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Monitoring for parameter changes (Python)

Goal: Learn to use the ParameterEventHandler class to monitor and respond to parameter changes.

Tutorial level: Intermediate

Time: 20 minutes


Often a node needs to respond to changes to its own parameters or another node’s parameters. The ParameterEventHandler class makes it easy to listen for parameter changes so that your code can respond to them. This tutorial will show you how to use the Python version of the ParameterEventHandler class to monitor for changes to a node’s own parameters as well as changes to another node’s parameters.


Before starting this tutorial, you should first complete the following tutorials:


In this tutorial, you will create a new package to contain some sample code, write some Python code to use the ParameterEventHandler class, and test the resulting code.

1 Create a package

First, open a new terminal and source your ROS 2 installation so that ros2 commands will work.

Follow these instructions to create a new workspace named ros2_ws.

Recall that packages should be created in the src directory, not the root of the workspace. So, navigate into ros2_ws/src and then create a new package there:

ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_python --license Apache-2.0 python_parameter_event_handler --dependencies rclpy

Your terminal will return a message verifying the creation of your package python_parameter_event_handler and all its necessary files and folders.

The --dependencies argument will automatically add the necessary dependency lines to package.xml and CMakeLists.txt.

1.1 Update package.xml

Because you used the --dependencies option during package creation, you don’t have to manually add dependencies to package.xml. As always, though, make sure to add the description, maintainer email and name, and license information to package.xml.

<description>Python parameter events client tutorial</description>
<maintainer email="[email protected]">Your Name</maintainer>

2 Write the Python node

Inside the ros2_ws/src/python_parameter_event_handler/python_parameter_event_handler directory, create a new file called and paste the following code within:

import rclpy
from rclpy.executors import ExternalShutdownException
import rclpy.node
import rclpy.parameter

from rclpy.parameter_event_handler import ParameterEventHandler

class SampleNodeWithParameters(rclpy.node.Node):
    def __init__(self):

        self.declare_parameter('an_int_param', 0)

        self.handler = ParameterEventHandler(self)

        self.callback_handle = self.handler.add_parameter_callback(

    def callback(self, p: rclpy.parameter.Parameter) -> None:
        self.get_logger().info(f"Received an update to parameter: {}: {rclpy.parameter.parameter_value_to_python(p.value)}")

def main():
        with rclpy.init():
            node = SampleNodeWithParameters()
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, ExternalShutdownException):

2.1 Examine the code

The import statements at the top are used to import the package dependencies.

import rclpy
from rclpy.executors import ExternalShutdownException
import rclpy.node
import rclpy.parameter

from rclpy.parameter_event_handler import ParameterEventHandler

The next piece of code creates the class SampleNodeWithParameters and the constructor. The constructor for the class declares an integer parameter an_int_param, with a default value of 0. Next, the code creates a ParameterEventHandler that will be used to monitor changes to parameters.

class SampleNodeWithParameters(rclpy.node.Node):
    def __init__(self):

        self.declare_parameter('an_int_param', 0)

        self.handler = ParameterEventHandler(self)

Finally, we add parameter callback and get callback handler for the new callback.


It is very important to save the handle that is returned by add_parameter_callback; otherwise, the callback will not be properly registered.

self.callback_handle = self.handler.add_parameter_callback(

For the callback function, we use the callback method of the SampleNodeWithParameters class.

def callback(self, p: rclpy.parameter.Parameter) -> None:
    self.get_logger().info(f"Received an update to parameter: {}: {rclpy.parameter.parameter_value_to_python(p.value)}")

Following the SampleNodeWithParameters is a typical main function which initializes ROS, spins the sample node so that it can send and receive messages, and then shuts down after the user enters ^C at the console.

def main():
        with rclpy.init():
            node = SampleNodeWithParameters()
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, ExternalShutdownException):

2.2 Add an entry point

Open the file. Again, match the maintainer, maintainer_email, description and license fields to your package.xml:

maintainer_email='[email protected]',
description='Python parameter tutorial',

Add the following line within the console_scripts brackets of the entry_points field:

    'console_scripts': [
        'node_with_parameters = python_parameter_event_handler.parameter_event_handler:main',

3 Build and run

It’s good practice to run rosdep in the root of your workspace (ros2_ws) to check for missing dependencies before building:

rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO -y

Navigate back to the root of your workspace, ros2_ws, and build your new package:

colcon build --packages-select python_parameter_event_handler

Open a new terminal, navigate to ros2_ws, and source the setup files:

. install/setup.bash

Now run the node:

ros2 run python_parameter_event_handler node_with_parameters

The node is now active and has a single parameter and will print a message whenever this parameter is updated. To test this, open up another terminal and source the ROS setup file as before and execute the following command:

ros2 param set node_with_parameters an_int_param 43

The terminal running the node will display a message similar to the following:

[INFO] [1698483083.315084660] [node_with_parameters]: Received an update to parameter: an_int_param: 43

The callback we set previously in the node has been invoked and has displayed the new updated value. You can now terminate the running parameter_event_handler sample using ^C in the terminal.

3.1 Monitor changes to another node’s parameters

You can also use the ParameterEventHandler to monitor parameter changes to another node’s parameters. Let’s update the SampleNodeWithParameters class to monitor for changes to a parameter in another node. We will use the parameter_blackboard demo application to host a double parameter that we will monitor for updates.

First update the constructor to add the following code after the existing code:

def __init__(...):
    self.callback_handle = self.handler.add_parameter_callback(

In a terminal, navigate back to the root of your workspace, ros2_ws, and build your updated package as before:

colcon build --packages-select python_parameter_event_handler

Then source the setup files:

. install/setup.bash

Now, to test monitoring of remote parameters, first run the newly-built parameter_event_handler code:

ros2 run python_parameter_event_handler node_with_parameters

Next, from another terminal (with ROS initialized), run the parameter_blackboard demo application, as follows:

ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp parameter_blackboard

Finally, from a third terminal (with ROS initialized), let’s set a parameter on the parameter_blackboard node:

ros2 param set parameter_blackboard a_double_param 3.45

Upon executing this command, you should see output in the parameter_event_handler window, indicating that the callback function was invoked upon the parameter update:

[INFO] [1699821958.757770223] [node_with_parameters]: Received an update to parameter: a_double_param: 3.45


You created a node with a parameter and used the ParameterEventHandler class to set a callback to monitor changes to that parameter. You also used the same class to monitor changes to a remote node. The ParameterEventHandler is a convenient way to monitor for parameter changes so that you can then respond to the updated values.