52 results sorted by ID
Possible spell-corrected query: integer commitment
Fully-Succinct Arguments over the Integers from First Principles
Matteo Campanelli, Mathias Hall-Andersen
Cryptographic protocols
Succinct arguments of knowledge allow an untrusted prover to establish that they know a witness for an NP relation. Many recent efficient constructions of such schemes work over arithmetic computations expressed in finite fields.
Several common settings, however, have an extremely simple representation when expressed over the integers (e.g., RSA signatures/accumulators, range checks for committed values, computations over rational numbers). Efficient arguments of knowledge working natively...
Direct Range Proofs for Paillier Cryptosystem and Their Applications
Zhikang Xie, Mengling Liu, Haiyang Xue, Man Ho Au, Robert H. Deng, Siu-Ming Yiu
Public-key cryptography
The Paillier cryptosystem is renowned for its applications in electronic voting, threshold ECDSA, multi-party computation, and more, largely due to its additive homomorphism. In these applications, range proofs for the Paillier cryptosystem are crucial for maintaining security, because of the mismatch between the message space in the Paillier system and the operation space in application scenarios.
In this paper, we present novel range proofs for the Paillier cryptosystem, specifically...
Lattice-Based Functional Commitments: Fast Verification and Cryptanalysis
Hoeteck Wee, David J. Wu
A functional commitment allows a user to commit to an input $\mathbf{x} \in \{0,1\}^\ell$ and later open up the commitment to a value $y = f(\mathbf{x})$ with respect to some function $f$. In this work, we focus on schemes that support fast verification. Specifically, after a preprocessing step that depends only on $f$, the verification time as well as the size of the commitment and opening should be sublinear in the input length $\ell$, We also consider the dual setting where the user...
An Incremental PoSW for General Weight Distributions
Hamza Abusalah, Valerio Cini
Cryptographic protocols
A proof of sequential work (PoSW) scheme allows the prover to convince a verifier that it computed a certain number of computational steps sequentially.
Very recently, graph-labeling PoSW schemes, found applications in light-client blockchain protocols, most notably bootstrapping. A bootstrapping protocol allows a light client, with minimal information about the blockchain, to hold a commitment to its stable prefix. An incremental PoSW (iPoSW) scheme allows the prover to non-trivially...
Post-Quantum Single Secret Leader Election (SSLE) From Publicly Re-randomizable Commitments
Dan Boneh, Aditi Partap, Lior Rotem
Cryptographic protocols
A Single Secret Leader Election (SSLE) enables a group of parties to randomly choose exactly one leader from the group with the restriction that the identity of the leader will be known to the chosen leader and nobody else. At a later time, the elected leader should be able to publicly reveal her identity and prove that she is the elected leader. The election process itself should work properly even if many registered users are passive and do not send any messages. SSLE is used to strengthen...
Unlocking the lookup singularity with Lasso
Srinath Setty, Justin Thaler, Riad Wahby
This paper introduces Lasso, a new family of lookup arguments, which allow an untrusted prover to commit to a vector $a \in \mathbb{F}^m$ and prove that all entries of a reside in some predetermined table $t \in \mathbb{F}^n$. Lasso’s performance characteristics unlock the so-called "lookup singularity". Lasso works with any multilinear polynomial commitment scheme, and provides the following efficiency properties.
For $m$ lookups into a table of size $n$, Lasso’s prover commits to just...
Lattice-Based Succinct Arguments for NP with Polylogarithmic-Time Verification
Jonathan Bootle, Alessandro Chiesa, Katerina Sotiraki
Cryptographic protocols
Succinct arguments that rely on the Merkle-tree paradigm introduced by Kilian (STOC 92) suffer from larger proof sizes in practice due to the use of generic cryptographic primitives. In contrast, succinct arguments with the smallest proof sizes in practice exploit homomorphic commitments. However these latter are quantum insecure, unlike succinct arguments based on the Merkle-tree paradigm.
A recent line of works seeks to address this limitation, by constructing quantum-safe succinct...
A Different Base Approach for Better Efficiency on Range Proofs
Esra Günsay, Cansu Betin Onur, Murat Cenk
Cryptographic protocols
Zero-knowledge range proofs (ZKRPs) are commonly used to prove the validation of a secret integer lies in an interval to some other party in a secret way. In many ZKRPs, the secret is represented in binary and then committed via a suitable commitment scheme or represented as an appropriate encryption scheme. This paper is an extended version of the conference paper presented in 14th IEEE International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. To this end, we first analyze the proof...
On-Line/Off-Line DCR-based Homomorphic Encryption and Applications
Marc Joye
Public-key cryptography
On-line/off-line encryption schemes enable the fast encryption of a message from a pre-computed coupon. The paradigm was put forward in the case of digital signatures.
This work introduces a compact public-key additively homomorphic encryption scheme. The scheme is semantically secure under the decisional composite residuosity (DCR) assumption. Compared to Paillier cryptosystem, it merely requires one or two integer additions in the on-line phase and no increase in the ciphertext size. This...
Succinct Vector, Polynomial, and Functional Commitments from Lattices
Hoeteck Wee, David J. Wu
Public-key cryptography
Vector commitment schemes allow a user to commit to a vector of values $\mathbf{x} \in \{0,1\}^\ell$ and later, open up the commitment to a specific set of positions. Both the size of the commitment and the size of the opening should be succinct (i.e., polylogarithmic in the length $\ell$ of the vector). Vector commitments and their generalizations to polynomial commitments and functional commitments are key building blocks for many cryptographic protocols.
We introduce a new framework...
Functional Commitments for All Functions, with Transparent Setup and from SIS
Leo de Castro, Chris Peikert
Public-key cryptography
A *functional commitment* scheme enables a user to concisely commit to a function from a specified family, then later concisely and verifiably reveal values of the function at desired inputs. Useful special cases, which have seen applications across cryptography, include vector commitments and polynomial commitments.
To date, functional commitments have been constructed (under falsifiable assumptions) only for functions that are essentially *linear*, with one recent exception that works...
Lattice-Based SNARKs: Publicly Verifiable, Preprocessing, and Recursively Composable
Martin R. Albrecht, Valerio Cini, Russell W. F. Lai, Giulio Malavolta, Sri AravindaKrishnan Thyagarajan
Cryptographic protocols
A succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (SNARK) allows a prover to produce a short proof that certifies the veracity of a certain NP-statement. In the last decade, a large body of work has studied candidate constructions that are secure against quantum attackers. Unfortunately, no known candidate matches the efficiency and desirable features of (pre-quantum) constructions based on bilinear pairings.
