
strategies, strengthening the constant motivation of collaborators because this is
the engine for the growth of Financiera Confianza.