Appendix:Chimariko word list

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Chimariko word list from Dixon (1910):[1]

Dixon (1910)




The following English-Chimariko and Chimariko-English vocabulary is based on Roland Dixon's notes. To these are added materials from the following sources.

Words marked with an asterisk, *, are from Powers' Tribes of California, pages 474-477, slightly transcribed to conform to the present orthography.

Words marked with a dagger, , were obtained by Dixon, but are given in identical form by Powers, allowing for the fact that Powers does not distinguish k and q and writes no glottal catches.

Words in parentheses, ( ), were obtained by Dr. A. L. Kroeber from the informant Friday in 1902.

Words in brackets, [ ], are from Doctor Tom, an old feeble-minded Chimariko at Hupa, in 1901 and 1902. Many of the more common words, having been obtained by Dr. Kroeber in a form identical with that recorded by Dixon, are not separately given.

Words marked with § were obtained by Dr. P. E. Goddard from Mrs. Noble, a daughter of Mrs. Dyer, in 1902. A considerable number of other words also obtained by Dr. Goddard, in a form identical with that recorded by Dr. Kroeber or the writer, are not specially marked.

(Incorporates public-domain text from Dixon 1910)

Word list

English gloss Chimariko
abalone sulhim
abandon -txax-
accompany -sim-
acorn yūtri, (tcxnpun)
acorn (black oak) [(muni)]
acorn bread tcĕneu
acorn meal (leached) pāci
acorn meal (unleached) yōma
acorn-soaking place matcīya
acorn soup hâpēu
acorn (shelled) ihitci
across-stream tcem-da
again (tabum)
alder pakto’ᴇna
alive -mamat-
all (kumitcin) †
alone pola
angry -awè-
ankle hi-kxanlèdĕ, hi-txanlede
ant (black) pèlo’a
ant (red) t’amitcxul
antlers ho-wec
anus hi-wi
arm hi-tanpu, [hi-tcanpu], hi-tcanpo*
armpit cilēitcūmuni
armor t’ummi
arrow sa’a
arrow flaker atcibuksa
arrowpoint qāku
ashes matripxa, matripa
aunt (paternal) ulūida-i (?)
aunt (maternal) mālai-i, mūtala-i
autumn asōdiwukni, nomatci*
awl cibui
axe haimuksa, hamuktcu*
baby xarŭlla, xalŭla, (xalala), halalla*
back hi-mina
bad xuli, holi-ta*
bark (of tree) hi-pxadji, hi-patci*
to bark wowoin
basket-hat haōmiŭksa (haamiaktca)
basket (burden) sangen, (eānkeen)
basket (cooking) poquela
basket (mortar) hā’eu
basket (open tray) powa
basket (sifting) atanisuk
basket (spoon) kalŭwĕè
basket (storage) (opumaktca)
basket (tray) p’unna
bat tcemxatcila
bachelor puntsariĕcku, ōĕlŭlla
beads (disk) mendrahĕ
bear (black) tcisamra, (djicamla), [djisamara], tcisamrha*
bear (grizzly) pâdju, (potcu)
beard (hu-putcu-n-xame), [ha-budju-n-xami], o-putcun-hama*
beaver wisilla
bed hatciinarutsa
beetle qō’a
belly hu-trunèu, (hu-tceneu), u-tcuniwa*
belt hi-ca’amatat
to bend -koru-
bird (di’la), tirha*
bitter hemūdadjan
black tcĕlēi, tceli-t*
blackberry xamoana
blackbird tira-cela, tēila-tcele
blanket tcitxa
to bleed södrè-
blind -sukxomen, -xosanmun
blood sötri, citrqi, sitsö*
to blow -hus-, -xuc-, -kos-, -xu-
blue (?—cf. blood) sötĕ’i
bluebird ipūitella
bluejay tsokokotce
board ho’ĕu
to boil -potpot-, -dum-
bone hu-txun
born -dah-
bow xâpunĕu
boy itrilla, itcila †
brain hi-ni
to break -kat-, -tcex-, -xötös-
breast hu-si*
breast (woman’s) sī’lēye, sirhaf †, [cīda]
to breathe -saxut-
to bring -hak-, -hek-
brother ulūida
brother-in-law meku-i
buckeye yonot
buckskin tcirhuntol
to burn -ni-, -maa-
to bury -tot-
butterfly tsamila
button hi-punaktca
buzzard tcètcèi
by and by punuslala, xani, tamini
to call -kō-, -kokō-
cane hutatat
canoe mūtumma, motuma*
to carry -mai-, -ham-, -qi-, -xŭ-
caterpillar xawin, qawin
cats-cradle axādēu
cedar hâtsinaktca, hâtinaktsana