In this work, we make progress on this question. We propose the first...
The State of the Union: Union-Only Signatures for Data Aggregation
Diego F. Aranha, Felix Engelmann, Sebastian Kolby, Sophia Yakoubov
Public-key cryptography
A union-only signature (UOS) scheme (informally introduced by Johnson et al. at CT-RSA 2002) allows signers to sign sets of messages in such a way that (1) any third party can merge two signatures to derive a signature on the union of the message sets, and (2) no adversary, given a signature on some set, can derive a valid signature on any strict subset of that set (unless it has seen such a signature already).
Johnson et al. originally posed building a UOS as an open problem. In this...
Covert Authentication from Lattices
Rajendra Kumar, Khoa Nguyen
Cryptographic protocols
Introduced by von Ahn et al. (STOC’05), covert two-party computation is an appealing cryptographic primitive that allows Al- ice and Bob to securely evaluate a function on their secret inputs in a steganographic manner, i.e., even the existence of a computation is oblivious to each party - unless the output of the function is favourable to both. A prominent form of covert computation is covert authentica- tion, where Alice and Bob want to authenticate each other based on their credentials,...
Cross Chain Atomic Swaps in the Absence of Time via Attribute Verifiable Timed Commitments
Yacov Manevich, Adi Akavia
A Hash Time Lock Contract (HTLC) is a protocol that is commonly used to exchange payments across different blockchains. Using HTLC as a building block for cross blockchain atomic swaps has its drawbacks: The notion of time is handled differently in each blockchain, be it private or public. Additionally, if the swap ends up aborted, the funds are locked in escrow until the safety timeout expires.
In this work we formulate a new cryptographic primitive: Attribute Verifiable Timed...
Inner Product Functional Commitments with Constant-Size Public Parameters and Openings
Hien Chu, Dario Fiore, Dimitris Kolonelos, Dominique Schröder
Public-key cryptography
Functional commitments (Libert et al.~[ICALP'16]) allow a party to commit to a vector $\vec v$ of length $n$ and later open the commitment at functions of the committed vector succinctly, namely with communication logarithmic or constant in $n$.
Existing constructions of functional commitments rely on trusted setups and have either $O(1)$ openings and $O(n)$ parameters, or they have short parameters generatable using public randomness but have $O(\log n)$-size openings.
In this work, we...
Multilinear Schwartz-Zippel mod N with Applications to Succinct Arguments
Benedikt Bünz, Ben Fisch
Cryptographic protocols
We show that for $\mathbf{x}\gets [0,2^\lambda)^\mu$ and any integer $N$ the probability that $f(\mathbf{x})\equiv 0 \bmod N$ for any non-zero multilinear polynomial $f\in \mathbb{Z}[X_1, \dots,X_\mu]$, co-prime to $N$ is inversely proportional to $N$. As a corollary we show that if $\log_2 N\geq \log_2(2\mu)\lambda+8\mu^2 $ then the probability is bounded by $\frac{\mu+1}{2^\lambda}$. We also give tighter numerically derived bounds, showing that if $\log_2 N\geq {418}$, and $\mu\leq 20$ the...
Vector Commitments over Rings and Compressed $\Sigma$-Protocols
Thomas Attema, Ignacio Cascudo, Ronald Cramer, Ivan Bjerre Damgård, Daniel Escudero
Compressed $\Sigma$-Protocol Theory (CRYPTO 2020) presents an ``alternative'' to Bulletproofs that achieves the same communication complexity while adhering more elegantly to existing $\Sigma$-protocol theory, which enables their techniques to be directly applicable to other widely used settings in the context of ``plug \& play'' algorithmics.
Unfortunately, their techniques are restricted to arithmetic circuits over \emph{prime} fields, which rules out the possibility of using more...
An Improved Range Proof with Base-3 Construction
Esra Günsay, Cansu Betin Onur, Murat Cenk
Cryptographic protocols
Zero-knowledge protocols (ZKPs) allow a party to prove the validation of secret information to some other party without revealing any information about the secret itself. Appropriate, effective, and efficient use of cryptographic ZKPs contributes to many novel advances in real-world privacy-preserving frameworks. One of the most important type of cryptographic ZKPs is the zero-knowledge range proofs (ZKRPs). Such proofs have wide range of applications such as anonymous credentials,...
Vector and Functional Commitments from Lattices
Chris Peikert, Zachary Pepin, Chad Sharp
Vector commitment (VC) schemes allow one to commit concisely to an
ordered sequence of values, so that the values at desired positions
can later be proved concisely. In addition, a VC can be statelessly
updatable, meaning that commitments and proofs can be updated to
reflect changes to individual entries, using knowledge of just those
changes (and not the entire vector). VCs have found important
applications in verifiable outsourced databases, cryptographic
accumulators, and...
Appenzeller to Brie: Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Mixed-Mode Arithmetic and $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$
Carsten Baum, Lennart Braun, Alexander Munch-Hansen, Benoit Razet, Peter Scholl
Cryptographic protocols
Zero-knowledge proofs are highly flexible cryptographic protocols that are an important building block for many secure systems. Typically, these are defined with respect to statements that are formulated as arithmetic operations over a fixed finite field. This inflexibility is a disadvantage when it comes to complex programs, as some fields are more amenable to express certain operations than others. At the same time, there do not seem to be many proofs with a programming model similar to...
Efficient Range Proofs with Transparent Setup from Bounded Integer Commitments
Geoffroy Couteau, Michael Klooß, Huang Lin, Michael Reichle
Cryptographic protocols
We introduce a new approach for constructing range proofs. Our approach is modular, and leads to highly competitive range proofs under standard assumption, using less communication and (much) less computation than the state of the art methods, without relying on a trusted setup. Our range proofs can be used as a drop-in replacement in a variety of protocols such as distributed ledgers, anonymous transaction systems, and many more, leading to significant reductions in communication and...
