Montana's Testing Requirements for Trading Partners Using an established Value Added Network (VAN) approved for transmission to Montana:
If a Montana TP is switching between main EDI Vendors, MT will require 1 Connectivity Test, which should include 2 FROI Transactions and 2 SROI Transactions. If the connectivity test is successful and the transactions pass edits, they will be approved for MT Production.
If a TP is new to MT EDI or using VANs, MT will require the TP to submit a batch of 5 FROI's and 5 SROI's. If the TP does not receive 100% success, additional FROI/SROI's will be requested. Test records must contain various reporting scenarios. Prior to Testing a TP new to Montana EDI, Montana will communicate directly with the TP to verify they are familiar with Montana’s reporting requirements.
Trading Partner Agreements should be directed to Doug Roope([email protected]).
Testing Issues/Questions should be directed to Mike Bartow ([email protected]).