CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Намерени са 10 записа  Търсенето отне 1.09 секунди. 
Magnets for a Muon Collider—Needs and Plans / Bottura, L (CERN) ; Accettura, C (CERN) ; Amemiya, N (Kyoto U.) ; Auchmann, B (PSI, Villigen) ; Berg, J S (Brookhaven Natl. Lab.) ; Bersani, A (INFN, Genoa) ; Bertarelli, A (CERN) ; Boattini, F (CERN) ; Bordini, B (CERN) ; Borges de Sousa, P (CERN) et al.
We describe the magnet challenges for a Muon Collider, an exciting option considered for the future of particle physics at the energy frontier. Starting from the comprehensive work performed by the US Muon Accelerator Program, we have reviewed the performance specifications dictated by beam physics and the operating conditions to satisfy the accelerator needs. [...]
2024 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 34 (2024) 1-8 Fulltext: PDF;
A Work Proposal for a Collaborative Study of Magnet Technology for a Future Muon Collider / Bottura, L. (CERN) ; Aguglia, D. (CERN) ; Auchmann, B. (PSI, Villigen) ; Arndt, T. (KIT, Karlsruhe) ; Beard, J. (LNCMI, Grenoble) ; Bersani, A. (INFN, Genoa) ; Boattini, F. (CERN) ; Breschi, M. (Bologna U.) ; Caiffi, B. (INFN, Genoa) ; Chaud, X. (LNCMI, Grenoble) et al.
In this paper we elaborate on the nature and challenges for the magnet systems of a muon collider as presently considered within the scope of the International Muon Collider Collaboration (IMCC). [...]
- 9 p.
eConf - Fulltext
Status of the EuCARD 5.4-T REBCO Dipole Magnet / Borgnolutti, F (IRFU, Saclay) ; Durante, M (Saclay) ; Debray, F (U. Grenoble Alpes) ; Rifflet, J -M (Saclay) ; De Rijk, G (Neel Lab, Grenoble) ; Tixador, P (CERN) ; Tudela, J -M (U. Grenoble Alpes)
A 5.4-T REBCO insert dipole magnet is being built at CEA Saclay to study the viability of hybrid accelerator magnets made of high- and low-temperature superconductors to generate magnetic fields in the range of 20 T, which is a field level of interest for future circular colliders. In this paper, we present the electromechanical design of the insert [...]
2016 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 26 (2016) 4602605
In : 24th International Conference on Magnet Technology, Seoul, Korea, 18 - 23 Oct 2015, pp.4602605
Design of a neutrino source based on beta beams / Wildner, E (CERN) ; Hansen, C (CERN) ; Benedetto, E (CERN) ; Jensen, E (CERN) ; Stora, T (CERN) ; Mendonca, T Melo (CERN) ; Vlachoudis, V (CERN) ; Bouquerel, E (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Marie-Jeanne, M (Grenoble, INP ; LPSC, Grenoble) ; Balint, P (Grenoble, INP ; LPSC, Grenoble) et al.
``Beta beams'' produce collimated pure electron (anti)neutrino beams by accelerating beta active ions to high energies and having them decay in a racetrack shaped storage ring of 7 km circumference, the decay ring. EUROnu beta beams are based on CERN infrastructures and existing machines. [...]
2014 - 51 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Spec. Top. Accel. Beams 17 (2014) 071002 APS Open Access article: PDF;
Performance tests of prototype high field HTS coils in Grenoble / Miyoshi, Y (NIMS-ICYS, Tsukuba) ; Badel, A (U. Grenoble Alpes) ; Chaud, X (U. Grenoble Alpes) ; Benkel, T (U. Grenoble Alpes) ; Vincent, B (U. Grenoble Alpes) ; Tixador, P (U. Grenoble Alpes) ; Marpaud, J (U. Grenoble Alpes) ; Debray, F (U. Grenoble Alpes) ; Lécrevisse, T (IRFU, Saclay ; CEA, DSM, Saclay) ; Devaux, M (IRFU, Saclay ; CEA, DSM, Saclay) et al.