Time- and Space-Efficient Arguments from Groups of Unknown Order
Alexander R. Block, Justin Holmgren, Alon Rosen, Ron D. Rothblum, Pratik Soni
Cryptographic protocols
We construct public-coin time- and space-efficient zero-knowledge arguments for $\mathbf{NP}$. For every time $T$ and space $S$ non-deterministic RAM computation, the prover runs in time $T \cdot \mathrm{polylog}(T)$ and space $S \cdot \mathrm{polylog}(T)$, and the verifier runs in time $n \cdot \mathrm{polylog}(T)$, where $n$ is the input length. Our protocol relies on hidden order groups, which can be instantiated with a trusted setup from the hardness of factoring (products of safe...
A Compressed $\Sigma$-Protocol Theory for Lattices
Thomas Attema, Ronald Cramer, Lisa Kohl
Cryptographic protocols
We show a lattice-based solution for commit-and-prove transparent circuit zero-knowledge (ZK) with polylog-communication, the first not depending on PCPs.
We start from compressed $\Sigma$-protocol theory (CRYPTO 2020), which is built around basic $\Sigma$-protocols for opening an arbitrary linear form on a long secret vector that is compactly committed to. These protocols are first compressed using a recursive ``folding-technique'' adapted from Bulletproofs, at the expense
of logarithmic...
ZEN: An Optimizing Compiler for Verifiable, Zero-Knowledge Neural Network Inferences
Boyuan Feng, Lianke Qin, Zhenfei Zhang, Yufei Ding, Shumo Chu
We present ZEN, the first optimizing compiler that generates efficient verifiable, zero-knowledge neural network inference schemes.
ZEN generates two schemes: ZEN$_{acc}$ and ZEN$_{infer}$.
ZEN$_{acc}$ proves the accuracy of a committed neural network model;
ZEN$_{infer}$ proves a specific inference result.
Used in combination, these verifiable computation schemes ensure both the privacy of the sensitive user data as well as the confidentiality of the neural network models.
However, directly...
Practical Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Integer Relations
Vadim Lyubashevsky, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen, Gregor Seiler
Cryptographic protocols
We present a novel lattice-based zero-knowledge proof system for showing that (arbitrary-sized) committed integers satisfy additive and multiplicative relationships. The proof sizes of our schemes are between two to three orders of magnitude smaller than in the lattice proof system of Libert et al. (CRYPTO 2018) for the same relations. Because the proof sizes of our protocols grow linearly in the integer length, our proofs will eventually be longer than those produced by quantum-safe...
A non-PCP Approach to Succinct Quantum-Safe Zero-Knowledge
Jonathan Bootle, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen, Gregor Seiler
Public-key cryptography
Today's most compact zero-knowledge arguments are based on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem and related classical assumptions. If one is interested in quantum-safe solutions, then all of the known techniques stem from the PCP-based framework of Kilian (STOC 92) which can be instantiated based on the hardness of any collision-resistant hash function. Both approaches produce asymptotically logarithmic sized arguments but, by exploiting extra algebraic structure, the discrete...
Bulletproofs+: Shorter Proofs for Privacy-Enhanced Distributed Ledger
Heewon Chung, Kyoohyung Han, Chanyang Ju, Myungsun Kim, Jae Hong Seo
Cryptographic protocols
We present a new short zero-knowledge argument for the range proof and the arithmetic circuits without a trusted setup. In particular, the proof size of our protocol is the shortest of the category of proof systems with a trustless setup. More concretely, when proving a committed value is a positive integer less than 64 bits, except for negligible error in the $128$-bit security parameter, the proof size is $576$ byte long, which is of $85.7\%$ size of the previous shortest one due to Bünz...
Succinct Diophantine-Satisfiability Arguments
Patrick Towa, Damien Vergnaud
Cryptographic protocols
A Diophantine equation is a multi-variate polynomial equation with integer coefficients, and it is satisfiable if it has a solution with all unknowns taking integer values. Davis, Putnam, Robinson and Matiyasevich showed that the general Diophantine satisfiability problem is undecidable (giving a negative answer to Hilbert’s tenth problem) but it is nevertheless possible to argue in zero-knowledge the knowledge of a solution, if a solution is known to a prover.
We provide the first succinct...
An airdrop that preserves recipient privacy
Riad S. Wahby, Dan Boneh, Christopher Jeffrey, Joseph Poon
Cryptographic protocols
A common approach to bootstrapping a new cryptocurrency is an airdrop,
an arrangement in which existing users give away currency to entice
new users to join. But current airdrops offer no recipient privacy:
they leak which recipients have claimed the funds, and this information
is easily linked to off-chain identities.
In this work, we address this issue by defining a private airdrop and
describing concrete schemes for widely-used user credentials, such
as those based on ECDSA and RSA. ...
Practical Product Proofs for Lattice Commitments
Thomas Attema, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Gregor Seiler
Cryptographic protocols
We construct a practical lattice-based zero-knowledge argument for proving multiplicative relations between
committed values. The underlying commitment scheme that we use is the currently most efficient one of Baum
et al. (SCN 2018), and the size of our multiplicative proof ($9$KB) is only slightly larger than the $7$KB
required for just proving knowledge of the committed values. We additionally expand on the work of
Lyubashevsky and Seiler (Eurocrypt 2018) by showing that the...
Two-Sided Malicious Security for Private Intersection-Sum with Cardinality
Peihan Miao, Sarvar Patel, Mariana Raykova, Karn Seth, Moti Yung
Cryptographic protocols
Private intersection-sum with cardinality allows two parties, where each party holds a private set and one of the parties additionally holds a private integer value associated with each element in her set, to jointly compute the cardinality of the intersection of the two sets as well as the sum of the associated integer values for all the elements in the intersection, and nothing beyond that.
We present a new construction for private intersection sum with cardinality that provides malicious...
Transparent SNARKs from DARK Compilers
Benedikt Bünz, Ben Fisch, Alan Szepieniec
Cryptographic protocols
We construct a new polynomial commitment scheme for univariate and multivariate polynomials over finite fields, with logarithmic size evaluation proofs and verification time, measured in the number of coefficients of the polynomial. The underlying technique is a Diophantine Argument of Knowledge (DARK), leveraging integer representations of polynomials and groups of unknown order. Security is shown from the strong RSA and the adaptive root assumptions. Moreover, the scheme does not require a...
