List Pagination


You can paginate any List endpoint. Pagination means you can limit the number of total results.

Query Parameters

pageSizehow many results to return per page
pagethe current page of the results

For example, this curl command returns the first page of 50 items per response:

`curl -X GET -H 'X-Adzerk-ApiKey:<APIKEY>' -H 'Content-Type=application/json'`

This returns the second page of 25 items per response:

`curl -X GET -H 'X-Adzerk-ApiKey:<APIKEY>' -H 'Content-Type=application/json' ''`

Recommended pagination approach

When working with Kevel APIs in an integration, we recommend adding the following parameters to any LIST endpoint:

  • pageSize=100 (or other preferred number)
  • page=1

Increment page number to 2, 3, etc. When you get an empty set (eg, no advertisers returned) you know you have reached the end of the list.

A response with an empty list will look like this:

    "page": 6,
    "items": [...]

A response with a not empty list will look like this:

    "page": 2,
    "items": [
            "IsActive": false,
            "Created": "2023-04-19T21:11:30.310Z",
            "Title": "Tester",
            "IsDeleted": false,
            "LastModified": "2023-04-19T21:11:30.310Z",
            "Version": 1,
            "Id": 77545

Deprecated list parameters

Legacy Kevel customers will also see pageSize, totalPages, and totalItems parameters in list responses. These are deprecated for newer Kevel API users.

    "page": 1,
    "pageSize": 500,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "totalItems": 4,
    "items": [

SDK Example

const Adzerk = require('@adzerk/management-sdk');
const apiKey = process.env.ADZERK_API_KEY;

async function listFlights() {
  let specifications = await Adzerk.fetchSpecifications();
  let client = await Adzerk.buildClient({apiKey, specifications, logger});

  let flights = await"flight", "list", {pageSize: 500, page: 2});




The JavaScript Management SDK defaults to a page size of 500.