CERN Accelerating science

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Book cover The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report , v.3.II : accelerator baseline design. / Adolphsen, Chris ; Barone, Maura (ed.) ; Barish, Barry (ed.) ; Buesser, Karsten (ed.) ; Burrows, Philip (ed.) ; Carwardine, John (ed.) ; Clark, Jeffrey (ed.) ; Durand, Helene Mainaud (ed.) ; Dugan, Gerry (ed.) ; Elsen, Eckhard (ed.) ; Enomoto, Atsushi (ed.) ; Foster, Brian (ed.) ; Fukuda, Shigeki (ed.) ; Gai, Wei (ed.) ; Gastal, Martin (ed.) ; Geng, Rongli (ed.) ; Ginsburg, Camille (ed.) ; Guiducci, Susanna (ed.) ; Harrison, Mike (ed.) ; Hayano, Hitoshi (ed.) ; Kershaw, Keith (ed.) ; Kubo, Kiyoshi (ed.) ; Kuchler, Victor (ed.) ; List, Benno (ed.) ; Liu, Wanming (ed.) ; Michizono, Shinichiro (ed.) ; Nantista, Christopher (ed.) ; Osborne, John (ed.) ; Palmer, Mark (ed.) ; Paterson, James McEwan (ed.) ; Peterson, Thomas (ed.) ; Phinney, Nan (ed.) ; Ross, Marc (ed.) ; Rubin, David (ed.) ; Seryi, Andrei (ed.) ; Sheppard, John (ed.) ; Solyak, Nikolay (ed.) ; Stapnes, Steinar (ed.) ; Tauchi, Toshiaki (ed.) ; Toge, Nobu (ed.) ; Walker, Nicholas (ed.) ; Yamamoto, Akira (ed.) ; Yokoya, Kaoru (ed.)
The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report (TDR) describes in four volumes the physics case and the design of a 500 GeV centre-of-mass energy linear electron-positron collider based on superconducting radio-frequency technology using Niobium cavities as the accelerating structures [...]
arXiv:1306.6328 ANL-HEP-TR-13-20 ; BNL-100603-2013-IR ; IRFU-13-59 ; Cockcroft-13-10 ; CERN-ATS-2013-037 ; CLNS-13-2085 ; DESY-13-062 ; FERMILAB-TM-2554 ; IHEP-AC-ILC-2013-001 ; ILC-REPORT-2013-040 ; INFN-13-04-LNF ; JAI-2013-001 ; JINR-E9-2013-35 ; JLAB-R-2013-01 ; KEK-Report-2013-1 ; KNU-CHEP-ILC-2013-1 ; LLNL-TR-635539 ; SLAC-R-1004 ; ILC-HiGrade-Report-2013-003. - Geneva : CERN, 2013. - 339 p.

ILC Technical Design Report - Fulltext - ILC TDR Vol 3.II - CERN library copies
Book cover The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report , v.3.I : Accelerator R&D in the Technical Design Phase. / Adolphsen, Chris ; Barone, Maura (ed.) ; Barish, Barry (ed.) ; Buesser, Karsten (ed.) ; Burrows, Philip (ed.) ; Carwardine, John (ed.) ; Clark, Jeffrey (ed.) ; Durand, Hélène Mainaud (ed.) ; Dugan, Gerry (ed.) ; Elsen, Eckhard (ed.) ; Enomoto, Atsushi (ed.) ; Foster, Brian (ed.) ; Fukuda, Shigeki (ed.) ; Gai, Wei (ed.) ; Gastal, Martin (ed.) ; Geng, Rongli (ed.) ; Ginsburg, Camille (ed.) ; Guiducci, Susanna (ed.) ; Harrison, Mike (ed.) ; Hayano, Hitoshi (ed.) ; Kershaw, Keith (ed.) ; Kubo, Kiyoshi (ed.) ; Kuchler, Victor (ed.) ; List, Benno (ed.) ; Liu, Wanming (ed.) ; Michizono, Shinichiro (ed.) ; Nantista, Christopher (ed.) ; Osborne, John (ed.) ; Palmer, Mark (ed.) ; Paterson, James McEwan (ed.) ; Peterson, Thomas (ed.) ; Phinney, Nan (ed.) ; Ross, Marc (ed.) ; Rubin, David (ed.) ; Seryi, Andrei (ed.) ; Sheppard, John (ed.) ; Solyak, Nikolay (ed.) ; Stapnes, Steinar (ed.) ; Tauchi, Toshiaki (ed.) ; Toge, Nobu (ed.) ; Walker, Nicholas (ed.) ; Yamamoto, Akira (ed.) ; Yokoya, Kaoru (ed.)
The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report (TDR) describes in four volumes the physics case and the design of a 500 GeV centre-of-mass energy linear electron-positron collider based on superconducting radio-frequency technology using Niobium cavities as the accelerating structures [...]
arXiv:1306.6353 ANL-HEP-TR-13-20 ; BNL-100603-2013-IR ; IRFU-13-59 ; CERN-ATS-2013-037 ; Cockcroft-13-10 ; CLNS-13-2085 ; DESY-13-062 ; FERMILAB-TM-2554 ; IHEP-AC-ILC-2013-001 ; ILC-REPORT-2013-040 ; INFN-13-04-LNF ; JAI-2013-001 ; JINR-E9-2013-35 ; JLAB-R-2013-01 ; KEK-Report-2013-1 ; KNU-CHEP-ILC-2013-1 ; LLNL-TR-635539 ; SLAC-R-1004 ; ILC-HiGrade-Report-2013-003. - Geneva : CERN, 2013. - 219 p.

