Wikidata:WikiProject Finnish Elections

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Note: See WikiProject Politics Infoboxes for already accepted best practices.

WikiProject Finnish Elections is a project to collect and produce data about Finnish elections into Wikidata. The work focuses first on the municipal elections of 2012 and 2017.

Modelling elections data for the municipal elections 2012 and 2017


The current task is to import the candidates for the Finnish municipal elections in 2012. The Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE will host a hackathon where this data will be further acted on.

The same data will be reproduced for the 2017 elections and candidates of the Finnish municipal elections held on 9 April 2017.


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)2017 Finnish municipal elections <instance of> municipal election-
point in timeP585Point in timepoint in time: date something took place, existed or a statement was true; for providing time use the "refine date" property (P4241)2017 Finnish municipal elections <point in time> 2017-04-09-
followsP155Itemfollows: immediately prior item in a series of which the subject is a part, preferably use as qualifier of P179 [if the subject has replaced the preceding item, e.g. political offices, use "replaces" (P1365)]2017 Finnish municipal elections <follows> 2012 Finnish municipal electionsfollowed by
followed byP156Itemfollowed by: immediately following item in a series of which the subject is a part, preferably use as qualifier of P179 [if the subject has been replaced, e.g. political offices, use "replaced by" (P1366)]2017 Finnish municipal elections <followed by> follows
eligible votersP1867Quantitynumber of eligible voters: number of eligible voters for a particular election2017 Finnish municipal elections <eligible voters> -
ballots castP1868Quantitynumber of ballots cast: total number of ballot(s) cast, including invalid or blank ballots2017 Finnish municipal elections <ballots cast> -
countryP17Itemhistorical country, state and sovereign state: sovereign state that this item is in (not to be used for human beings)2017 Finnish municipal elections <country> Finland-
total valid votesP1697Quantitynumber of valid votes: vote count for the elections (excluding invalid votes)2017 Finnish municipal elections <total valid votes> -
has part(s)P527Itemhas part, consist of and meronymy: part of this subject; inverse property of "part of" (P361). See also "has parts of the class" (P2670). <has part(s)> early votingpart of

Elections locally


To do

  1. Create elections items for each municipality in 2012 (decide how to name them) ✓ Done
  2. Link to city council ✓ Done
  3. Link to municipality: applies to jurisdiction (P1001) ✓ Done
  4. Add aggregated votes
    1. ballots cast (P1868)
    2. total valid votes (P1697)
    3. eligible voters (P1867)
      1. quantity (P1114)
      2. female population (P1539)
  5. Add each party as candidate (P726)
    1. quantity (P1114)
    2. female population (P1539)
    3. votes received (P1111)
  6. Add selected parties as successful candidates
    1. quantity (P1114)
    2. female population (P1539)
Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)2012 Alavus municipal election <instance of> municipal elections in Finland-
part ofP361Itempart: object of which the subject is a part (if this subject is already part of object A which is a part of object B, then please only make the subject part of object A), inverse property of "has part" (P527, see also "has parts of the class" (P2670))2012 Alavus municipal election <part of> 2012 Finnish municipal electionshas part(s)
applies to jurisdictionP1001Itemjurisdiction and jurisdiction: the item (institution, law, public office, public register...) or statement belongs to or has power over or applies to the value (a territorial jurisdiction: a country, state, municipality, ...)2012 Alavus municipal election <applies to jurisdiction> Alavus-
followsP155Itemfollows: immediately prior item in a series of which the subject is a part, preferably use as qualifier of P179 [if the subject has replaced the preceding item, e.g. political offices, use "replaces" (P1365)]2012 Alavus municipal election <follows> followed by
followed byP156Itemfollowed by: immediately following item in a series of which the subject is a part, preferably use as qualifier of P179 [if the subject has been replaced, e.g. political offices, use "replaced by" (P1366)]2012 Alavus municipal election <followed by> 2017 Finnish municipal electionsfollows
candidateP726Itempolitical candidate: person or party that is an option for an office in this election2012 Alavus municipal election <candidate> National Coalition Partycandidacy in election
quantityP1114Quantitynumber of objects: number of instances of this subject in the universe of the subject (the actual number of instances in Wikidata may be lower or higher)2012 Alavus municipal election <candidate> National Coalition Party
<quantity> 38
female populationP1539Quantitynumber of female people inhabiting the place; number of female people of subject2012 Alavus municipal election <candidate> National Coalition Party
<female population> 38
successful candidateP991Itemcandidate: person(s) or political organization(s) elected after the election2012 Alavus municipal election <successful candidate> National Coalition Party-
quantityP1114Quantitynumber of objects: number of instances of this subject in the universe of the subject (the actual number of instances in Wikidata may be lower or higher)2012 Alavus municipal election <successful candidate> National Coalition Party
<quantity> 7
female populationP1539Quantitynumber of female people inhabiting the place; number of female people of subject2012 Alavus municipal election <successful candidate> National Coalition Party
<female population> 1
ballots castP1868Quantitynumber of ballots cast: total number of ballot(s) cast, including invalid or blank ballots2012 Alavus municipal election <ballots cast> 5952-
total valid votesP1697Quantitynumber of valid votes: vote count for the elections (excluding invalid votes)2012 Alavus municipal election <total valid votes> -
eligible votersP1867Quantitynumber of eligible voters: number of eligible voters for a particular election2012 Alavus municipal election <eligible voters> 9699-
female populationP1539Quantitynumber of female people inhabiting the place; number of female people of subject2012 Alavus municipal election <eligible voters> 9699
<female population> 4836



