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Using ros2doctor
to identify issues
Goal: Identify issues in your ROS 2 setup using the ros2doctor
Tutorial level: Beginner
Time: 10 minutes
When your ROS 2 setup is not running as expected, you can check its settings with the ros2doctor
checks all aspects of ROS 2, including platform, version, network, environment, running systems and more, and warns you about possible errors and reasons for issues.
is part of the ros2cli
As long as you have ros2cli
installed (which any normal install should have), you will be able to use ros2doctor
This tutorial uses turtlesim to illustrate some of the examples.
1 Check your setup
Let’s examine your general ROS 2 setup as a whole with ros2doctor
First, source ROS 2 in a new terminal, then enter the command:
ros2 doctor
This will conduct checks over all your setup modules and return warnings and errors.
If your ROS 2 setup is in perfect shape, you’ll see a message similar to this:
All <n> checks passed
However, it’s not unusual to have a few warnings returned.
A UserWarning
doesn’t mean your setup is unusable; it’s more likely just an indication that something is configured in a way that’s not ideal.
If you do receive a warning, it will look something like this:
<path>: <line>: UserWarning: <message>
For example, ros2doctor
will find this warning if you’re using an unstable ROS 2 distribution:
UserWarning: Distribution <distro> is not fully supported or tested. To get more consistent features, download a stable version at
If ros2doctor
only finds warnings in your system, you will still receive the All <n> checks passed
Most checks are categorized as warnings as opposed to errors.
It’s mostly up to you, the user, to determine the importance of the feedback ros2doctor
If it does find a rare error in your setup, indicated by UserWarning: ERROR:
, the check is considered failed.
You will see a message similar to the following list of issue feedback:
1/3 checks failed
Failed modules: network
An error indicates the system is missing important settings or functions that are crucial to ROS 2. Errors should be addressed to ensure the system functions properly.
2 Check a system
You can also examine a running ROS 2 system to identify possible causes for issues.
To see ros2doctor
working on a running system, let’s run turtlesim, which has nodes actively communicating with each other.
Start up the system by opening a new terminal, sourcing ROS 2, and entering the command:
ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node
Open another terminal and source ROS 2 to run the teleop controls:
ros2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key
Now run ros2doctor
again in its own terminal.
You will see the warnings and errors you had the last time you ran ros2doctor
on your setup if you had any.
Following those will be a couple new warnings relating to the system itself:
UserWarning: Publisher without subscriber detected on /turtle1/color_sensor.
UserWarning: Publisher without subscriber detected on /turtle1/pose.
It seems that the /turtlesim
node publishes data to two topics that aren’t being subscribed to, and ros2doctor
thinks this could possibly lead to issues.
If you run commands to echo the /color_sensor
and /pose
topics, those warnings will disappear because the publishers will have subscribers.
You can try this by opening two new terminals while turtlesim is still running, sourcing ROS 2 in each, and running each of the following commands in their own terminal:
ros2 topic echo /turtle1/color_sensor
ros2 topic echo /turtle1/pose
Then run ros2doctor
in its terminal again.
The publisher without subscriber
warnings will be gone.
(Make sure to enter Ctrl+C
in the terminals where you ran echo
Now try exiting either the turtlesim window or quitting the teleop and running ros2doctor
You’ll see more warnings indicating publisher without subscriber
or subscriber without publisher
for different topics, now that one node in the system isn’t available.
In a complex system with many nodes, ros2doctor
would be invaluable for identifying possible reasons for communication issues.
3 Get a full report
While ros2doctor
will let you know warnings about your network, system, etc., running it with the --report
argument will give you much more detail to help you analyze issues.
You might want to use --report
if you get a warning about your network setup and want to find out exactly what part of your configuration is causing the warning.
It’s also very helpful when you need to open a support ticket to get help with ROS 2. You can copy and paste the relevant parts of your report into the ticket so the people helping you can better understand your environment and provide better assistance.
To get a full report, enter the following command in the terminal:
ros2 doctor --report
Which will return a list of information categorized into five groups:
You can crosscheck the information here against the warnings you get when running ros2 doctor
For example, if ros2doctor
returned the warning (mentioned earlier) that your distribution is “not fully supported or tested”, you might take a look at the ROS 2 INFORMATION
section of the report:
distribution name : <distro>
distribution type : ros2
distribution status : prerelease
release platforms : {'<platform>': ['<version>']}
Here you can see the distribution status
is prerelease
, which explains why it’s not fully supported.
will inform you of problems in your ROS 2 setup and running systems.
You can get a deeper look at information behind those warnings by using the --report
Keep in mind, ros2doctor
is not a debug tool; it won’t help with errors in your code or on the implementation side of your system.
Next steps
You’ve completed the beginner level tutorials!