chair hi-woanadatsa
chaparral puktca’ᴇna, axacna
cheek hu-tananundjatun
to chew -tcatci-
chief itra-xai-dēu, itci-haitie*
Chimariko (tcimaliko)
chin tsuna, wĕtu
chipmunk pipila, wisilla (?)
civet cat kakesmillaᵉ
to clap hands -putata
clean mata’i
to clear (weather) -tcemux-
to climb -ar-
clock ixodaktca
cloud hawēdam, [āwetama], (awatamaxni)
clover kâtcu
coals kōwa
cold eco-, (xatsa), eso-ta*
comb tanatci
to comb -kma-
to comb -watok-, -wok-, -owak
to cough -sax-
cousin antxala-i
country ama
coyote tcitindōsa, (maidjandela), [maidjandera]
cradle wentcu
crane kisum, kâsar
crayfish trxol
crooked p’qĕlĕ’in
crow wa’da, wa’la
to cry -wo-
cup and ball hītcumūdadehu
to cut -kut-, -lolo-
to dance -samxu-
daughter masola-i, maisula-i*
daughter-in-law tcu-simda
day assĕ,† [asi]
deaf hukēnan
deep tcuxunmin (?)
deer ā’a, aa*
deer (buck) (xuwetci)
deer (doe) (yetcawe)
deer brush qapuna
deer trap haxaktca
to dent -kxol-, -tran-
dentalia hatcidri, t’ödödöhi [(ahateu)]
“devil” (prob. sorcerer) himisanto, (himisamtu)
dew qoido
to die -qè-
to dig -po-, -tsik-
digging-stick tsunana
to dip up -hedo- (?)
dirty tcelĕ’in
to dismount -ap-
dog citcella, sitcela †
door wĕssa
dove yūura
downwards tranmida
down stream wisèda
to drag -tcxē-
dragonfly hitcinemnem
to dream -maka-
to drink lū-
to drive -sik-
to drop -lul-, -lus-, -lurim-
to drown -tcuk- (?)
drum hisamquni
dry atcxumni
duck xaxatcèi, hahatce* (= mallard)
dull tono’i
dust matcitsxol, matrepa
eagle wemer, tcāwitcau, (djāwidjau)
ear hi-sam, hi-cam*
earth [ama]†
earthquake amitcxamut
east up stream, waida, (waida)
to eat -ama-, -ma-
eddy apenmaspoi
eel (lamprey) tsāwa
egg anōqai, amoka*
eight xodaitcibum, hotaitcipum
elder tree tcitcxöi
eleven pundrāsut, saānpun punlasut
elk ā’eno, aanok*
empty hutcolanan
evening himok*
everything patcimam (?)
excrement hi-wax
eye hu-sot, hu-cot*
eyebrow hu-sotnimi
eyelashes hu-sunsa
face hi-suma*
to fall -man-, -mo-, -klu-
fat (n.) pī’a
fat (adj.) -xu-
father itcila-i †
father-in-law tcu-maku
feather hu-to, hi-mi †
fern tèutèuna
to fight -tcxua-
to find -mat-
finger hi-ta, hi-tra, (hi-tca), hi-tcanka*
fingernail bolaxot, (bulaxut)
fir kīpi’ina, (kimpina)
fire ā’pu, apu*
to make fire -cekta-, hatsir
fire-drill apū’ᴇna, hâtsiktca
fire-drill base apū’natxui
fireplace akamina ā’pu
fish line hook, hamamēgutca
fish net atcxū
fish trap weir, tsāt
fisher qèpxamitcèi
five tsānehe, tranĕhĕ
to fix -mu-
flat river-bench, maitra
flea t’amina
to float -kim- (?)
floor wèboqām
flower atrēi
fly mūsaswa, mūsotri, mosotce*
to fly -tu-
fog āptum
to follow -sum-
food hāmeu
foot hu-po †
forehead hi-mosni,† [hi-muclei]
to forget -xomē-
four qūigu, qōigu
fox tcitcamŭlla, apxantcolla, haura*
friend [imikot], imi-mut (=love)
frog qâtus, (axantcibot)
full hitcolam
to gamble -wemtso-
girl puntsŭla, puntcalla*
to give -hak- (?), awu-t*
to go -a-, -wam-, -waum-, -wawum-, -owa-
good hisikni, (hisiki-), hisi-ta*
goose lâlo, lalo*
gooseberry tselina
gopher yūmatc
grandfather (paternal) xāwila-i
grandson himolla-i
grass hawunna, (āwuna), kotcu*
grass-game hēumakutca
grasshopper tsatur, tsatul
grass-seed qōmma
green himamto, (īmamcu), himamsu-t*
grouse himimitcēi
to grow -itri-
hair hi-ma †
hand hi-ta, hi-tra, hi-tca*
to hang -kim-
happy (?) tcumidan
hard tcaxi
hawk yĕkyĕk, pētcxol
hazel hecigo
he hamut
head hi-ma †
to hear -kē-
heart hu-sā’antcēi, (hu-santcei), u-santce*
heavy (?) tcumidan
heel inōŏkta§
hemlock xutcxu
here this side of stream, kĕntcuk
to hiccup lē-
to hide -txat-
high hitcūᴇni
to hit -at-
to hold -imu-
honey hūwūanŭkai§
hornet husū
hot elo-, (eloxni), elo-ta*
house āwa †
how long far, qâitcu
how many qâtala
how often qătramdun
