Combined Explanation of the $Z\to b\bar b$ Forward-Backward Asymmetry, the Cabibbo Angle Anomaly, $\tau\to\mu\nu\nu$ and $b\to s\ell^+\ell^-$ Data
/ Crivellin, Andreas (CERN ; PSI, Villigen ; Zurich U.) ; Manzari, Claudio Andrea (PSI, Villigen ; Zurich U.) ; Alguero, Marcel (Barcelona, Autonoma U. ; Barcelona, IFAE) ; Matias, Joaquim (Barcelona, Autonoma U. ; Barcelona, IFAE)
In this article we propose a simple model which can provide a combined explanation of the $Z\to b\bar b$ forward-backward asymmetry, the Cabibbo Angle Anomaly (CAA), $\tau\to\mu\nu\nu$ and $b\to s\ell^+\ell^-$ data. This model is obtained by extending the Standard Model (SM) by two heavy vector-like quarks (an $SU(2)_L$ doublet (singlet) with hypercharge $-5/6$ (-1/3)), two new scalars (a neutral and a singly charged one) and a gauged $L_\mu-L_\tau$ symmetry. [...]
arXiv:2010.14504; CERN-TH-2020-177; PSI-PR-20-18; UZ-TH 40/20.-
2021-07-02 - 8 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 (2021) 011801
Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
Forward-backward asymmetry in $B\to D^{*}\ell\nu$: One more hint for scalar leptoquarks?
/ Carvunis, Alexandre (Annecy, LAPTH) ; Crivellin, Andreas (CERN ; Zurich U. ; PSI, Villigen) ; Guadagnoli, Diego (CERN ; Annecy, LAPTH) ; Gangal, Shireen (Annecy, LAPTH)
Experimental data have provided intriguing hints for the violation of lepton flavour universality (LFU), including $B\to D^{(*)}\tau\nu/B\to D^{(*)}\ell\nu$, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and $b\!\to\! s\ell^+\ell^-$ with a significance of $\!>3\,\sigma$, $>\!4\,\sigma$ and $>\!5\,\sigma$, respectively. Furthermore, in a recent re-analysis of 2018 Belle data, it was found that the forward-backward asymmetry ($\Delta A_{\rm FB}$) of $B \to D^{*}\mu\bar \nu$ vs $B\to D^{*}e\bar \nu$ disagrees with the SM prediction by $\approx\!\!4\,\sigma$, providing an additional sign of LFU violation. [...]
arXiv:2106.09610; CERN-TH-2021-092; LAPTH-020/21; PSI-PR-21-12; ZU-TH 27/21.-
2022-02-01 - 7 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022) L031701
Fulltext: PhysRevD.105.L031701 - PDF; 2106.09610 - PDF;
Discovering true tauonium via two-photon fusion at $e^+e^-$ and hadron colliders
/ d'Enterria, David (CERN) ; Shao, Hua-Sheng (Paris, LPTHE)
The feasibility of observing true tauonium, the bound state of two tau leptons, $\mathcal{T}_0\equiv(\tau^+\tau^-)_0$, via photon-photon collisions at $e^+e^-$ colliders and at the LHC, is studied. The production cross sections of the process $\gamma\gamma\to\mathcal{T}_0\to\gamma\gamma$-- as well as those of all relevant backgrounds: spin-0 and 2 charmonium resonances decaying to diphotons, and light-by-light scattering -- are computed in the equivalent photon approximation for $e^+e^-$ collisions at BES III ($\sqrt{s} = 3.8$ GeV), Belle II ($\sqrt{s} = 10.6$ GeV), and FCC-ee ($\sqrt{s} = 91.2$ GeV), as well as for ultraperipheral p-p, p-Pb, and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC. [...]
2022-05-01 - 9 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022) 093008
Fulltext: PDF;
Discovering heavy neutrino oscillations in rare $B^\pm_c$ meson decays at HL-LHCb
/ Tapia, Sebastian (Iowa State U.) ; Vidal-Bravo, Marcelo (Andres Bello Natl. U. ; Unlisted, CL) ; Zamora-Saa, Jilberto (Andres Bello Natl. U. ; Unlisted, CL)
In this work, we study the lepton flavor and lepton number violating $B_{c}$ meson decays via two intermediate on-shell Majorana neutrinos $N_j$ into two charged leptons and a charged pion $B_{c}^{\pm} \to \mu^{\pm} \ N_j \to \mu^{\pm} \tau^{\pm} \pi^{\mp}$. We evaluated the possibility to measure the modulation of the decay width along the detector length produced as a consequence of the lepton flavor violating process, in a scenario where the heavy neutrinos masses range between $2.0$ GeV $\leq M_N \leq 6.0$ GeV. [...]
