主页 > CMS Collection > CMS Preprints > The strong coupling constant and its running from inclusive jet production at CMS |
CMS Physics Analysis Summaries | |
Report number | CMS-PAS-SMP-24-007 |
Title | The strong coupling constant and its running from inclusive jet production at CMS |
Corporate author(s) | CMS Collaboration |
Collaboration | CMS Collaboration |
Subject category | Particle Physics - Experiment |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN LHC ; CMS |
Abstract | A comprehensive analysis at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) accuracy in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is presented. It uses double-differential cross section measurements of inclusive jet production from the CMS Collaboration at centre-of-mass energies of 2.76, 7, 8, and 13 TeV. The result is a simultaneous determination of the value of the strong coupling constant at the mass of the Z boson $\alpha_{\mathrm{s}}(M_{\mathrm{Z}})$ together with the parton distribution functions of the proton. The value $\alpha_{\mathrm{s}}(M_{\mathrm{Z}}) = 0.1176^{+0.0014}_{-0.0016}$ is obtained. By using the measurements in different intervals of jet transverse momenta, the running of the strong coupling is probed for energy scales between 100 and 1600 GeV. |
Other source | Inspire |
Related | superseded by: CERN-EP-2024-327 |
Email contact: [email protected] Fulltext in PDF Figure_006 Figure_005 Figure_004 Figure_003 Figure_002 Figure_001 Additional information for the analysis (restricted access) |