CERN Accelerating science

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Addendum to a scalable data taking system at a test beam for LHC / Bee, C P ; Bonino, R ; Hellman, S ; Jones, R ; Mapelli, Livio P ; Mornacchi, Giuseppe ; Pentney, M ; Stapnes, M ; Zaganidis, Nicolas ; Ambrosini, G et al.
CERN-DRDC-91-23 ; DRDC-P-16-Add-2.
- 1991. - 21 p.
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A scalable data taking system at a test beam for LHC . - rev. version / Bee, C P ; Bonino, R ; Hellman, S ; Jones, R ; Mapelli, Livio P ; Mornacchi, Giuseppe ; Pentney, M ; Stapnes, Steinar ; Zaganidis, Nicolas ; Ambrosini, G et al.
CERN-DRDC-90-65 ; DRDC-S-16-REV.
- 1990. - 3 p.
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Status report of a scalable data taking system at a test beam for LHC / RD13 Collaboration
CERN-DRDC-92-13 ; DRDC-Status-report-RD-13.
- 1992. - 26 p.
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Fabrication, tests, and $rf$ control of the 50 superconducting resonators of the Saclay heavy ion linac / Cauvin, B ; Coret, M ; Fouan, J P ; Girard, J ; Girma, J L ; Leconte, P ; Lussignol, Y ; Moreau, R ; Passerieux, J P ; Ramstein, G et al.
SACLAY-DPHN-2487-BIS.- Saclay : Commis. Energ. At. DPhN, 1988 - 9 p.
In : 3rd Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Argonne, IL, USA, 14 - 18 Sep 1987, pp.379-387 - CERN library copies

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