CERN Accelerating science

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Qualification of the first preproduction 3D FBK sensors with ITkPixV1\ / ATLAS Collaboration
The ITk detector, the new ATLAS silicon tracking system for High Luminosity LHC, will be equipped with 3D pixel sensor modules in the innermost layer (L0). The pixel cell dimensions will be 25x100 μm² in the barrel and 50x50 μm² in the end-caps, with one read-out electrode at the centre of each pixel and four bias electrodes at the corners. [...]
ATL-ITK-SLIDE-2022-668.- Geneva : CERN, 2023 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
In : International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Tracking and Imaging (PIXEL 2022), Santa Fe, USA, 11 - 16 Dec 2022, pp.ATL-ITK-SLIDE-2022-668
Test of ITk 3D sensor pre-production modules with ITkPixv1.1 chip / Lapertosa, Alessandro (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) ; Gemme, Claudia (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) ; Ravera, Simone (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) ; D M S, Sultan ; Dalla Betta, Gian Franco (Universita degli Studi di Trento and INFN (IT)) ; Gariano, Giuseppe (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) ; Vannoli, Leonardo (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) ; Samy, Md Arif Abdulla (Universita degli Studi di Trento and INFN (IT)) /ATLAS Collaboration
ITk detector, the new ATLAS tracking system at High Luminosity LHC, will be equipped with 3D pixel sensor modules in the innermost layer (L0). The pixel cell dimensions will be either 25x100 µm2 (barrel) or 50x50 µm2 (endcap), with one read-out electrode at the centre of a pixel and four bias electrodes at the corners. [...]
ATL-ITK-SLIDE-2022-278.- Geneva : CERN, 2022 - 19 p. Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
Test of ITk 3D sensor pre-production modules with ITkPixv1.1 chip / ATLAS Collaboration
ITk detector, the new ATLAS tracking system at High Luminosity LHC, will be equipped with 3D pixel sensor modules in the innermost layer (L0). [...]
- 2022. - 10 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
Qualification of the first pre-production 3D FBK sensors with ITkPixV1 readout chip / ATLAS Collaboration
The ITk detector, the new ATLAS silicon tracking system for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), will be equipped with 3D pixel sensor modules in the innermost layer (L0). [...]
- 2023.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
Qualification of irradiated FBK 3D pre-production pixel sensors for the ATLAS ITk detector / Ravera, Simone (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) /ATLAS Collaboration
With the beginning of the High Luminosity program of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) the ATLAS detector will have to face an increased instantaneous luminosity up to 7.5 1034 cm2 s1 and an average of 200 proton-proton collisions per bunch-crossing. To be ready for these challenging beam conditions the ATLAS Inner Detector will be completely replaced with a new all-silicon Inner Tracker, the ITk. [...]
ATL-ITK-SLIDE-2023-603.- Geneva : CERN, 2023 - 1 p. Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
In : 32nd International Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX 2023), Sestri Levante, Italy, 16 - 20 Oct 2023, pp.ATL-ITK-SLIDE-2023-603
Characterisation with test beams of ITk pixel detectors for the upgrade of the ATLAS Inner Detector / ATLAS Collaboration
The ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced with an all-silicon tracking detector (ITk) to cope with the new challenging conditions arising with the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), where the instantaneous luminosity will increase by three times compared to that of the LHC, and bring higher radiation damage. [...]
ATL-ITK-PROC-2024-029 ; C24-07-17.
- 2024 - 3.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
Towards the production of the 3D pixel detectors for the upgrade of the ATLAS Inner Detector / Ressegotti, Martina (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) /ATLAS Collaboration
The ATLAS Inner Detector will be completely replaced with an all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) to withstand the harsh operational conditions of the High Luminosity LHC at CERN. The ITk pixel detector will be located in the innermost part of the tracker. [...]
ATL-ITK-SLIDE-2024-007.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
Qualification of irradiated 3D pixel sensors produced by FBK for the pre-production of the ATLAS ITk detector / Ravera, Simone (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))
To be ready for the challenging conditions of the High Luminosity phase of the LHC accelerator at CERN, the ATLAS Inner Detector will be completely replaced with a new all-silicon Inner Tracker, the ITk. [...]
- 2024 - 5.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
Serial Powering Scheme and Performance Analysis for the Innermost Layer (L0) of ATLAS ITk modules / Samy, Md Arif Abdulla (Universita degli Studi di Trento and INFN (IT)) ; Pianori, Elisabetta (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) ; Heim, Timon (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) ; Thompson, Emily Anne (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) ; Dalla Betta, Gian-Franco
In this study, we powered in series 4 triplets based on the pre-production ATLAS FE chip for HL-LHC. [...]
- 2023. - 3 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
Exotic spectroscopy at LHCb / Cavallero, Giovanni (Universita e INFN Genova (IT))
LHCb-TALK-2016-095.- Geneva : CERN, 2016 - 18. Fulltext: PDF;
In : Phenomenology 2016 Symposium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Usa, 9 - 11 May 2016

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