In the municipal election a municipality is the electoral district. In counting the votes, the electoral districts (constituencies) are used for some reason.

To be checked and updated

  1. Number of Finnish municipalities checked (311) ✓ Done
  2. Each one has a valid municipality code ✓ Done
  3. Name of the municipality in Finnish and in Swedish. Source ✓ Done
  4. Wikidata links in OSM to be able to produce maps ✓ Done
  5. Link to council (or link from council)✓ Done From council
  6. (Official language) Source: ✓ Done
  7. Electorate will be published 20 February 2017
  8. Update descriptions and regions ✓ Done

Note: Each municipality is EITHER municipality of Finland (Q856076) OR a former municipality of Finland (Q17468533). Start dates and end dates are marked in the same way in both. If the former municipality was formed in 1865, then that is the start date of the former municipality.

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
native labelP1705Monolingual textnative label: label for the items in their official language (P37) or their original language (P364)Moscow <native label> Москва-
official languageP37Itemofficial language: language designated as official by this itemHawaii <official language> Hawaiian and English-
Finnish municipality numberP1203External identifieridentifier for a municipality in FinlandVaasa <Finnish municipality number> 905-
electorateP1831Quantityvoter file and electoral body: number of persons qualified to vote during electionsSan Remigio <electorate> 34,079-
part ofP361Itempart: object of which the subject is a part (if this subject is already part of object A which is a part of object B, then please only make the subject part of object A), inverse property of "has part" (P527, see also "has parts of the class" (P2670))Helsinki <part of> Helsinkihas part(s)

Parliamentary constituencies

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)Helsinki <instance of> electoral district of Finland-
nameP2561Monolingual textname, full name and musical group name: name the subject is known by; preferably use a more specific subproperty if availableHelsinki <name> Helsingin vaalipiiri-

Constituencies list for parliamentary elections (Only for counting votes) In the municipal elections, a municipality is the constituency

