CERN Accelerating science

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LHCb RICH 2 mechanics / Alemi, M (INFN, Milan ) ; Cuneo, S (Genoa U. ) ; Densham, C J (Rutherford ) ; Gracco, Valerio (Genoa U. ) ; Musico, P (Genoa U. ) ; Petrolini, A (Genoa U. ) ; Sannino, M (Genoa U. ) ; Soler, FJP (Rutherford ; Glasgow U. ) ; Temple, SA (Rutherford ) ; Ullaland, O (CERN) et al.
This note presents an overview of the status of the mechanics for the RICH 2 detector in the LHCb experiment at LHC..
LHCb-2000-081.- Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 17 p. Access to fulltext document: PS.GZ; Fulltext: PDF;
LHCb RICH : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2000-037 ; LHCb-TDR-3.
- Geneva : CERN, 2000. - 92 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 3)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext - Fulltext
LHCb calorimeters : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2000-0036-[sic!] ; CERN-LHCC-2000-036 ; LHCb-TDR-2.
- Geneva : CERN, 2000. - 116 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 2)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext
LHCb inner tracker : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2002-029 ; LHCb-TDR-8.
- Geneva : CERN, 2002. - 95 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 8)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext
LHCb magnet : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2000-007 ; LHCb-TDR-1.
- Geneva : CERN, 2000. - 42 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 1)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext
LHCb muon system : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2001-010 ; LHCb-TDR-4.
- Geneva : CERN, 2001. - 89 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 4)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext
LHCb VELO (VErtex LOcator) : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2001-0011 [sic!] ; CERN-LHCC-2001-011 ; LHCb-TDR-5.
- Geneva : CERN, 2001. - 97 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 5)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext - Fulltext
LHCb online system, data acquisition and experiment control : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2001-040 ; LHCb-TDR-7.
- Geneva : CERN, 2001. - 118 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 7)
LHCb TDR home page - Fulltext - Fulltext
LHCb RICH1 Engineering Design Review Report / LHCb RICH Collaboration
This document describes the concepts of the engineering design to be adopted for the upstream Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector (RICH1) of the reoptimized LHCb detector. Our aim is to ensure that coherent solutions for the engineering design and integration for all components of RICH1 are available, before proceeding with the detailed design of these components..
LHCb-2004-121; CERN-LHCb-2004-121.- Geneva : CERN, 2005 - 44 p. EDR Access to fulltext document: PDF;
Cover not available Polycarbonate-based cryogenic sealing / Wertelaers, Piet (ed.)
CERN-98-07. - Geneva : CERN, 1998. - 26 p.


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