Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Collection/Cini Foundation

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instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & collection (P195) -> Giorgio Cini Foundation (Q1435690)

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item p:P195 ?collectionstatement . ?collectionstatement ps:P195 wd:Q1435690 . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . }
label description image creator inception inventory number described at URL
Portrait of Lyda Borelli painting by Giuseppe Amisani
Giuseppe Amisani 1910
Judgement of Paris painting by Sandro Botticelli in the Cini Palace Gallery
Sandro Botticelli
No/unknown value
1480s FGC 40015
VC 3416
End of automatically generated list.