hummingbird qērektce, trēlektcēi
to be hungry -ame-, -amemtu-
Hupa person hitcxū
Hupa place hitcwāmai
Hyampom people maitroktada hitcuāmai
i nōut
ice hatcen, atci*
intestines hi-pxa
into xunoi (?)
to jump -tudu
to keep -kut-
to kick -mitci- =with foot
to kill -ko-
kingfisher tsādadak
knee hi-txanimaxa, [hi-txanemaxa]
to kneel -komat- (?)
knife tcisili, tcididi, tceselli*
to know -trahu-
ladder ha’amputni
lake tcitaha
lame hōakta-xolik
large trèwu-t, (djewu), tceu-t*
to laugh -yatci- †
leaf hi-taxai, tahalwi*
left hand xuli-teni
leg hi-txan, hi-tal*
to lick -pen-, -hen-
to lie on ground -tcu
light tcxalĕn
lightning itckasĕlxun, hitckeselsel-ta*
to like -mi’inan-
to listen -cem-
liver (?) hu-ci. See breast
lizard taktcel
lizard (red) hīminiduktsa
log sâmu
long hitcun
long ago cul, cur, [diramda], (dilamda)
to lose -licxu-, lülüxē-
low hutculan (?)
madrone ētxolna, [hetxolna], (hetcxolna)
to make -xai-
man itri, itci*
many much, ĕta, (hitat), itat*
manzanita tcitcana, tcitci
manzanita-cider tcitciaqai
maple trūpxadji’ina, ipxadji’ina
to marry -tcum-
marten xunēri, qāpam
to mash -lot-
meat (dried) pititcxun
to meet -hayaqom-
milk cīra, ci’ila
mink hunēri (?—see marten)
mistletoe hâkilasaqam
moccasin pa, ipa †
mole tsabokor, xosanmu
moon hīmen ălla,† [hīmi-n-ala]
morning himetasur, himetacus*
morning star munoiĕta
mortar kā’a
mosquito tsĕlēye
moss hikīina
mother cido-i, sito-i*
mother-in-law tcu-makosa
mountain awu,† aumiya, [āma]
mountain-lion tcerāsmu, [tcidasmu]
mouse pusudr
mouth ha-wa,† [ha-wa]
mud lâdido
narrow xē’iren
navel ho-napu
nest hemut
nephew micaku-i, himolla-i
nest hemut
new amaninhu
niece himolla-i
night hime, himokni, [hīmi]
nine puntcigu
no pātcigun, (pātcikun), patcut*
to nod -pukim-, -pupul-
noon hīmoqanan
north (west?) xunoida
nose ho-xu
nowhere amaidātciku
oak (black) mūne’ᴇna, (munena)
oak (live) hepūitci’ina (hepetcina)
oak (poison) xaxecna
oak (tan-bark) yūtxūina
oak (white) yaqāna
oats (wild) aqĕdēu
ocean aquarēda, aka-tceta*
old xawini, hahawin-ta*
old maid itrīdŭsku, amālŭlla
old man itrincŭlla
old woman cunhŭlla
one pun, p’un
onion sāpxi
orphan tcisumula
otter ĕxoitcēi, [haiokwoitce]
outside himinatce (?)
owl tcukutcei, hâra
paddle hiāsmaigutca
“pain” qēhewa
to paint -poxolxol-
to pay -daigu-
penis hi-pel, [hi-bele]
pepperwood watcel
person tcimar,† tcimal, [djimar], (tcimal)
pestle tcesundan
pigeon yanunūwa, yanunwa*
to pinch -puimuk-
pine (digger) hatc’hō, hatco, ᴇna
pine (sugar) haqēwinda
pine (sugar cones), (haqeu), [haikeu]
pine (yellow) xōsu, hosu*
pipe onīpa †
pitch āno’a
to play -pim-
to poke -pat-
poor xodalan
potato (wild) sāwu, qāwal, ā’asawi, sanna
to pour -qo-
pretty siga
to pull -tcxet-, -tcxa-
to push -whek-
quail (mountain) pisor, pisol
quail (valley) qadakin pisor
quickly welmu welèni, luredja
quiver hâsusakta
rabbit (cottontail) hīwinolam
rabbit (jack) hēmoxola, emoholla*
raccoon yĕtō’a, [yeteiwa]
rain hītak, itak-ta*
rainbow trexanmatcxū
rat patusu
rattle (split) hĕmuimektsa
rattle (cocoon) pātcxal
rattlesnake qāwu, kawu-tcane*
to recover -nook-
red wili’ī, wili-t*
redwood mutumana
to remember -xutaxun-
rich hitam, -hada-
right hand hisi-dĕni
ripe hōmat
river aqaqot
to roast -maq-
robin srīto, cītra
roe hi-txaiyi
to roll -k-
root ātci
rope atcxundĕ
rough nodaduhni
round nolle
to rub -xiaxe-
to run -mum-
salmon ūmul, omul*
salmon (dog) (djeida)
salmon (hook-bill) (bitcoqolmu)
salmon (red) masomas
salmon (steelhead) (acotno-umul)
salmon (summer) (umul-tcani)
salmon (dried crumbled), tsamma
salmon-river people hūnomitcku
salmon-trout heetsama
salt aqi, aki*
sand amayāqa
sarvisberry tcimiana
saw hī-uxigutca
to say -pa, -patci-