2012 2013 2015
SS Koko maa SS Koko maa
01 Helsingin vaalipiiri 01 Helsingin vaalipiiri 01 Helsingin vaalipiiri
02 Uudenmaan vaalipiiri 02 Uudenmaan vaalipiiri 02 Uudenmaan vaalipiiri
03 Varsinais-Suomen vaalipiiri 03 Varsinais-Suomen vaalipiiri 03 Varsinais-Suomen vaalipiiri
04 Satakunnan vaalipiiri 04 Satakunnan vaalipiiri 04 Satakunnan vaalipiiri
06 Hämeen vaalipiiri 06 Hämeen vaalipiiri 06 Hämeen vaalipiiri
07 Pirkanmaan vaalipiiri 07 Pirkanmaan vaalipiiri 07 Pirkanmaan vaalipiiri
08 Kymen vaalipiiri 08 Kymen vaalipiiri 08 Kaakkois-Suomen vaalipiiri
09 Etelä-Savon vaalipiiri 09 Etelä-Savon vaalipiiri
10 Pohjois-Savon vaalipiiri 10 Pohjois-Savon vaalipiiri 09 Savo-Karjalan vaalipiiri
11 Pohjois-Karjalan vaalipiiri 11 Pohjois-Karjalan vaalipiiri
12 Vaasan vaalipiiri 12 Vaasan vaalipiiri 10 Vaasan vaalipiiri
13 Keski-Suomen vaalipiiri 13 Keski-Suomen vaalipiiri 11 Keski-Suomen vaalipiiri
14 Oulun vaalipiiri 14 Oulun vaalipiiri 12 Oulun vaalipiiri
15 Lapin vaalipiiri 15 Lapin vaalipiiri 13 Lapin vaalipiiri
05 Ahvenanmaan vaalipiiri 05 Ahvenanmaan vaalipiiri 05 Ahvenanmaan maakunnan vaalipiiri

Constituencies with historical changes from 1997:

To do

  1. Create items for all constituencies ✓ Done
  2. (Add name and ID changes) IN PROGRESS
  3. Link municipalities to the respective constituencies ✓ Done
  4. Add historical municipalities and their data (as of 2012)

Municipal council (kunnanvaltuusto)

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)Helsinki City Council <instance of> municipal council in Finland-
applies to jurisdictionP1001Itemjurisdiction and jurisdiction: the item (institution, law, public office, public register...) or statement belongs to or has power over or applies to the value (a territorial jurisdiction: a country, state, municipality, ...)Helsinki City Council <applies to jurisdiction> Helsinki-
number of seatsP1342Quantitytotal number of seats/members in an assembly (legislative house or similar)Helsinki City Council <number of seats> 12345-
start timeP580Point in timestart time: time an entity begins to exist or a statement starts being validHelsinki City Council <number of seats> 12345
<start time> 2012

To be checked and updated

  1. Create an item for each municipal council ✓ Done
  2. (Create an item for a member of each municipal council)
  3. Find the names of each council, if they don't follow a pattern ✓ Done with a pattern
  4. Add the size of the council. Source: The size of kunnanvaltuusto in both 2012 and 2017 and how it is based on the number of inhabitants. ✓ Done
    • Added values for 2012 and 2017 with qualifier start date. Only 2012 added if no change in 2017. (Was a technical limitation, can add 2017 values if needed.)
    • Some 2012 municipalities missing

Write articles, update Wikidata items

Party / Valitsijayhdistys / Yhteislista

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)Pirate Party <instance of> political party-
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform) <instance of> constituency association-
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform) <instance of> joint list or constituency association-
member countP2124Quantitynumber of entities that are part of an organization at a particular timePirate Party <member count> 12345-
logo imageP154Commons media filelogo: graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and productsPirate Party <logo image> -
sRGB color hex tripletP465StringsRGB: sRGB hex triplet format for subject color (e.g. 7FFFD4) specifying the 8-bit red, green and blue componentsPirate Party <sRGB color hex triplet> -