CERN-ACC-2014-0234.- Geneva : CERN, 2014 Fulltext: PDF;
High intensity neutrino oscillation facilities in Europe / Edgecock, T.R. (Rutherford) ; Caretta, O. (Rutherford) ; Davenne, T. (Rutherford) ; Densham, C. (Rutherford) ; Fitton, M. (Rutherford) ; Kelliher, D. (Rutherford) ; Loveridge, P. (Rutherford) ; Machida, S. (Rutherford) ; Prior, C. (Rutherford) ; Rogers, C. (Rutherford) et al.
The EUROnu project has studied three possible options for future, high intensity neutrino oscillation facilities in Europe. The first is a Super Beam, in which the neutrinos come from the decay of pions created by bombarding targets with a 4 MW proton beam from the CERN High Power Superconducting Proton Linac. [...]
arXiv:1305.4067; FERMILAB-PUB-13-656-APC-PPD.- 2013-02-20 - 18 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams: 19 (2016) , pp. 079901 APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Addendum: PDF; Fulltext: fermilab-pub-13-656-apc-ppd - PDF; PhysRevSTAB.16 - PDF; Preprint: PDF; External links: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available); Open Access fulltext
Beta Beams for Precision Measurements of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters / Wildner, E (CERN) ; Benedetto, E (CERN) ; Hansen, C (CERN) ; De Melo Mendonca, T (CERN) ; Stora, T (CERN) ; Damjanovic, S (CERN) ; Payet, J (Saclay) ; Chancé, A (Saclay) ; Zorin, V (Nizhnii Novgorod, IAP) ; Izotov, I (Nizhnii Novgorod, IAP) et al.
Neutrino oscillations have implications for the Standard Model of particle physics. The CERN Beta Beam has outstanding capabilities to contribute to precision measurements of the parameters governing neutrino oscillations [...]
CERN-ATS-2012-145.- Geneva : CERN, 2012 - 3 p. - Published in : Conf. Proc.: C1205201 (2012) , pp. THPPP087
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Published version from JaCoW
In : 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 20 - 25 May 2012, pp.3939
HTS Insert Magnet Design Study   / Devaux, M (IRFU, Saclay) ; Debray, F (LNCMI CNRS/UJF/INSA) ; Fleiter, J (CERN) ; Fazilleau, P (IRFU, Saclay) ; Lécrevisse, T (IRFU, Saclay) ; Pes, C (IRFU, Saclay) ; Rey, J-M (IRFU, Saclay) ; Rifflet, J-M (IRFU, Saclay) ; Sorbi, M (LASA, Segrate) ; Stenvall, A (Tampere U. of Tech.) et al.
WP: 7: Super-conducting High Field Magnets for higher luminosities and energies
Task: 7.4: Very High Field Insert

Future accelerator magnets will need to reach higher field in the range of 20 T. [...]
- 2011.
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Beta Beams: an accelerator based facility to explore Neutrino oscillation physics / Wildner, E (CERN) ; Benedetto, E (CERN) ; Hansen, C (CERN) ; De Melo Mendonca, T (CERN) ; Stora, T (CERN) ; Payet, J (Saclay) ; Chance, A (Saclay) ; Zorin, V (Nizhnii Novgorod, IAP) ; Izotov, I (Nizhnii Novgorod, IAP) ; Rasin, S (Nizhnii Novgorod, IAP) et al.
The discovery that the neutrino changes flavor as it travels through space has implications for the Standard Model of particle physics (SM)[1]. To know the contribution of neutrinos to the SM, needs precise measurements of the parameters governing the neutrino oscillations. [...]
CERN-ATS-2011-182.- Geneva : CERN, 2011 - 3 p. Fulltext: PDF; External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference, San Sebastian, Spain, 4 - 9 Sep 2011, pp.WEPS024
Deliverable D9: Bunched efficiency advanced study - 60 GHz Final report on bunched efficiency / Lamy, T (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Marie-Jeanne, M (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Thuillier, T (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Latrasse, L (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Fourel, C (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Giraud, J (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Trophime, C (Crystalography Lab., Grenoble) ; Debray, F (Crystalography Lab., Grenoble) ; Sala, P (Crystalography Lab., Grenoble) ; Dumas, J (Crystalography Lab., Grenoble) et al.
Final report on bunched efficiency of proposed high frequency ECR source for production of radioactive isotopes needed for beta beams
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2 Debray, F.
2 Debray, François
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