New Code-Based Privacy-Preserving Cryptographic Constructions
Khoa Nguyen, Hanh Tang, Huaxiong Wang, Neng Zeng
Cryptographic protocols
Code-based cryptography has a long history but did suffer from periods of slow development. The field has recently attracted a lot of attention as one of the major branches of post-quantum cryptography. However, its subfield of privacy-preserving cryptographic constructions is still rather underdeveloped, e.g., important building blocks such as zero-knowledge range proofs and set membership proofs, and even proofs of knowledge of a hash preimage, have not been known under code-based...
DL-Extractable UC-Commitment Schemes
Behzad Abdolmaleki, Karim Baghery, Helger Lipmaa, Janno Siim, Michał Zając
Cryptographic protocols
We define a new UC functionality (DL-extractable commitment scheme) that allows committer to open a commitment to a group element $g^x$; however, the simulator will be able to extract its discrete logarithm $x$. Such functionality is useful in situations where the secrecy of $x$ is important since the knowledge of $x$ enables to break privacy while the simulator needs to know $x$ to be able to simulate the corrupted committer. Based on Fujisaki's UC-secure commitment scheme and the...
Batching Techniques for Accumulators with Applications to IOPs and Stateless Blockchains
Dan Boneh, Benedikt Bünz, Ben Fisch
Cryptographic protocols
We present batching techniques for cryptographic accumulators and vector commitments in groups of unknown order. Our techniques are tailored for distributed settings where no trusted accumulator manager exists and updates to the accumulator are processed in batches. We develop techniques for non-interactively aggregating membership proofs that can be verified with a constant number of group operations. We also provide a constant sized batch non-membership proof for a large number of...
Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Integer Relations
Benoît Libert, San Ling, Khoa Nguyen, Huaxiong Wang
Cryptographic protocols
We provide lattice-based protocols allowing to prove relations among committed integers. While the most general zero-knowledge proof techniques can handle arithmetic circuits in the lattice setting, adapting them to prove statements over the integers is non-trivial, at least if we want to handle exponentially large integers while working with a polynomial-size modulus $q$. For a polynomial $L$, we provide zero-knowledge arguments allowing a prover to convince a verifier that committed...
Sub-Linear Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Arithmetic Circuits
Carsten Baum, Jonathan Bootle, Andrea Cerulli, Rafael del Pino, Jens Groth, Vadim Lyubashevsky
We propose the first zero-knowledge argument with sub-linear communication complexity for arithmetic circuit satisfiability over a prime $p$ whose security is based on the hardness of the short integer solution (SIS) problem. For a circuit with $N$ gates, the communication complexity of our protocol is $O\left(\sqrt{N\lambda\log^3{N}}\right)$, where $\lambda$ is the security parameter. A key component of our construction is a surprisingly simple zero-knowledge proof for pre-images of...
Committing to Quantum Resistance: A Slow Defence for Bitcoin against a Fast Quantum Computing Attack
I. Stewart, D. Ilie, A. Zamyatin, S. Werner, M. F. Torshizi, W. J. Knottenbelt
Cryptographic protocols
Quantum computers are expected to have a dramatic impact on numerous fields, due to their anticipated ability to solve classes of mathematical problems much more efficiently than their classical counterparts. This particularly applies to domains involving integer factorisation and discrete logarithms, such as public key cryptography.
In this paper we consider the threats a quantum-capable adversary could impose on Bitcoin, which currently uses the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm...
Amortized Complexity of Zero-Knowledge Proofs Revisited: Achieving Linear Soundness Slack
Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgard, Chaoping Xing, Chen Yuan
Cryptographic protocols
We propose a new zero-knowledge protocol for proving knowledge of short preimages under additively homomorphic functions that map integer vectors to an Abelian group. The protocol achieves amortized efficiency in that it only needs to send $O(n)$ auxiliary function values to prove knowledge of $n$ preimages. Furthermore we significantly improve previous bounds on how short a secret we can extract from a dishonest prover, namely our bound is a factor $O(k)$ larger than the size of secret...
How to prove knowledge of small secrets
Carsten Baum, Ivan Damgård, Kasper Larsen, Michael Nielsen
Cryptographic protocols
We propose a new zero-knowledge protocol applicable to additively homomorphic functions that map integer vectors to an Abelian group. The protocol demonstrates knowledge of a short preimage and achieves amortised efficiency comparable to the approach of Cramer and Damgård from Crypto 2010, but gives a much tighter bound on what we can extract from a dishonest prover. Towards achieving this result, we develop an analysis for bins-and-balls games that might be of independent interest. We...
Removing the Strong RSA Assumption from Arguments over the Integers
Geoffroy Couteau, Thomas Peters, David Pointcheval
Committing integers and proving relations between them is an essential ingredient in many cryptographic protocols. Among them, range proofs have shown to be fundamental. They consist in proving that a committed integer lies in a public interval, which can be seen as a particular case of the more general Diophantine relations: for the committed vector of integers x, there exists a vector of integers w such that P (x,w) = 0, where P is a polynomial.
In this paper, we revisit the security...
Efficient Interval Check in the Presence of Malicious Adversaries
Genqiang Wu, Yeping He, Yi Lu, Liping Ding
Cryptographic protocols
We consider the following problem: Assuming that Alice and Bob have an integer interval $[a, e]$ and an integer $b$ respectively, for a commitment $c$ to $b$, Alice and Bob jointly check whether $b$ is within $[a, e]$ without revealing their inputs, where either party may behave maliciously. A special case of the problem is the secure integer comparison in the malicious model. This problem mainly arises from location-based access control systems where one party needs to assure to the other...
Verifiable Order Queries and Order Statistics on a List in Zero-Knowledge
Esha Ghosh, Olga Ohrimenko, Roberto Tamassia
Given a list L with n elements, an order query on L asks
whether a given element x in L precedes or follows another
element y in L.
More generally, given a set of m elements from L, an order
query asks for the set ordered according to the positions of the
elements in L.
We introduce two formal models for answering order queries on a list
in a verifiable manner and in zero-knowledge. We also present
efficient constructions for these models.
Our first model, called \emph{zero-knowledge list}...
On the Amortized Complexity of Zero Knowledge Protocols for Multiplicative Relations
Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgard, Valerio Pastro
Cryptographic protocols
We present a protocol that allows to prove in zero-knowledge that committed values $x_i, y_i, z_i$, $i=1,\dots,l$ satisfy $x_iy_i=z_i$, where the values are taken from a finite field $K$, or are integers. The amortized communication complexity per instance proven is $O(\kappa + l)$ for an error probability of $2^{-l}$, where $\kappa$ is the size of a commitment. When the committed values are from a field of small constant size, this improves complexity of previous solutions by a factor of...
An Efficient Range-Bounded Commitment Scheme
Zhengjun Cao
Cryptographic protocols
Checking whether a committed integer lies in a specific interval has many cryptographic applications. In Eurocrypt'98, Chan et al. proposed an instantiation (CFT for short). Based on CFT, Boudot presented an efficient range-bounded commitment scheme in Eurocrypt'2000. Both CFT proof and Boudot proof are based on the
encryption $E(x, r)=g^xh^r\ \mbox{mod}\ n$, where $n$ is an RSA
modulus whose factorization is \textit{unknown} by the prover. They
did not use a single base as usual. Thus an...
Designated Confirmer Signatures Revisited
Douglas Wikström
Previous definitions of designated confirmer signatures in the literature are incomplete, and the proposed security definitions fail to capture key security properties, such as unforgeability against malicious confirmers and non-transferability. We propose new definitions.
Previous schemes rely on the random oracle model or set-up assumptions, or are secure with respect to relaxed security definitions. We construct a practical scheme that is provably secure with respect to our security...
The Statistical Zero-knowledge Proof for Blum Integer Based on Discrete Logarithm
Chunming Tang, Zhuojun Liu, Jinwang Liu
Cryptographic protocols
Blum integers (BL), which has extensively been used in the domain
of cryptography, are integers with form $p^{k_1}q^{k_2}$, where
$p$ and $q$ are different primes both $\equiv
3\hspace{4pt}mod\hspace{4pt}4$ and $k_1$ and $k_2$ are odd
integers. These integers can be divided two types: 1) $M=pq$, 2)
$M=p^{k_1}q^{k_2}$, where at least one of $k_1$ and $k_2$ is
greater than 1.\par
In \cite{dbk3}, Bruce Schneier has already proposed an open
problem: {\it it is unknown whether there exists a...
A Verifiable Secret Sharing Scheme with Statistical zero-knowledge
Chunming Tang, Zhuojun Liu, Mingsheng Wang
Cryptographic protocols
In this paper, we first propose a protocol in which the prover can
show that a=b holds for two committed integers a and b;
also, we present a protocol in which the prover can prove that
a\neq 0 holds for committed integer a; then, we construct a
protocol to prove that the degree of a polynomial f(x) equals to
t-1 exactly, which has been as an open problem(see[21]);
finally, we provide a protocol in which the prover proves that a
pair (x,y) is generated by a polynomial f(x), i.e., y=f(x)(mod...
On Diophantine Complexity and Statistical Zero-Knowledge Arguments
Helger Lipmaa
Cryptographic protocols
We show how to construct practical honest-verifier statistical zero-knowledge \emph{Diophantine} arguments of knowledge (HVSZK AoK) that a committed tuple of integers belongs to an arbitrary language in bounded arithmetic. While doing this, we propose a new algorithm for computing the Lagrange representation of nonnegative integers and a new efficient representing polynomial for the exponential relation. We apply our results by constructing the most efficient known HVSZK AoK for...
Statistical Zero-Knowledge Proofs from Diophantine Equations
Helger Lipmaa
A family $(S_t)$ of sets is $p$-bounded Diophantine if $S_t$ has a
representing $p$-bounded polynomial $R_{S,t}$, s.t. $x\in S_t \iff
(\exists y)[R_{S}(x;y)=0]$. We say that $(S_t)$ is unbounded
Diophantine if additionally, $R_{S,t}$ is a fixed $t$-independent
polynomial. We show that $p$-bounded (resp., unbounded) Diophantine
set has a polynomial-size (resp., constant-size) statistical
zero-knowledge proof system that a committed tuple $x$ belongs to
$S$. We describe efficient SZK proof...
An Integer Commitment Scheme based on Groups with Hidden Order
Ivan Damgard, Eiichiro Fujisaki
Cryptographic protocols
We present a commitment scheme allowing commitment to arbitrary size integers, based on any Abelian group with certain properties, most importantly that it is hard for the committer to compute its order. Potential examples include RSA and class groups. We also give efficient zero-knowledge protocols for proving knowledge of the contents of a commitment and for verifying multiplicative relations over the integers on committed values. This means that our scheme can support, for instance, the...
Succinct arguments of knowledge allow an untrusted prover to establish that they know a witness for an NP relation. Many recent efficient constructions of such schemes work over arithmetic computations expressed in finite fields. Several common settings, however, have an extremely simple representation when expressed over the integers (e.g., RSA signatures/accumulators, range checks for committed values, computations over rational numbers). Efficient arguments of knowledge working natively...
The Paillier cryptosystem is renowned for its applications in electronic voting, threshold ECDSA, multi-party computation, and more, largely due to its additive homomorphism. In these applications, range proofs for the Paillier cryptosystem are crucial for maintaining security, because of the mismatch between the message space in the Paillier system and the operation space in application scenarios. In this paper, we present novel range proofs for the Paillier cryptosystem, specifically...
A functional commitment allows a user to commit to an input $\mathbf{x} \in \{0,1\}^\ell$ and later open up the commitment to a value $y = f(\mathbf{x})$ with respect to some function $f$. In this work, we focus on schemes that support fast verification. Specifically, after a preprocessing step that depends only on $f$, the verification time as well as the size of the commitment and opening should be sublinear in the input length $\ell$, We also consider the dual setting where the user...
A proof of sequential work (PoSW) scheme allows the prover to convince a verifier that it computed a certain number of computational steps sequentially. Very recently, graph-labeling PoSW schemes, found applications in light-client blockchain protocols, most notably bootstrapping. A bootstrapping protocol allows a light client, with minimal information about the blockchain, to hold a commitment to its stable prefix. An incremental PoSW (iPoSW) scheme allows the prover to non-trivially...
A Single Secret Leader Election (SSLE) enables a group of parties to randomly choose exactly one leader from the group with the restriction that the identity of the leader will be known to the chosen leader and nobody else. At a later time, the elected leader should be able to publicly reveal her identity and prove that she is the elected leader. The election process itself should work properly even if many registered users are passive and do not send any messages. SSLE is used to strengthen...
