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Surface displayed Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus membrane epitopes on Lactiplantibacillus plantarum stimulates antibody production in mice
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Supplemental illite or in combination with probiotics improves performance and gut health in broilers challenged with Salmonella typhimurium
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Dietary coated copper and zinc improve growth performance by modulating immune responses and fecal microbiota of weaned pigs
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Evaluation of the Nutrient Digestibility at Each Age in Dogs Diet by In vitro and In vivo Methods
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Evaluation of conical 9 well dish on bovine oocyte maturation and subsequent embryonic development
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Treatment of dual-flow continuous culture fermenters with an organic essential oil product minimally influenced prokaryotic microbiome
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Subclinical Mastitis of Buffaloes in Asia: Prevalence, Pathogenesis, Risk Factors, Antimicro-bial resistance, and Current Treatment Strategies
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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The Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Murine Asthma Model: Insights into IgE-Independent Mast Cell Activation within Animal Science
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Animal welfare indicators and stress response of broiler chickens raised at low and high stocking density
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Dangguibuxue Decoction Protects Against Lipopolysaccharides-Induced Mastitis in bovine mammary epithelial cells in Vitro
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Complete genome sequence of bacteriocin-producing Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis DOME 6301 with potential oral-pathogen control applications
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Effects of space allowance during gestation and socialization training during growing period on the productivity and welfare of primiparous sows
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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A comparison of different selection indexes for some economic traits in Holstein Friesian cows
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Biodiversity and identification of spore-forming bacteria in raw milk from Korean dairy farm environment using the culturomics approach
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Dietary supplementation of Lactobacillus salivarius in suckling and weanling piglets modulates intestinal microbiota, morphology and improves growth performance
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Effects of polyphosphates with different chain lengths on digestive organ weight, carcass quality, and immune response, and intestinal microflora in broilers
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Exploring the Multifaceted Factors Affecting Pork Meat Quality
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Growth performance of male broiler chickens in different growth phases in response to amino acid concentrations in the pre-starter diet
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Diversity of MHC-B SNP haplotypes in the Vietnamese Ri chicken
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Evaluation of dietary selenium sources and levels on growth performance, carcass characteristics, selenium concentrations, and blood parameters of growing-finishing pigs
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophic tyrosine receptor kinase-2 in Stallion Testes: Insights into Seasonal Changes and Potential Roles in Spermatogenesis
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Anti-Mullerian hormone and antral follicle count as predictors for optimal selection of Hanwoo donor cows in superstimulated oocyte collection
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Complete genome sequence of potential probiotic Ligilactobacillus ruminis CACC881 isolated from swine
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Growth performance of broiler chickens fed diets containing granulated L-methionine compared with DL-methionine
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Effect of different crate material types for transit on production, physiological characteristics, and welfare of broilers during the summer season
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Antimicrobial Activity of Pediococcus pentosaceus Strains against Diarrheal Pathogens Isolated from Pigs and Effect on Paracellular Permeability of HT-29 cells
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Exosomes isolation from bovine serum: Qualitative and quantitative comparison between ultracentrifugation, combination ultracentrifugation and size exclusion chromatography, and exoEasy methods
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Feeding of reduced vitamin premix negatively affects laying performance and vitamin contents in chicken eggs
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Availability of trace minerals in feed ingredients and supplemental sources (inorganic, organic, and nano) in broiler chickens
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Estimation of annual phosphorus excretion from pigs in Korea
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Effects of dietary protected fat and vitamin E on in vitro rumen fermentation characteristics and reproductive performances of Hanwoo cows
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Almond hull in lactation sows diet: impact on reproduction, nutrient digestibility, fecal score, milk content, and suckling piglet growth.
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Efficacy and matrix value of xylanase in broiler fed an energy-deficient corn-wheat-soybean diet
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Changes in ruminoreticular temperature and body activity in pregnant Hanwoo cows (Bos taurus coreanae) after lumpy skin disease vaccination
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Effects of maternal rumen microbiota on the development of the microbial communities in the gastrointestinal tracts of neonatal sika deer
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Effect of phytosterols on the performance, lipid metabolism, and antioxidation capacity of Sows
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Supplementation of protease with low protein diets improves incidence of frequency and nitrogen metabolism in weaned pigs
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Gas concentration monitoring techniques by using an infrared photo-acoustic multi-gas analyser and low-cost devices in an open dairy barn
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Effect of various levels of milk by-products on growth performance, blood profiles, and intestinal morphology of weaned pigs
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Conception rate according to the size and location of corpus luteum and coexistent follicle before embryo transfer in Hanwoo
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Complete genome sequence of Ligilactobacillus agilis LDTM47, bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria isolated from broiler gastrointestinal tract
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Stress level in companion dogs with and without atopic dermatitis
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Caecum transcriptome and associated microbial community in young calves with artificial dosing of rumen content obtained from an adult cow
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Paralichthys Olivaceus Egg Extract Improves Porcine Oocyte Quality by Decreasing Oxidative Stress
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Standardized ileal digestible lysine requirements based on growth performance of White Pekin ducks for 21 days after hatch
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Genome-wide association studies of the fatty acid composition of Korean native chicken breast meat
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Effects of Italian ryegrass with multi-enzymes supplementation on growth performance, gut microbial, and manure odor emission in finisher pig
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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A comprehensive assessment of immunomodulatory potentials of Korean antler velvet extract in mouse and neurodegenerative Caenorhabditis elegans models
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Effects of dietary aluminosilicate on growth performance, frequency of diarrhea, and blood profiles of weaned pigs
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Exploring the impacts of different antral follicle count and luteal presence on ovarian response and fertility in inseminated Boer does
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Applicability of non-invasive, digital palpation device to detection of woody breast conditions in chicken breast muscle
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Effects of pollen patties with curcumin-steviol glycoside complex on Apis mellifera
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Analysis of runs of homozygosity in Yeonsan Ogye chickens using 600K SNP arrays
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Complete genome of blaCTX-M-65-carrying Salmonella Infantis strain Z01323CSL0015 isolated from broiler chicken
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Overexpression of Syndecan-4 inhibits myogenesis by regulating the expression of myogenic regulatory factors
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Impacts of guidelines transition on greenhouse gas inventory in the livestock sector: A study case of Korea
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Supplemental effects of rumen-protected L-tryptophan at various levels on starch digestion, melatonin, and gastrointestinal hormones in Holstein steers
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Cellular characteristics and milk component productivity of primary bovine mammary cells for cell-cultured milk component production
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Impact of environmental enrichment on growth, behavior, and welfare of weanling piglets from pre-weaning to 6 weeks of age
J Anim Sci Technol 2024
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Long noncoding RNA network for lncRNA-mRNA interactions throughout swine estrous cycle reveals developmental and hormonal regulations in reproductive tissues.