scorpion (?—see crayfish) tcisitcin, txol
to scowl -suta-
to scrape -xēdo-
to scratch -kirkir-, -xolgo-
to see -mam-
to sell -tciwa-
seven xâkuspom, qâqicpom
shade qatrāta
to shake -lucluc-
shallow txodĕhunmi
shaman tcōwu, (tcūu)
sharp cupui
shell ĕxèu
shell (conical) tcanapa
to shiver -nini-
to shoot -pū-
short xūitculan
shoulder hi-ta
to sing -tak-
sister (older) antxasa-i
sister-in-law maxā-i
to sit -tcit-, -wo-, -pat-
six p’untcibum, p’untcpom
skin hi-pxadji
skirt (woman’s) hiĕktcandēu (?), ōxwai
skunk pxicira, [pīcui]
sky tcĕmu †
slave habukēdēu
to sleep -po-
to slide -sâp-, -sâpho-
sling hi-mīgutca
to slip -klu-
slowly xowēnila
small ulēta
to smoke -pa-
smoke hole āpotcitpidaktca
smooth lūyuin
snail nixetai
snake (king) mamusi
to sneeze -ninxu-
to snore -xâtudu
snow hipūi, hipue*
snowshoes hīpui īpa, panna
soft lo’oren
something pātceamkū
son oĕlla-i, oalla-i*
son-in-law itcumda
soot nagotpi
sour qoiyŏin
south qadaida
spear hâsunwedēu
spear (fish) hohankutēu, altar
spider kwanpūtcikta
spiderweb kō’okoda
to spill -qox-
to spit -haihu-
to split -bis-
spoon wĕcnaqalne, sāpxel
spotted lētretrē
a spring cidŭlla, (aqa-xatsa)
spring kisumatci, kicumatci*
square hoqatā’ᴇni
to squeeze -tci-
squirrel (gray) akwēcur, [akuitcut]
squirrel (ground) ta’ira
to stand -hoa-, -hâ-
star munu, mono*
star (falling) munūtumni
to stay -wo-, -wom-
to steal -xadj-
stepfather matrida
to stink -mitcxu-
stone qā’a, kaa*
to stop -txa-
straight hādohan
to strike -tcut-
striped qisöi, ēxaduqisman
strong pala
sturgeon (umul-itcawa)
sucker hētcespula
summer ahānmatci, ahenmatci*
sun alla,† ŭlla, [asi-n-ala]
sunflower seed tcintcēi
sunrise ĕxatatkun
sunset hīwohunmi
to swallow -sek-
swallow tumtitĕlla
swamp hixut, cita
sweathouse matta
sweet hiqūini
to swim -xū-
table hāma’anaksia
tail aqūye
to talk -kō-, -gō-
tattoo hekotēu
to tear -tra-, -xata-
tears hu-so’xa
teeth hu-tsu †
ten sānpun
that pāmut, pāut, pât
thick pepe’in
thief ixagutca
thigh hi-tcipe
thin tqĕ’erin
this qēwot, qât
thou mamut
three xodai, hotai
to throw -su-, -sux-
thumb hi-tcitceta*
thunder tremūmūta, trĕmamutcēu, [djememoxtcei], tcimumuta*
to tie -wuqam-
tinder hauna
tobacco ūwu †
today kimāse, asse †
tomorrow himĕda, himĕta †
tongs isekdādiu
tongue hi-pen †
to touch -na-
trail hissa
tree āt’a (?), atsa*
trout trāwel, (tcawal)†
tumpline himā’idan, kâsusū
to twist -pxel-
two xoku, qâqū
uncle (maternal or paternal) magola-i
under tcumu (?), wisē§
unripe xomanat
up (-tso, wiemu)
urine e-quc
vagina e-qā
valley hitcxāeni (?), maitcitcam*
village āwitat, tcimāretanama †
to vomit -haima-
to wake -suhni-
warrior hētcwat
to wash -pok-
to watch -xota
water ā’ka, āqa, aka*
waterfall āqamatcitsxol
water ouzel pāsindjaxola
we nātcidut, nōutowa, tcīgule
weak lāpukni
wedge tranper
wet cidji’in
what pātci, qâtci
when qâsukmatci
where qōmalu, (qosi)
to whip -nuwec-
to whistle -xū-
white mĕne’i, mene*
white man tcimtŭkta, (djemduakta)
whiskey (apu-n-aqa)
who qomas, komas,* awilla
why kosidaji
wide xerē’in
widow lasa
widow (remarried) yapada§
widower mamutxū (?)
wife (my) puntsar-iĕ, (punsal-i), puntcar-hi*
wildcat tagnir, tragnil, hicūmaxutcŭlla
willow pātc’xu
wind ikosē-ta, ikosiwa*
window hisūsamdaksia
wing utū,† hu-tu
to wink -raprap-, -laplap-
winter asōdi, asuti*
Wintun pātcxuai
to wish -tcxūū, -tcai- (?)
Wiyot (?) aqatrēduwaktada
Wiyot at Arcata qataiduwaktada
wolf cītciwi, sitciwi*
woman puntsar
wood pusūa †
woodpecker konanatcēi, tcuredhu, (dedima), [dirima], (tculeti)
wood tick tsina
to work -pu-
worm hĕmuta
to yawn -xaca-
ye qākule
yellowhammer tsēyamen, trīyamen, (tciaman)
yellowjacket xōwu
yes himō,† [(himō, hiye)]
yesterday mō’a, moo*
young āmanitri, amaniti-ta

