CERN Accelerating science

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Late time Photometric behavior of Supernova / Cappellano, E ; Barbon, R ; Della Valle, M ; Ortolani, S ; Rosino, L ; Turatto, M
In : 10th Workshop in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, 9 - 21 Jul 1989, pp.489-492
The aslago Supernova Catalog / Barbon, R ; Cappellaro, E ; Turatto, M
In : 10th Workshop in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, 9 - 21 Jul 1989, pp.720-723
The value of the Hubble constant through novae and Supernovae / Della Valle, M ; Capaccioli, M ; Cappellaro, E ; Turatto, M
In : 10th Workshop in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, 9 - 21 Jul 1989, pp.737-740
Mean evolution and characteristics of type I Supernova spectra / Benetti, S ; Barbon, R
In : 10th Workshop in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, 9 - 21 Jul 1989, pp.493-496
Introduction to noncommutative field theory / Barbon, J L F (CERN)
2001 - 35 p. - Published in : , pp. 185-219 Fulltext: PDF; External link: SERVER
In : ICTP Summer School on Particle Physics 2001, Trieste, Italy, 18 Jun - 6 Jul 2001, pp.185-219
6. Recommendations of the Finance Committee to Council as to the Financing of the 1965 Supplementary Programme
Recommandations du Comité des Finances au Conseil au sujet du financement du programme supplémentaire pour 1965
28th Session of Council ; 1964
English: PDF
French: PDF
7. Expenditure in Excess of Provisions
Dépassements de crédits
64th Meeting of Finance Committee ; 1964
English: PDF
French: PDF
8. List of Participants
Liste des participants
64th Meeting of Finance Committee ; 1964
English: PDF
French: PDF
9. Financing of 1965 Supplementary Programme
64th Meeting of Finance Committee ; 1964
English: PDF
10. Draft Agreements Concerning the Site Leased to CERN on French Territory - Drafts Letter of Interpretation and Acknowledgement of Receipt
Projets d'accords relatifs au terrain sis en territoire français et donne à bail au CERN - Projets lettre d'interprétation et accuse de réception
28th Session of Council ; 1964
English: PDF
French: PDF

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