ILC Technical Design Report - ILC TDR Vol 3.I - Fulltext - CERN library copies
Book cover The International Linear Collider Design Report , v.5 : from design to reality. / Carwardine, John (ed.) ; Demarteau, Marcel (ed.) ; Foster, Brian (ed.) ; Harrison, Michael (ed.) ; Walker, Nicholas (ed.) ; Yamamoto, Kirk (ed.)
This brochure represents Volume 5 of the ILC’s Technical Design Report [...]
ANL-HEP-TR-13-20 ; BNL-100603-2013-IR ; IRFU-13-59 ; CERN-ATS-2013-037 ; Cockcroft-13-10 ; CLNS-13-2085 ; DESY-13-062 ; FERMILAB-TM-2554 ; IHEP-AC-ILC-2013-001 ; ILC-REPORT-2013-040 ; INFN-13-04-LNF ; JAI-2013-001 ; JINR-E9-2013-35 ; JLAB-R-2013-01 ; KEK-Report-2013-1 ; KNU-CHEP-ILC-2013-1 ; LLNL-TR-635539 ; SLAC-R-1004 ; ILC-HiGrade-Report-2013-003. - 2013. - 36 p.

ILC Technical Design Report - ILC TDR Vol 5 - CERN library copies
Book cover The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report , v.4 : detectors. / Behnke, Ties ; Brau, James E. (ed.) ; Burrows, Philip N. (ed.) ; Fuster, Juan (ed.) ; Peskin, Michael (ed.) ; Stanitzki, Marcel (ed.) ; Sugimoto, Yasuhiro (ed.) ; Yamada, Sakue (ed.) ; Yamamoto, Hitoshi (ed.)
The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report (TDR) describes in four volumes the physics case and the design of a 500 GeV centre-of-mass energy linear electron-positron collider based on superconducting radio-frequency technology using Niobium cavities as the accelerating structures [...]
arXiv:1306.6329 ANL-HEP-TR-13-20 ; BNL-100603-2013-IR ; IRFU-13-59 ; Cockcroft-13-10 ; CERN-ATS-2013-037 ; CLNS-13-2085 ; DESY-13-062 ; FERMILAB-TM-2554 ; IHEP-AC-ILC-2013-001 ; ILC-REPORT-2013-040 ; INFN-13-04-LNF ; JAI-2013-001 ; JINR-E9-2013-35 ; JLAB-R-2013-01 ; KEK-Report-2013-1 ; KNU-CHEP-ILC-2013-1 ; LLNL-TR-635539 ; SLAC-R-1004 ; ILC-HiGrade-Report-2013-003. - Geneva : CERN, 2013. - 364 p.

ILC Technical Design Report - Fulltext - ILC TDR Vol 4 - CERN library copies
Book cover The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report , v.1 : Executive Summary. / Behnke, Ties (ed.) ; Brau, James E. (ed.) ; Foster, Brian (ed.) ; Fuster, Juan (ed.) ; Harrison, Mike (ed.) ; Paterson, James McEwan (ed.) ; Peskin, Michael (ed.) ; Stanitzki, Marcel (ed.) ; Walker, Nicholas (ed.) ; Yamamoto, Hitoshi (ed.)
The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report (TDR) describes in four volumes the physics case and the design of a 500 GeV centre-of-mass energy linear electron-positron collider based on superconducting radio-frequency technology using Niobium cavities as the accelerating structures [...]
arXiv:1306.6327 ANL-HEP-TR-13-20 ; BNL-100603-2013-IR ; IRFU-13-59 ; CERN-ATS-2013-037 ; Cockcroft-13-10 ; CLNS-13-2085 ; DESY-13-062 ; FERMILAB-TM-2554 ; IHEP-AC-ILC-2013-001 ; ILC-REPORT-2013-040 ; INFN-13-04-LNF ; JAI-2013-001 ; JINR-E9-2013-35 ; JLAB-R-2013-01 ; KEK-Report-2013-1 ; KNU-CHEP-ILC-2013-1 ; LLNL-TR-635539 ; SLAC-R-1004 ; ILC-HiGrade-Report-2013-003. - Geneva : CERN, 2013. - 60 p.

Book cover The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report , v.2 : Physics. / Barklow, Tim (ed.) ; Fujii, Keisuke (ed.) ; Gao, Yuanning (ed.) ; Hoang, Andre (ed.) ; Kanemura, Shinya (ed.) ; List, Jenny (ed.) ; Logan, Heather E (ed.) ; Nomerotski, Andrei (ed.) ; Perelstein, Maxim (ed.) ; Peskin, Michael E (ed.) ; Pöschl, Roman (ed.) ; Reuter, Jürgen (ed.) ; Riemann, Sabine (ed.) ; Savoy-Navarro, Aurore (ed.) ; Servant, Geraldine (ed.) ; Tait, Tim M P (ed.)
The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report (TDR) describes in four volumes the physics case and the design of a 500 GeV centre-of-mass energy linear electron-positron collider based on superconducting radio-frequency technology using Niobium cavities as the accelerating structures [...]
arXiv:1306.6352 ANL-HEP-TR-13-20 ; BNL-100603-2013-IR ; IRFU-13-59 ; CERN-ATS-2013-037 ; Cockcroft-13-10 ; CLNS-13-2085 ; DESY-13-062 ; FERMILAB-TM-2554 ; IHEP-AC-ILC-2013-001 ; ILC-REPORT-2013-040 ; INFN-13-04-LNF ; JAI-2013-001 ; JINR-E9-2013-35 ; JLAB-R-2013-01 ; KEK-Report-2013-1 ; KNU-CHEP-ILC-2013-1 ; LLNL-TR-635539 ; SLAC-R-1004 ; ILC-HiGrade-Report-2013-003. - Geneva : CERN, 2013. - 189 p.

ILC Technical Design Report - Fulltext - ILC TDR Vol 2 - CERN library copies
Qualification of the Front End Cards for the CMS ECAL / Gastal, Martin ; Corrin, E ; Hansen, M ; Petit, P
CERN, 2004 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 10th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and Future Experiments, Boston, MA, USA, 13 - 17 Sep 2004, pp.101-106 (CERN-2004-010)
17th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors - VERTEX 2008   28 Jul - 01 Aug 2008  - Utö Island, Sweden  / Artuso, Marina (ed.) (Syracuse U.); Bilei, Gian Mario (ed.) (Perugia U.); Bortoletto, Daniela (ed.) (Purdue U.); Brenner, Richard (Chair) (Uppsala U.); Caccia, Massimo (ed.) (Insubria U.); Christian, David (ed.) (Fermilab); Collins, Paula (ed.) (CERN); Dong, Su (ed.) (SLAC); Horisberger, Roland (ed.) (PSI); Koffeman, Els (ed.) (NIKHEF) et al.
Trieste : SISSA, 2008 - Published in : PoS: VERTEX 2008 (2008)
Challenges and concepts for design of an interaction region with push-pull arrangement of detectors - an interface document / Parker, B (Brookhaven) ; Angal-Kalinin, D (Rutherford) ; Ashmanskas, B (Fermilab) ; Büsser, K (DESY) ; Burrows, P (Oxford U.) ; Enomoto, A (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Hervé, A (CERN) ; Kuchler, Victor P (Fermilab) ; Markiewicz, Thomas W (SLAC) ; Mikhailichenko, A (Cornell U., Ithaca, Phys. Dept. ) et al.
FERMILAB-CONF-08-205-APC-FESS.- 2008 - 4 p. External links: Fulltext from Fermilab; Published version from JACoW
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.MOPP031
Recent results on KEK/ATF damping ring / Urakawa, J (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Akemoto, M (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Araki, S (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Funahashi, Y (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Hayano, H (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Higo, T (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Kim, E (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Kamada, S (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Korhonen, T (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Kubo, K (KEK, Tsukuba) et al.
CERN-PS-98-010-[SIC!]; IHEP-BEPC-AP-98-12; KEK-98-154; LBNL-42333; SLAC-PUB-7952.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 5 p. Fulltext: TIF PDF; Published version: PDF;
In : 17th International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, Dubna, Russian Federation, 7 - 12 Sep 1998, pp.117-119

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