Place names

English name Chimariko name
Taylor Flat tcītcanma [djitcanma]
Cedar Flat hâdinaktcohâda
Burnt Ranch tsūdamdadji [djidāmadadji]
Hawkin’s Bar hamaidadji [amaitadji]
Dyer’s ranch itcxaposta
Patterson’s paktōnadji [baktunadji]
Thomas’ maidjasōre
Forks of New River qaiyausmūdji
New River City qo’ōmĕniwinda
Willow Creek hītūtaidji
Big Bar citimāādji
Weaverville hisaēmu
New River tcolīdasum [djalintasun, djalitasom]
Big Creek hīmēaqutce
Trinity River tcitra
Hoboken sitjiwāqai
South Fork Trinity River hātcugidjĕ
Summerville maitotöudji
Jordan’s maidolēda
Cecilville maidjatcūdjĕ
Yocumville maidjahūtcula
Bennett’s ātcugidjĕ
Hyampom tranqōma
Big Flat tcintxapmu [djundxapmu]
Salt Ranch āqitcĕ [aikidje]
Mad River [xawaamai]
Hupa, village at foot of valley (amitsihedji) [amitsepi]
Hupa, village below Ferry [hobetadji]
Hupa, Hostler village (xaumtadji)
Hupa, Captain John’s village [(mutuma-dji)]
Hupa, village at head of valley [(neradji)]

Unidentified place names mentioned by Doctor Tom to Dr. A. L. Kroeber:

  • amimamuco
  • hikdadji
  • kaimandot
  • itcikut
  • itcui
  • hoxudji
  • sutadji
  • hisitsaidje
  • huwitadji
  • qaetxata
  • yaqanadji
  • amatceledji
  • itsutsatmidji
  • agaxtceadji
  • baktunadji
  • hisaadamu
  • xoraxdu
  • hutsutsaiedje
  • ciloki
  • kokomatxami


  1. ^ Dixon, Roland Burrage (1910). The Chimariko Indians and Language. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology. 5 (5): 293–380. Berkeley: The University Press.
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní