CERN Accelerating science

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Energy Resolution of the Barrel of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter / CMS Collaboration
The energy resolution of the barrel part of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter has been studied using electrons of 20 to 250 GeV in a test beam. The incident electron's energy was reconstructed by summing the energy measured in arrays of 3x3 or 5x5 channels. [...]
CMS-NOTE-2006-148.- Geneva : CERN, 2007 - 18 p. - Published in : JINST 2 (2007) P04004 Fulltext: PDF; SISSA/IOP Open Access article: PDF;
Energy Resolution Performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter / Adzic, Petar ; Alemany-Fernandez, Reyes ; Almeida, Carlos ; Almeida, Nuno ; Anagnostou, Georgios ; Anfreville, Marc ; Anicin, Ivan ; Antunovic, Zeljko ; Auffray, Etiennette ; Baccaro, Stefania et al.
The energy resolution performance of the CMS lead tungstate crystal electromagnetic calorimeter is presented. Measurements were made with an electron beam using a fully equipped supermodule of the calorimeter barrel. [...]
CMS-NOTE-2006-140.- Geneva : CERN, 2006 - 15 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Results of the First Performance Tests of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter / CMS ECAL Collaboration
Performance tests of some aspects of the CMS ECAL were carried out on modules of the "barrel" sub-system in 2002 and 2003. A brief test with high energy electron beams was made in late 2003 to validate prototypes of the new Very Front End electronics. [...]
CMS-NOTE-2005-020.- Geneva : CERN, 2006 - 14 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 44S1 (2006) 1-10 Fulltext: PDF;
Results from Tests of a Preshower Prototype During 1996 / Aspell, Paul (CERN) ; Barney, David (CERN) ; Bloch, Philippe (CERN) ; Bourotte, Jean (LPNHE, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France) ; Reynaud, Serge (CERN) ; Van Hove, Alain (CERN)
During 1996 a first version of the front-end electronics for the CMS preshower was tested in the laboratory. The 40MHz electronics contained a 32 channel, 128 time-slot analogue memory. [...]
CMS-NOTE-1997-032.- Geneva : CERN, 1997 Fulltext: PDF PS.Z;
Results from the 1999 Beam Test of a Preshower Prototype / Aspell, Paul (CERN) ; Barney, David (CERN) ; Bloch, Philippe (CERN) ; Bourotte, Jean (CERN) ; Domeniconi, Jacques ; Peisert, Anna (CERN) ; Evangelou, Ioannis ; Kloukinas, Kostas ; Kyriakis, Aristotelis ; Loos, Robert et al.
At the end of June 1999 a test of a preshower prototype, equipped with real-size detectors and LHC-style electronics, was tested in the H4 beam at CERN in front of a matrix of "Endcap" crystals. Data were taken with a variety of incident electron energies, and three angles of incidence ( to simulate different regions of the CMS endcaps). [...]
CMS-NOTE-2000-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 Fulltext: PDF PS.Z;
The CMS Barrel Calorimeter Response to Particle Beams from 2 to 350 GeV/c / CMS HCAL/ECAL Collaboration
The response of the CMS barrel calorimeter (electromagnetic plus hadronic) to hadrons, electrons and muons over a wide momentum range from 2 to 350 GeV/c has been measured. To our knowledge, this is the widest range of momenta in which any calorimeter system has been studied. [...]
CMS-NOTE-2008-034.- Geneva : CERN, 2008 - 17 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Resolution of a Prototype Lead Tungstate Crystal Matrix with Vacuum Phototriode Readout for the CMS Endcap Electromagnetic Calorimeter / Davies, Gavin (Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London) ; Hays, Jonathan (Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London) ; Heath, Helen F (Bristol University, Bristol,UK) ; Presland, Andrew David (Bristol University, Bristol,UK)
Data obtained in June 1998 from a 3x3 array of PbWO4 in the H4 testbeam indicate that an energy resolution better than 0.5% at 100GeV can be obtained from a matrix of PbWO4 endcap crystals with vacuum phototriode readout. These data are the first obtained for ECAL endcap shaped crystals and used crystals 220mm long with 24.7x24.7mm^2 front face. [...]
CMS-NOTE-2000-014.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 Fulltext: PDF PS.Z;
A New Boson with a Mass of 125 GeV Observed with the CMS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider / CMS Collaboration
The Higgs boson was postulated nearly five decades ago within the framework of the standard model of particle physics and has been the subject of numerous searches at accelerators around the world. Its discovery would verify the existence of a complex scalar field thought to give mass to three of the carriers of the electroweak force—the W+, W–, and Z0 bosons—as well as to the fundamental quarks and leptons. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2012 - 16 p. - Published in : Science 338 (2012) 1569-1575 Preprint: PDF; External link: Supplementary material
In : Breakthrough of the year
Intercalibration of the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS experiment at start-up / CMS ECAL Collaboration
Calibration of the relative response of the individual channels of the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS detector was accomplished before installation with cosmic ray muons and test beams. One fourth of the calorimeter was exposed to a beam of high energy electrons and the relative calibration of the channels, the intercalibration, was found to be reproducible to a precision of about 0.3\%. [...]
CMS-NOTE-2008-018.- Geneva : CERN, 2008 - 15 p. - Published in : JINST 3 (2008) P10007 Fulltext: PDF; SISSA/IOP Open Access article: PDF;
Energy Response and Longitudinal Shower Profiles Measured in CMS HCAL and Comparison With Geant4 / CMS HCAL Collaboration
The response of the CMS combined electromagnetic and hadron calorimeter to beams of pions with momenta in the range 5-300 GeV/c has been measured in the H2 test beam at CERN. The raw response with the electromagnetic compartment calibrated to electrons and the hadron compartment calibrated to 300 GeV pions may be represented by sigma = (1.2) sqrt{E} oplus (0.095) E. [...]
CMS-NOTE-2006-143.- Geneva : CERN, 2007 - 21 p. Fulltext: PDF;

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