This paper introduces Lasso, a new family of lookup arguments, which allow an untrusted prover to commit to a vector $a \in \mathbb{F}^m$ and prove that all entries of a reside in some predetermined table $t \in \mathbb{F}^n$. Lasso’s performance characteristics unlock the so-called "lookup singularity". Lasso works with any multilinear polynomial commitment scheme, and provides the following efficiency properties. For $m$ lookups into a table of size $n$, Lasso’s prover commits to just...
Succinct arguments that rely on the Merkle-tree paradigm introduced by Kilian (STOC 92) suffer from larger proof sizes in practice due to the use of generic cryptographic primitives. In contrast, succinct arguments with the smallest proof sizes in practice exploit homomorphic commitments. However these latter are quantum insecure, unlike succinct arguments based on the Merkle-tree paradigm. A recent line of works seeks to address this limitation, by constructing quantum-safe succinct...
Zero-knowledge range proofs (ZKRPs) are commonly used to prove the validation of a secret integer lies in an interval to some other party in a secret way. In many ZKRPs, the secret is represented in binary and then committed via a suitable commitment scheme or represented as an appropriate encryption scheme. This paper is an extended version of the conference paper presented in 14th IEEE International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. To this end, we first analyze the proof...
On-line/off-line encryption schemes enable the fast encryption of a message from a pre-computed coupon. The paradigm was put forward in the case of digital signatures. This work introduces a compact public-key additively homomorphic encryption scheme. The scheme is semantically secure under the decisional composite residuosity (DCR) assumption. Compared to Paillier cryptosystem, it merely requires one or two integer additions in the on-line phase and no increase in the ciphertext size. This...
Vector commitment schemes allow a user to commit to a vector of values $\mathbf{x} \in \{0,1\}^\ell$ and later, open up the commitment to a specific set of positions. Both the size of the commitment and the size of the opening should be succinct (i.e., polylogarithmic in the length $\ell$ of the vector). Vector commitments and their generalizations to polynomial commitments and functional commitments are key building blocks for many cryptographic protocols. We introduce a new framework...
A *functional commitment* scheme enables a user to concisely commit to a function from a specified family, then later concisely and verifiably reveal values of the function at desired inputs. Useful special cases, which have seen applications across cryptography, include vector commitments and polynomial commitments. To date, functional commitments have been constructed (under falsifiable assumptions) only for functions that are essentially *linear*, with one recent exception that works...
A succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (SNARK) allows a prover to produce a short proof that certifies the veracity of a certain NP-statement. In the last decade, a large body of work has studied candidate constructions that are secure against quantum attackers. Unfortunately, no known candidate matches the efficiency and desirable features of (pre-quantum) constructions based on bilinear pairings. In this work, we make progress on this question. We propose the first...
A union-only signature (UOS) scheme (informally introduced by Johnson et al. at CT-RSA 2002) allows signers to sign sets of messages in such a way that (1) any third party can merge two signatures to derive a signature on the union of the message sets, and (2) no adversary, given a signature on some set, can derive a valid signature on any strict subset of that set (unless it has seen such a signature already). Johnson et al. originally posed building a UOS as an open problem. In this...
Introduced by von Ahn et al. (STOC’05), covert two-party computation is an appealing cryptographic primitive that allows Al- ice and Bob to securely evaluate a function on their secret inputs in a steganographic manner, i.e., even the existence of a computation is oblivious to each party - unless the output of the function is favourable to both. A prominent form of covert computation is covert authentica- tion, where Alice and Bob want to authenticate each other based on their credentials,...
A Hash Time Lock Contract (HTLC) is a protocol that is commonly used to exchange payments across different blockchains. Using HTLC as a building block for cross blockchain atomic swaps has its drawbacks: The notion of time is handled differently in each blockchain, be it private or public. Additionally, if the swap ends up aborted, the funds are locked in escrow until the safety timeout expires. In this work we formulate a new cryptographic primitive: Attribute Verifiable Timed...
Functional commitments (Libert et al.~[ICALP'16]) allow a party to commit to a vector $\vec v$ of length $n$ and later open the commitment at functions of the committed vector succinctly, namely with communication logarithmic or constant in $n$. Existing constructions of functional commitments rely on trusted setups and have either $O(1)$ openings and $O(n)$ parameters, or they have short parameters generatable using public randomness but have $O(\log n)$-size openings. In this work, we...
We show that for $\mathbf{x}\gets [0,2^\lambda)^\mu$ and any integer $N$ the probability that $f(\mathbf{x})\equiv 0 \bmod N$ for any non-zero multilinear polynomial $f\in \mathbb{Z}[X_1, \dots,X_\mu]$, co-prime to $N$ is inversely proportional to $N$. As a corollary we show that if $\log_2 N\geq \log_2(2\mu)\lambda+8\mu^2 $ then the probability is bounded by $\frac{\mu+1}{2^\lambda}$. We also give tighter numerically derived bounds, showing that if $\log_2 N\geq {418}$, and $\mu\leq 20$ the...
Compressed $\Sigma$-Protocol Theory (CRYPTO 2020) presents an ``alternative'' to Bulletproofs that achieves the same communication complexity while adhering more elegantly to existing $\Sigma$-protocol theory, which enables their techniques to be directly applicable to other widely used settings in the context of ``plug \& play'' algorithmics. Unfortunately, their techniques are restricted to arithmetic circuits over \emph{prime} fields, which rules out the possibility of using more...
Zero-knowledge protocols (ZKPs) allow a party to prove the validation of secret information to some other party without revealing any information about the secret itself. Appropriate, effective, and efficient use of cryptographic ZKPs contributes to many novel advances in real-world privacy-preserving frameworks. One of the most important type of cryptographic ZKPs is the zero-knowledge range proofs (ZKRPs). Such proofs have wide range of applications such as anonymous credentials,...
Vector commitment (VC) schemes allow one to commit concisely to an ordered sequence of values, so that the values at desired positions can later be proved concisely. In addition, a VC can be statelessly updatable, meaning that commitments and proofs can be updated to reflect changes to individual entries, using knowledge of just those changes (and not the entire vector). VCs have found important applications in verifiable outsourced databases, cryptographic accumulators, and...
Zero-knowledge proofs are highly flexible cryptographic protocols that are an important building block for many secure systems. Typically, these are defined with respect to statements that are formulated as arithmetic operations over a fixed finite field. This inflexibility is a disadvantage when it comes to complex programs, as some fields are more amenable to express certain operations than others. At the same time, there do not seem to be many proofs with a programming model similar to...
