Delete Site/Zone Targeting

This removes site/zone targeting from a flight.

Why Delete Site/Zone Targeting?

Occasionally, you may wish to remove site/zone targeting from a flight when updating the flight. The Delete Site/Zone Targeting API endpoint enables you to remove all site and zone targeting for a flight.

API Syntax

When using the Delete Site/Zone Targeting API endpoint, it is important to understand the syntax required to make the request. Because the Kevel API is a RESTful API, there is a specific request format that must be followed to ensure the endpoint can process the request. The format is:



  • GET - the type of API request being made.
  • - the URL for the request.
  • v1 - the API version.
  • flight - the API endpoint being called.
  • FlightID - the ID associated with the flight.
  • sitezonetargeting - the site/zone targeting object.
  • SiteZoneTargetingID - the ID associated with the site/zone targeting object.
  • delete - the action to remove site/zone targeting from a flight.