2022-02-01 - 15 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022) 035003
Fulltext: PhysRevD.105.035003 - PDF; 2109.06027 - PDF;
Probing Neutral Triple Gauge Couplings at the LHC and Future Hadron Colliders
/ Ellis, John (King's Coll. London ; CERN ; NICPB, Tallinn ; Tsung-Dao Lee Inst., Shanghai ; SKLPPC, Shanghai) ; He, Hong-Jian (Tsung-Dao Lee Inst., Shanghai ; SKLPPC, Shanghai ; Tsinghua U., Beijing ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, CHEP) ; Xiao, Rui-Qing (King's Coll. London ; Tsung-Dao Lee Inst., Shanghai ; SKLPPC, Shanghai)
We study probes of neutral triple gauge couplings (nTGCs) at the LHC and the proposed 100TeV $pp$ colliders, and compare their sensitivity reaches with those of the proposed $e^+ e^-$ colliders. The nTGCs provide a unique window to the new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) because they can arise from SM effective field theory (SMEFT) operators that respect the full electroweak gauge group $SU(2)_L\otimes U(1)_Y$ of the SM only at the level of dimension-8 or higher. [...]
arXiv:2206.11676; KCL-PH-TH/2022-35; CERN-TH-2022-089.-
2023-02-01 - 57 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. D 107 (2023) 035005
Fulltext: 2206.11676 - PDF; Publication - PDF;
Dynamically Induced Topological Inflation
/ Choi, Gongjun (CERN) ; Lin, Weikang (Tsung-Dao Lee Inst., Shanghai) ; Yanagida, Tsutomu T. (Tsung-Dao Lee Inst., Shanghai ; Tokyo U., IPMU)
We propose an inflation model in which the inflationary era is driven by the strong dynamics of $Sp(2)$ gauge theory. The quark condensation in the confined phase of $Sp(2)$ gauge theory generates the inflaton potential comparable to the energy of the thermal bath at the time of phase transition. [...]
arXiv:2204.03675; CERN-TH-2022-061.-
2023-02-01 - 5 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. D 107 (2023) 036005
Fulltext: 2204.03675 - PDF; Publication - PDF;
Dark Sectors with Mass Thresholds Face Cosmological Datasets
/ Allali, Itamar J. (Tufts U.) ; Rompineve, Fabrizio (CERN ; Barcelona, IFAE ; Barcelona, Autonoma U.) ; Hertzberg, Mark P. (Tufts U.)
Interacting dark sectors may undergo changes in the number of their relativistic species during the early universe, due to a mass threshold $m$ (similar to changes in the Standard Model bath), and in doing so affect the cosmic history. When such changes occur close to recombination, i.e., for $m\sim (0.1-10)~\text{eV}$, the stringent bound on the effective number of neutrino species, $N_{\text{eff}}$, can be relaxed and the value of the Hubble expansion rate $H_0$ inferred from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations raised. [...]
arXiv:2305.14166; CERN-TH-2023-084.-
2023-07-15 - 36 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023) 023527
Fulltext: PDF;
Correlating $h\to\mu^+\mu^-$ to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon via Leptoquarks
/ Crivellin, Andreas (CERN ; Zurich U. ; PSI, Villigen) ; Mueller, Dario (Zurich U. ; PSI, Villigen) ; Saturnino, Francesco (Bern U.)
Recently, both ATLAS and CMS measured the decay $h\to\mu^+\mu^-$, finding a signal strength with respect to the Standard Model expectation of $1.2\pm0.6$ and $1.19\substack{+0.41+0.17\\-0.39 -0.16}$, respectively. This provides, for the first time, evidence that the Standard Model Higgs couples to second generation fermions. [...]
arXiv:2008.02643; CERN-TH-2020-134; PSI-PR-20-12; ZU-TH 28/20.-
2021-07-07 - 7 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 (2021) 021801
Fulltext from publisher: PDF; External link: CERN Courier article