TORCH, a novel time of flight detector for LHCb upgrade II¶
Reference: Poster-2023-1105
Created: 2023. -1 p
Creator(s): Hadavizadeh, Tom
The Time Of internally Reflected CHerenkov detector (TORCH) is a proposed large-area time-of-flight detector, designed to enhance the particle identification performance of the Upgrade-II LHCb experiment in the 2–15 GeV/c momentum range. A TORCH module consists of a 10 mm thick quartz plate of dimensions 2.5 x 0.66 m from which the positions and arrival times of Cherenkov photons from a charged track are detected by highly segmented MCP-PMTs. Each MCP-PMT has an active area of 53 x 53 mm and a granularity of 64 x 8 pixels, and developed in collaboration with an industrial partner (Photek). A general overview of TORCH and its operating principles will be reviewed along with recent results from a half-length 1.25 m TORCH prototype module tested at the CERN proton synchrotron. In the most recent beam test in November 2022, the prototype module was instrumented with 6 MCP-PMTs compared to 2 MCP-PMTs in previous tests. The current status of the analysis of the latest data will be presented.
© CERN Geneva
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Status of the TORCH time-of-flight detector
/ Hadavizadeh, Tom (Oxford U.) ; Bhasin, Srishti (Bristol U.) ; Blake, Thomas (Warwick U.) ; Brook, Nicholas (Bath U.) ; Cicala, Maria Flavia (Warwick U.) ; Conneely, Thomas (Unlisted, UK) ; Cussans, David (Bristol U.) ; Forty, Roger (CERN) ; Frei, Christoph (CERN) ; Gabriel, Emmy P M (Edinburgh U.) et al.
TORCH is a novel time-of-flight detector, designed to provide $\pi$/K particle identification up to 10$\,\text{GeV}/c$ momentum over a 10$\,$m flight path. Based on the DIRC principle, Cherenkov photons are produced in a quartz plate of 10$\,$mm thickness, where they propagate to the periphery of the plate by total-internal reflection. [...]
SISSA, 2020 - 8 p.
- Published in : PoS EPS-HEP2019 (2020) 140
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In : European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP) 2019, Ghent, Belgium, 10 - 17 Jul 2019, pp.140
The TORCH time-of-flight detector
/ Harnew, N (Oxford U.) ; Gao, R (Oxford U.) ; Hadavizadeh, T (Oxford U.) ; Hancock, T H (Oxford U.) ; Smallwood, J C (Oxford U.) ; Brook, N H (Bath U.) ; Bhasin, S (Bristol U.) ; Cussans, D (Bristol U.) ; Rademacker, J (Bristol U.) ; Forty, R (CERN) et al.
TORCH is a large-area time-of-flight (ToF) detector, proposed for the Upgrade-II of the LHCb experiment. It will provide charged hadron identification over a 2–20 GeV/c momentum range, given a 9.5m flight distance from the LHC interaction point. [...]
2022 - 3 p.
In : 15th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, La Biodola - Isola D'elba, Italy, 22 - 28 May 2022, pp.167991
Beam tests of a large-scale TORCH time-of-flight demonstrator
/ Hancock, T.H. (Oxford U.) ; Bhasin, S. (Bristol U. ; Bath U.) ; Blake, T. (Warwick U.) ; Brook, N. (Bath U.) ; Conneely, T. (Unlisted, UK) ; Cussans, D. (Bristol U.) ; Frei, C. (CERN) ; Forty, R. (CERN) ; Gabriel, E.P.M. (Edinburgh U.) ; Gao, R. (Oxford U.) et al.
The TORCH time-of-flight detector is designed to provide particle identification in the momentum range 2-10 GeV/c over large areas. The detector exploits prompt Cherenkov light produced by charged particles traversing a 10 mm thick quartz plate. [...]
2020-04-01 - 5 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 958 (2020) 162060
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In : 15th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Vienna, Austria, 18 - 22 Feb 2019
Status of the TORCH time-of-flight detector
/ Harnew, N (Oxford U.) ; Brook, N H (Bath U. ; Bristol U.) ; García, L Castillo (Oxford U.) ; Cussans, D (Bristol U.) ; van Dijk, M W U (Oxford U. ; CERN) ; Föhl, K (CERN) ; Forty, R (CERN) ; Frei, C (CERN) ; Gao, R (Oxford U.) ; Gys, T (CERN) et al.
The TORCH time-of-flight detector is designed for large-area coverage, up to 30 m2, to provide particle identification between 2–10 GeV/c momentum over a flight distance of 10 m. The arrival times from Cherenkov photons produced within a quartz radiator plate of 10 mm thickness are combined to achieve a 15 ps time-of-flight resolution per incident particle. [...]
2017 - 11 p.
- Published in : JINST 12 (2017) C11026
In : International Workshop on Fast Cherenkov Detectors : Photon detection, DIRC design and DAQ, Giessen, Germany, 11 - 13 Nov 2015, pp.C11026
The TORCH time-of-flight detector
/ Blake, Thomas (Warwick U.) ; Bhasin, Srishti (Bristol U. ; Bath U.) ; Brook, Nick (Bath U.) ; Conneely, Tom (Unlisted, UK) ; Cussans, David (Bristol U.) ; van Dijk, Maarten (CERN) ; Forty, Roger (CERN) ; Frei, Christoph (CERN) ; Gabriel, Emmy (Edinburgh U.) ; Gao, Rui (Oxford U.) et al.
The TORCH detector is a time-of-flight system that is being developed for use in particle physics experiments with the aim of providing particle identification, over a wide area, in the momentum range 2 to 10 GeV/c. The detector exploits prompt Cherenkov light produced by charge particles traversing a 10 mm thick quartz plate. [...]
SISSA, 2019 - 4 p.
- Published in : PoS ICHEP2018 (2019) 667
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In : XXXIX International Conference on High Energy Physics, Seoul, Korea, 4 - 11 Jul 2018, pp.667