CERN Accelerating science

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Determination of spin and parity of the Higgs boson in the WW decay channel / Mattmann, J (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
Summary of the current analysis of spin and parity of the Higgs boson in the $H \to WW \to \ell\nu\ell\nu$ channel using the full 2012 dataset of the ATLAS detector. Combined results are given for $H \to WW^*$, $H \to \gamma \gamma $ and $H \to Z Z^*$ channels as well as results only for the $H \to WW^*$ channel..
ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2014-087.- Geneva : CERN, 2014 - 1 p. Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
In : 117th LHCC Meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 5 - 6 Mar 2014
Higgs boson couplings to bosons with the ATLAS detector: run 1 legacy / Petit, Elisabeth (DESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen)
The final ATLAS measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in the decay channels $H \rightarrow ZZ^{(*)} \rightarrow \ell\ell\ell\ell$, $H \rightarrow \gamma\gamma$ and $H \rightarrow WW^{(*)} \rightarrow \ell\nu\ell\nu$ are presented, based on the run 1 of the LHC. [...]
- 2016. - 8 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
Higgs in Bosonic channel (CMS) / Gori, Valentina (INFN, Florence ; Florence U.) /for the CMS Collaboration
The main Higgs boson decays into bosonic channels will be considered, presenting and discussing results from the latest reprocessing of data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, using the full dataset recorded at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. For this purpose, results from the final Run-I papers for the $H \to ZZ \to 4 \ell$, $H \to \gamma \gamma$ and $H \to WW$ analyses are presented, focusing on the Higgs boson properties, like the mass, the signal strenght, the couplings to fermions and vector bosons, the spin and parity properties. Furthermore, the Higgs boson width measurement exploiting the on-shell versus the off-shell cross section (in the $H \to ZZ \to 4 \ell$ and $H \to ZZ \to 2 \ell 2\nu$ decay channels) will be shown. All the investigated properties result to be fully consistent with the SM predictions: the signal strength and the signal strength modifiers are consistent with unity in all the bosonic channels considered; the hypothesis of a scalar particle is strongly favored, against the pseudoscalar or the vector/pseudovector or the spin-2 boson hypotheses (all excluded at 99\% CL or higher in the $H \to ZZ \to 4 \ell$ channel). The Higgs boson mass measurement from the combination of $H \to ZZ \to 4 \ell$ and $H \to \gamma \gamma$ channels gives a value $m_H = 125.03^{+0.26}_{-0.27}\ (stat.)\ ^{+0.13}_{-0.15}\ (syst.)$. An upper limit $\Gamma_H < 22$~MeV can be put on the Higgs boson width thanks to the new indirect method..
CMS-CR-2014-308.- Geneva : CERN, 2015 - 11 p. - Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 95 (2015) 04026 EDP Sciences Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
In : 3rd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, 28 Jul - 06 Aug 2014, pp.04026
Observation of an Excess of Events in the Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the $H\to WW^{(\ast)}\to \ell\nu\ell\nu$ Channel with the ATLAS Detector
A Standard Model Higgs boson search in the $H \to WW^{(*)} \to e\nu\mu\nu$ decay mode has been performed using proton-proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.8 fb$^{-1}$ at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV collected during 2012 with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. [...]
- 2012. - 28 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
Measurement of the Properties of the Higgs Boson at ATLAS / Martin, V J (Edinburgh U.) ; Bristow, T M (Edinburgh U.)
An update on the Higgs boson search in the decay channels $H \rightarrow\gamma\gamma, H \rightarrow ZZ^{(∗)} \rightarrow 4\ell, H \rightarrow WW^{(∗)} \rightarrow \ell\nu\ell\nu, H \rightarrow\tau^+\tau^-$ and $H \rightarrow b \bar b$ at the ATLAS detector is presented. [...]
- 2014.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
Measurements of Higgs boson properties in ATLAS / Adye, T (Rutherford)
Combined measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson using the full pp collision data sample recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC are presented. [...]
- 2013. - 6 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text - Full text
Higgs spin tests in ATLAS/CMS / Mattmann, J (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
Combined talk with CMS about Higgs properties (spin/CP)
ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2014-853.- Geneva : CERN, 2014 - 16 p. Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
In : Higgs Couplings 2014, Torino, Italie, 1 - 3 Oct 2014
Discovery Potential for the SM Higgs Boson in the Inclusive Search Channels / Schmidt, Alexander (Karlsruhe U., EKP) /for the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
This paper gives an overview of the potential to discover a Standard Model Higgs Boson in the inclusive search channels at the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC. The most important decay modes, $H \to \gamma \gamma$, $H \to WW \to ll\nu\nu$ and $H \to ZZ \to 4l$ are described and a summary of recently published analyses using realistic detector simulations is presented..
arXiv:0710.4878.- 2008 - 5 p. - Published in : , pp. 430-433
Fulltext: arXiv:0710.4878 - PDF; 0710.4878 - PDF; External link: Electronic Version from a server
In : 15th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions, Karlsruhe, Germany, 26 Jul - 1 Aug 2007, pp.430-433
Measurements of the properties of the Higgs-like boson in the $WW^{(\ast)} \to \ell \nu \ell \nu$ decay channel with the ATLAS detector using 25 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data
Evidence for the Higgs-like boson in the $H \to WW^{(\ast)} \to \ell\nu\ell\nu$ channel is presented using the complete 2012 and 2011 data samples collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. [...]
- 2013. - 50 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
10. Recommendations of the Finance Committee to Council as to the Financing of the 1965 Supplementary Programme
Recommandations du Comité des Finances au Conseil au sujet du financement du programme supplémentaire pour 1965
28th Session of Council ; 1964
English: PDF
French: PDF

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