We introduce a new approach for constructing range proofs. Our approach is modular, and leads to highly competitive range proofs under standard assumption, using less communication and (much) less computation than the state of the art methods, without relying on a trusted setup. Our range proofs can be used as a drop-in replacement in a variety of protocols such as distributed ledgers, anonymous transaction systems, and many more, leading to significant reductions in communication and...
We construct public-coin time- and space-efficient zero-knowledge arguments for $\mathbf{NP}$. For every time $T$ and space $S$ non-deterministic RAM computation, the prover runs in time $T \cdot \mathrm{polylog}(T)$ and space $S \cdot \mathrm{polylog}(T)$, and the verifier runs in time $n \cdot \mathrm{polylog}(T)$, where $n$ is the input length. Our protocol relies on hidden order groups, which can be instantiated with a trusted setup from the hardness of factoring (products of safe...
We show a lattice-based solution for commit-and-prove transparent circuit zero-knowledge (ZK) with polylog-communication, the first not depending on PCPs. We start from compressed $\Sigma$-protocol theory (CRYPTO 2020), which is built around basic $\Sigma$-protocols for opening an arbitrary linear form on a long secret vector that is compactly committed to. These protocols are first compressed using a recursive ``folding-technique'' adapted from Bulletproofs, at the expense of logarithmic...
We present ZEN, the first optimizing compiler that generates efficient verifiable, zero-knowledge neural network inference schemes. ZEN generates two schemes: ZEN$_{acc}$ and ZEN$_{infer}$. ZEN$_{acc}$ proves the accuracy of a committed neural network model; ZEN$_{infer}$ proves a specific inference result. Used in combination, these verifiable computation schemes ensure both the privacy of the sensitive user data as well as the confidentiality of the neural network models. However, directly...
We present a novel lattice-based zero-knowledge proof system for showing that (arbitrary-sized) committed integers satisfy additive and multiplicative relationships. The proof sizes of our schemes are between two to three orders of magnitude smaller than in the lattice proof system of Libert et al. (CRYPTO 2018) for the same relations. Because the proof sizes of our protocols grow linearly in the integer length, our proofs will eventually be longer than those produced by quantum-safe...
Today's most compact zero-knowledge arguments are based on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem and related classical assumptions. If one is interested in quantum-safe solutions, then all of the known techniques stem from the PCP-based framework of Kilian (STOC 92) which can be instantiated based on the hardness of any collision-resistant hash function. Both approaches produce asymptotically logarithmic sized arguments but, by exploiting extra algebraic structure, the discrete...
We present a new short zero-knowledge argument for the range proof and the arithmetic circuits without a trusted setup. In particular, the proof size of our protocol is the shortest of the category of proof systems with a trustless setup. More concretely, when proving a committed value is a positive integer less than 64 bits, except for negligible error in the $128$-bit security parameter, the proof size is $576$ byte long, which is of $85.7\%$ size of the previous shortest one due to Bünz...
A Diophantine equation is a multi-variate polynomial equation with integer coefficients, and it is satisfiable if it has a solution with all unknowns taking integer values. Davis, Putnam, Robinson and Matiyasevich showed that the general Diophantine satisfiability problem is undecidable (giving a negative answer to Hilbert’s tenth problem) but it is nevertheless possible to argue in zero-knowledge the knowledge of a solution, if a solution is known to a prover. We provide the first succinct...
A common approach to bootstrapping a new cryptocurrency is an airdrop, an arrangement in which existing users give away currency to entice new users to join. But current airdrops offer no recipient privacy: they leak which recipients have claimed the funds, and this information is easily linked to off-chain identities. In this work, we address this issue by defining a private airdrop and describing concrete schemes for widely-used user credentials, such as those based on ECDSA and RSA. ...
We construct a practical lattice-based zero-knowledge argument for proving multiplicative relations between committed values. The underlying commitment scheme that we use is the currently most efficient one of Baum et al. (SCN 2018), and the size of our multiplicative proof ($9$KB) is only slightly larger than the $7$KB required for just proving knowledge of the committed values. We additionally expand on the work of Lyubashevsky and Seiler (Eurocrypt 2018) by showing that the...
Private intersection-sum with cardinality allows two parties, where each party holds a private set and one of the parties additionally holds a private integer value associated with each element in her set, to jointly compute the cardinality of the intersection of the two sets as well as the sum of the associated integer values for all the elements in the intersection, and nothing beyond that. We present a new construction for private intersection sum with cardinality that provides malicious...
We construct a new polynomial commitment scheme for univariate and multivariate polynomials over finite fields, with logarithmic size evaluation proofs and verification time, measured in the number of coefficients of the polynomial. The underlying technique is a Diophantine Argument of Knowledge (DARK), leveraging integer representations of polynomials and groups of unknown order. Security is shown from the strong RSA and the adaptive root assumptions. Moreover, the scheme does not require a...
Code-based cryptography has a long history but did suffer from periods of slow development. The field has recently attracted a lot of attention as one of the major branches of post-quantum cryptography. However, its subfield of privacy-preserving cryptographic constructions is still rather underdeveloped, e.g., important building blocks such as zero-knowledge range proofs and set membership proofs, and even proofs of knowledge of a hash preimage, have not been known under code-based...
We define a new UC functionality (DL-extractable commitment scheme) that allows committer to open a commitment to a group element $g^x$; however, the simulator will be able to extract its discrete logarithm $x$. Such functionality is useful in situations where the secrecy of $x$ is important since the knowledge of $x$ enables to break privacy while the simulator needs to know $x$ to be able to simulate the corrupted committer. Based on Fujisaki's UC-secure commitment scheme and the...
We present batching techniques for cryptographic accumulators and vector commitments in groups of unknown order. Our techniques are tailored for distributed settings where no trusted accumulator manager exists and updates to the accumulator are processed in batches. We develop techniques for non-interactively aggregating membership proofs that can be verified with a constant number of group operations. We also provide a constant sized batch non-membership proof for a large number of...
We provide lattice-based protocols allowing to prove relations among committed integers. While the most general zero-knowledge proof techniques can handle arithmetic circuits in the lattice setting, adapting them to prove statements over the integers is non-trivial, at least if we want to handle exponentially large integers while working with a polynomial-size modulus $q$. For a polynomial $L$, we provide zero-knowledge arguments allowing a prover to convince a verifier that committed...
