| The constraints on the minimal supergravity model from the b->s+\gamma decay are studied. A large domain in the parameter space for the model satisfies the CLEO bound, BR(b->s+\gamma)<5.4X10 {-4}. However, the allowed domain is expected to diminish significantly with an improved bound on this decay. The dependence of the b->s+\gamma branching ratio on various parameters is studied in detail. It is found that, for A_t<0 and the top quark mass within the vicinity of the center of the CDF value, m_t {pole}=174\pm17 GeV, there exists only a small allowed domain because the light stop is tachyonic for most of the parameter space. A similar phenomenon exists for a lighter top and A_t negative when the GUT coupling constant is slightly reduced. For A_t>0, however, the branching ratio is much less sensitive to small changes in m_t, and \alpha_G. |