CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 4 registres trobats  La cerca s'ha fet en 0.64 segons. 
Spectroscopy of Neutron-Rich $^{168,170}$Dy: Yrast Band Evolution Close to the $N_{p}N_{n}$ Valence Maximum / Soderstrom, P.-A. (Uppsala U.) ; Nyberg, J. (Uppsala U.) ; Regan, P.H. (Surrey U.) ; Ashley, S.F. (Surrey U.) ; Catford, W.N. (Surrey U.) ; Gelletly, W. (Surrey U.) ; Jones, G.A. (Surrey U.) ; Liu, Z. (Surrey U.) ; Pietri, S. (Surrey U.) ; Podolyak, Zs. (Surrey U.) et al.
The yrast sequence of the neutron-rich dysprosium isotope Dy-168 has been studied using multi-nucleon transfer reactions following the collision of a 460-MeV Se-82 beam and a Er-170 target. The reaction products were identified using the PRISMA magnetic spectrometer and the gamma rays detected using the CLARA HPGe-detector array. [...]
arXiv:0909.4841.- 2010 - 14 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 81 (2010) 034310 APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
Spectroscopic studies of Dy-168,170 using CLARA and PRISMA / Soderstrom, P.-A. (Uppsala U.) ; Nyberg, J. (Uppsala U.) ; Regan, P.H. (Surrey U.) ; Algora, A. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; de Angelis, G. (INFN, Legnaro) ; Ashley, S.F. (Surrey U.) ; Aydin, S. (INFN, Padua) ; Bazzacco, D. (INFN, Padua) ; Casperson, R.J. (Yale U.) ; Catford, W.N. (Surrey U.) et al.
Preliminary results from an experiment aiming at Dy-170. [...]
- 2009. - 3 p.
Preprint - Full text
Microsecond and nanosecond isomers populated in fission reactions / Jones, G A ; Walker, P M ; Podolyák, Z ; Regan, P H ; Williams, S J ; Carpenter, M P ; Carroll, J J ; Chakrawarthy, R S ; Chowdhury, P ; Cullen, I J et al.
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 853 (2006) , pp. 342-349 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Conference On Reaction Mechanisms And Nuclear Structure At The Coulomb Barrier, San Servolo, Italy, 19 - 23 Mar 2006, pp.342-349
Nuclear Structure and Reaction Mechanism Studies with Multinucleon Reactions / Regan, P H ; Jones, G A ; Podolyák, Z ; deAngelis, G ; Zhang, Y H ; Gadea, A ; Ur, C A ; Abdullah, M ; Axiotis, M ; Bazzacco, D et al.
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 853 (2006) , pp. 271-276 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Conference On Reaction Mechanisms And Nuclear Structure At The Coulomb Barrier, San Servolo, Italy, 19 - 23 Mar 2006, pp.271-276

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Jones, G.A. dins Scirus