We propose the first zero-knowledge argument with sub-linear communication complexity for arithmetic circuit satisfiability over a prime $p$ whose security is based on the hardness of the short integer solution (SIS) problem. For a circuit with $N$ gates, the communication complexity of our protocol is $O\left(\sqrt{N\lambda\log^3{N}}\right)$, where $\lambda$ is the security parameter. A key component of our construction is a surprisingly simple zero-knowledge proof for pre-images of...
Quantum computers are expected to have a dramatic impact on numerous fields, due to their anticipated ability to solve classes of mathematical problems much more efficiently than their classical counterparts. This particularly applies to domains involving integer factorisation and discrete logarithms, such as public key cryptography. In this paper we consider the threats a quantum-capable adversary could impose on Bitcoin, which currently uses the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm...
We propose a new zero-knowledge protocol for proving knowledge of short preimages under additively homomorphic functions that map integer vectors to an Abelian group. The protocol achieves amortized efficiency in that it only needs to send $O(n)$ auxiliary function values to prove knowledge of $n$ preimages. Furthermore we significantly improve previous bounds on how short a secret we can extract from a dishonest prover, namely our bound is a factor $O(k)$ larger than the size of secret...
We propose a new zero-knowledge protocol applicable to additively homomorphic functions that map integer vectors to an Abelian group. The protocol demonstrates knowledge of a short preimage and achieves amortised efficiency comparable to the approach of Cramer and Damgård from Crypto 2010, but gives a much tighter bound on what we can extract from a dishonest prover. Towards achieving this result, we develop an analysis for bins-and-balls games that might be of independent interest. We...
Committing integers and proving relations between them is an essential ingredient in many cryptographic protocols. Among them, range proofs have shown to be fundamental. They consist in proving that a committed integer lies in a public interval, which can be seen as a particular case of the more general Diophantine relations: for the committed vector of integers x, there exists a vector of integers w such that P (x,w) = 0, where P is a polynomial. In this paper, we revisit the security...
We consider the following problem: Assuming that Alice and Bob have an integer interval $[a, e]$ and an integer $b$ respectively, for a commitment $c$ to $b$, Alice and Bob jointly check whether $b$ is within $[a, e]$ without revealing their inputs, where either party may behave maliciously. A special case of the problem is the secure integer comparison in the malicious model. This problem mainly arises from location-based access control systems where one party needs to assure to the other...
Given a list L with n elements, an order query on L asks whether a given element x in L precedes or follows another element y in L. More generally, given a set of m elements from L, an order query asks for the set ordered according to the positions of the elements in L. We introduce two formal models for answering order queries on a list in a verifiable manner and in zero-knowledge. We also present efficient constructions for these models. Our first model, called \emph{zero-knowledge list}...
We present a protocol that allows to prove in zero-knowledge that committed values $x_i, y_i, z_i$, $i=1,\dots,l$ satisfy $x_iy_i=z_i$, where the values are taken from a finite field $K$, or are integers. The amortized communication complexity per instance proven is $O(\kappa + l)$ for an error probability of $2^{-l}$, where $\kappa$ is the size of a commitment. When the committed values are from a field of small constant size, this improves complexity of previous solutions by a factor of...
Checking whether a committed integer lies in a specific interval has many cryptographic applications. In Eurocrypt'98, Chan et al. proposed an instantiation (CFT for short). Based on CFT, Boudot presented an efficient range-bounded commitment scheme in Eurocrypt'2000. Both CFT proof and Boudot proof are based on the encryption $E(x, r)=g^xh^r\ \mbox{mod}\ n$, where $n$ is an RSA modulus whose factorization is \textit{unknown} by the prover. They did not use a single base as usual. Thus an...
Previous definitions of designated confirmer signatures in the literature are incomplete, and the proposed security definitions fail to capture key security properties, such as unforgeability against malicious confirmers and non-transferability. We propose new definitions. Previous schemes rely on the random oracle model or set-up assumptions, or are secure with respect to relaxed security definitions. We construct a practical scheme that is provably secure with respect to our security...
Blum integers (BL), which has extensively been used in the domain of cryptography, are integers with form $p^{k_1}q^{k_2}$, where $p$ and $q$ are different primes both $\equiv 3\hspace{4pt}mod\hspace{4pt}4$ and $k_1$ and $k_2$ are odd integers. These integers can be divided two types: 1) $M=pq$, 2) $M=p^{k_1}q^{k_2}$, where at least one of $k_1$ and $k_2$ is greater than 1.\par In \cite{dbk3}, Bruce Schneier has already proposed an open problem: {\it it is unknown whether there exists a...
In this paper, we first propose a protocol in which the prover can show that a=b holds for two committed integers a and b; also, we present a protocol in which the prover can prove that a\neq 0 holds for committed integer a; then, we construct a protocol to prove that the degree of a polynomial f(x) equals to t-1 exactly, which has been as an open problem(see[21]); finally, we provide a protocol in which the prover proves that a pair (x,y) is generated by a polynomial f(x), i.e., y=f(x)(mod...
We show how to construct practical honest-verifier statistical zero-knowledge \emph{Diophantine} arguments of knowledge (HVSZK AoK) that a committed tuple of integers belongs to an arbitrary language in bounded arithmetic. While doing this, we propose a new algorithm for computing the Lagrange representation of nonnegative integers and a new efficient representing polynomial for the exponential relation. We apply our results by constructing the most efficient known HVSZK AoK for...
A family $(S_t)$ of sets is $p$-bounded Diophantine if $S_t$ has a representing $p$-bounded polynomial $R_{S,t}$, s.t. $x\in S_t \iff (\exists y)[R_{S}(x;y)=0]$. We say that $(S_t)$ is unbounded Diophantine if additionally, $R_{S,t}$ is a fixed $t$-independent polynomial. We show that $p$-bounded (resp., unbounded) Diophantine set has a polynomial-size (resp., constant-size) statistical zero-knowledge proof system that a committed tuple $x$ belongs to $S$. We describe efficient SZK proof...
We present a commitment scheme allowing commitment to arbitrary size integers, based on any Abelian group with certain properties, most importantly that it is hard for the committer to compute its order. Potential examples include RSA and class groups. We also give efficient zero-knowledge protocols for proving knowledge of the contents of a commitment and for verifying multiplicative relations over the integers on committed values. This means that our scheme can support, for instance, the...