CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 22 のレコードが見つかりました。  1 - 10次最後  レコードへジャンプ: 検索にかかった時間: 0.56 秒 
Study of $\chi_{bJ}(nP) \rightarrow \omega \Upsilon(1S)$ at Belle / Belle Collaboration
We report results from a study of hadronic transitions of the $\chi_{bJ}(nP)$ states of bottomonium at Belle. [...]
arXiv:2108.03497 ; BELLE-CONF-2102.
- 12.
Measurement of Michel Parameters ($\bar\eta$, $\xi\kappa$) in the radiative leptonic decay of tau at Belle / Belle Collaboration
We present the first measurement of the Michel parameters $\bar{\eta}$ and $\xi\kappa$ in the radiative leptonic decay of the $\tau$ lepton using 703 f$\mathrm{b}^{-1}$ of data collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB $e^+e^-$ collider. The Michel parameters are measured by an unbinned maximum likelihood fit to the kinematic information of $e^+e^-\rightarrow\tau^+\tau^-\rightarrow (\pi^+\pi^0 \bar{\nu})(l^-\nu\bar{\nu}\gamma)$ $(l=e$ or $\mu)$. [...]
arXiv:1609.08280.- 2017-06-22 - 4 p. - Published in : Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 287-288 (2017) 11-14 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
In : The 14th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics (Tau2016), Beijing, China, 18 - 23 Sep 2016, pp.11-14
Angular analysis of $B^0 \to K^\ast(892)^0 \ell^+ \ell^-$ / Belle Collaboration
We present a measurement of angular observables, $P_4'$, $P_5'$, $P_6'$, $P_8'$, in the decay $B^0 \to K^\ast(892)^0 \ell^+ \ell^-$, where $\ell^+\ell^-$ is either $e^+e^-$ or $\mu^+\mu^-$. [...]
arXiv:1604.04042 ; BELLE-CONF-1603 ; BELLE-CONF-1603.
- 2016 - 13.
Preprint - Full text
Measurement of the branching ratio of $\bar{B}^0 \rightarrow D^{*+} \tau^- \bar{\nu}_{\tau}$ relative to $\bar{B}^0 \rightarrow D^{*+} \ell^- \bar{\nu}_{\ell}$ decays with a semileptonic tagging method / Belle Collaboration
We report a measurement of ratio ${\cal R}(D^*) = {\cal B}(\bar{B}^0 \rightarrow D^{*+} \tau^- \bar{\nu}_{\tau})/{\cal B}(\bar{B}^0 \rightarrow D^{*+} \ell^- \bar{\nu}_{\ell})$, where $\ell$ denotes an electron or a muon. The results are based on a data sample containing $772\times10^6$ $B\bar{B}$ pairs recorded at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB $e^+ e^-$ collider. [...]
arXiv:1603.06711; BELLE-CONF-1602.- 2019-01 - 12 p. - Published in : Measurement 132 (2019) 369-376 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
In : 51st Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, La Thuile, Italy, 12 - 19 Mar 2016, pp.369-376
Energy scan of the $e^+e^- \to h_b(nP)\pi^+\pi^-$ $(n=1,2)$ cross sections and evidence for the $\Upsilon(11020)$ decays into charged bottomonium-like states / Belle Collaboration
Using data collected with the Belle detector in the energy region of the $\Upsilon(10860)$ and $\Upsilon(11020)$ resonances we measure the $e^+e^- \to h_b(nP)\pi^+\pi^-$ $(n=1,2)$ cross sections. Their energy dependences show clear $\Upsilon(10860)$ and $\Upsilon(11020)$ peaks with a small or no non-resonant contribution. [...]
arXiv:1508.06562; BELLE-CONF-1503; BELLE-CONF-1503.- 2016-09-28 - 7 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 (2016) 142001 APS Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Rivet analyses reference
Belle II Technical Design Report / Abe, T ; Adachi, I ; Adamczyk, K ; Ahn, S ; Aihara, H ; Akai, K ; Aloi, M ; Andricek, L ; Aoki, K ; Arai, Y et al.
The Belle detector at the KEKB electron-positron collider has collected almost 1 billion Y(4S) events in its decade of operation. [...]
arXiv:1011.0352 ; KEK REPORT 2010-1.
- 2010.
An Experimental Study On Radiation Streaming Through A Labyrinth In A Proton Accelerator Facility Of Intermediate Energy / Tanaka, S ; Nakashima, H ; Sakamoto, Y ; Nakane, Y ; Meigo, S ; Tanaka, S ; Nakamura, T ; Takada, M ; Kurosawa, T ; Hirayama, H et al.
- 2000.
XAFS analysis of unsupported $MoS_{2}$ catalysts prepared by two methods / Matsubayashi, N ; Shimada, H ; Imamura, M ; Yoshimura, Y ; Nishijima, A ; Calais, C ; Geantet, C
Structural analysis by XAFS method was applied to two kinds of unsupported molybdenum disulfide catalysts. Assuming a structural model consisting of crystalline and non-crystalline parts, curve fitting analysis was performed for the $9 catalysts. [...]
1999 - Published in : J. Synchrotron Radiat.: 6 (1999) , no. 3, pp. 428-429
Measurements of activation cross sections on spallation reactions for $^{59}Ca$ and $^{nat}Cu$ at incident neutron energies of 40 to 120 MeV / Eun Joo Kim ; Nakamura, T ; Uwamino, Y ; Nakanishi, N ; Imamura, M ; Nakao, N ; Shibata, S ; Tanaka, S
1999 - Published in : J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.: 36 (1999) , no. 1, pp. 29-40
Correlated equal-energy two-photon emission from $e^{+}(^{82}Sr)+Th$ interactions / Sakai, M ; Imamura, M ; Komatsubara, T K ; Lü, J ; Mukai, J ; Shizuma, T ; Furuno, K ; Hayakawa, T ; Furutaka, K ; Kidera, M et al.
- 1998. - 18 p.
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