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Meat yield and quality characteristics of Woori heukdon pigs as affected by dietary amino acids and chromium supplementation
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Protective effects of enzymatically digested velvet antler polypeptides on mitochondria in primary astrocytes
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Complete genome sequence of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strain GA_C_14 with potential characteristics applicable in the swine industry
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Effect of crating density and weather conditions during transit on preslaughter losses, physiological characteristics, and meat quality in broilers
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Effects of culture temperature (37℃, 39℃) and oxygen concentration (20%, 2%) on proliferation and differentiation of C2C12 cells
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Response to environmental enrichment of weanling pigs on growth, behaviour and welfare after weaning
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Taste-related and Volatile Organic Compounds of Fresh and Frozen–Thawed Chicken Breast Meat
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Effects of phytogenic feed additives in growing and finishing pigs under different stocking density
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Effects of Dietary Yeast β-Glucan on Lactating Sows under Heat Stress
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Effects of probiotics on growth performance, intestinal morphology, intestinal microbiota weaning pig challenged with Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Effects of increasing dietary lysine and energy levels on growth efficiency, nutrient absorption, and meat carcass traits in growing-finishing pigs
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Effect of organic solvents on earwax cortisol extraction in Hanwoo cattle
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Characteristics of Bovine Muscle Satellite Cell from Different Breeds for Efficient Production of Cultured Meat
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Feeding dietary non-starch polysaccharides supplemented with xylanase could improve the performance of broilers
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Intestinal morphometric changes associated with the use of non-antibiotic feed additives in broiler chicks challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Genome analysis of Lactococcus taiwanensis strain K_LL001 with potential cellulose degrading functions
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Effects of an extra-high slaughter weight and a low-lysine diet on growth and meat quality of finishing gilts
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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A comparison of the physiochemical features of three tertiary hybrid pigs with and without spent coffee ground supplementation
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Effect of grain vinegar feeding on milk production and fatty acid profile of Holstein cows
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Rapamycin Treatment During Prolonged In Vitro Maturation Enhances the Developmental Competence of Immature Porcine Oocytes
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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A chrono-physiological management protocol in form of simultaneous shifting of both lighting-cycle and feeding-time can enhance the production performance of heat-stressed goat kids
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Sex ratio and conception rates of fresh/vitrified embryos at different developmental stages by ovum pick up in Hanwoo cows
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Assessment of planting soil temperature and GDD impacts on silage corn (Zea mays L.) biomass
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Effects of paraformic acid supplementation, as an antibiotic replacement, on growth performance, intestinal morphology and gut microbiota of nursery pigs
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Lauric acid reduces apoptosis by inhibiting FOXO3a-signaling in Deoxynivalenol-treated IPEC-J2 cells
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Evaluation of zinc oxide and copper oxide nanoparticles as potential alternatives to antibiotics for managing fowl typhoid in broilers
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-adipogenesis activities and proximate composition of Hermetia illucens larvae reared on food waste enriched with different wastes
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Comparative study on the bioavailability of peptide extracts from Jeju black pigs and three-way crossbred pigs
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Geographical Distribution and Phenotypic Characterization of Malin Sheep in Three Selected States of Peninsular Malaysia.
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Lasalocid-supplemented diets for improving carcass characteristics, meat quality, and fatty acids content of goats
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Complete genome sequence of Corynebacterium sp. SCR221107, encoding biosynthesis of vitamin B12 isolated from the rumen fluid of Holstein dairy cows
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Monitoring of genetic alterations of lumpy skin disease virus in cattle after vaccination in Thailand
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Complete genome sequence of Treponema pedis GNW45 isolated from dairy cattle with active bovine digital dermatitis in Korea
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Effect of Gum Arabic as Natural Prebiotic on Intestinal Ecosystem of Post-Hatched Broiler Chicks
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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Comparison various level ascorbic acid and lycopene additions in semen diluent enhanced sperm quality of Sapudi ram
J Anim Sci Technol 2023
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