To do

  1. Create items for alliances (local or national?)



Properties for the person

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)Joonas Mäkinen <instance of> human-
residenceP551Itemresidence, domicile and hometown: the place where the person is or has been, residentJoonas Mäkinen <residence> Joonas-
given nameP735Itemgiven name: first name or another given name of this person; values used with the property should not link disambiguations nor family namesJoonas Mäkinen <given name> Joonas-
family nameP734Itemfamily name: part of full name of personJoonas Mäkinen <family name> Mäkinen-
sex or genderP21Itemsex of humans, biological sex, gender and sex or gender: sex or gender identity of human or animal. For human: male, female, non-binary, intersex, transgender female, transgender male, agender, etc. For animal: male organism, female organism. Groups of same gender use subclass of (P279)Joonas Mäkinen <sex or gender> male-
occupationP106Itemoccupation, by occupation or profession and profession: occupation of a person; see also "field of work" (Property:P101), "position held" (Property:P39)Joonas Mäkinen <occupation> musician-
occupationP106Itemoccupation, by occupation or profession and profession: occupation of a person; see also "field of work" (Property:P101), "position held" (Property:P39)Joonas Mäkinen <occupation> teacher-
position heldP39Itemmandate, position, political coalition, by position held, public office, historical position and job activity: subject currently or formerly holds the object position or public officeJoonas Mäkinen <position held> municipal councillor in Finlandofficeholder
elected inP2715Itemby election: election in which a person gained a position (as qualifier), or a position or legislative term is/was elected (as main value)Joonas Mäkinen <position held> municipal councillor in Finland
<elected in> 2012 Finnish municipal elections
member of political partyP102Itempolitical party and member of political party: the political party of which a person is or has been a member or otherwise affiliatedJoonas Mäkinen <member of political party> -
candidacy in electionP3602Itemcandidate and political candidate: the electionsJoonas Mäkinen <candidacy in election> 2012 Finnish municipal electionscandidate
Qualifiers for the candidacy (P3602)
Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
electoral districtP768Itemelectoral unit: Kuntavaaleissa vaalipiiri on kuntaJoonas Mäkinen <electoral district> Hämeenlinna-
representsP1268Itemorganization, member of a group and represents: party, association or a coalitionJoonas Mäkinen <represents> Green Leaguerepresented by
votes receivedP1111Quantitynumber of ballots cast: qualifier stating the number of votes for a candidate in an electionJoonas Mäkinen <votes received> 50-
⟨ Joonas Mäkinen (Q27982225)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩ candidacy in election (P3602) View with SQID ⟨ 2012 Helsinki municipal election (Q28735596) ⟩
electoral district (P768) View with SQID ⟨ Helsinki (Q1757)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩
represents (P1268) View with SQID ⟨ Pirate Party (Q1459085)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩
votes received (P1111) View with SQID ⟨ 50 ⟩
candidate number (P4243) View with SQID ⟨  147  ⟩
age of subject at event (P3629) View with SQID ⟨ 24 ⟩

Options for the property for the candidate number

Sample data

Original property Original value
henkilön-etunimi "Riku" person > given name (P735) Riku (Q7334111)
sukupuoli "1" person > sex or gender (P21) male (Q6581097)
vaalipiirinumero "01" candidate > electoral district (P768) TABLE
vaalilaji "K" elections > instance of (P31) municipal elections in Finland (Q15154951)
listapuoluenumero "01" candidate > represents (P1268) association
kuntanumero "091" candidate > office contested (P541) Helsinki City Council (Q4117101)
vakiopuoluenumero "06" candidate > represents (P1268) party
alueen-nimi-sv "Kronohagen A" -
vaalipiirin-tunnus-sv "HEL" -
vaaliliittonumero "01" candidate > represents (P1268) alliance
puolue-nimilyhenne-sv "VÄNST" -
tietuetyyppi "A" ?
europarlamentaarikko nil person > position held (P39) Member of the European Parliament (Q27169) + date
vaalipiirin-tunnus-fi "HEL" -
ehdokasnumero "0002" candidate > candidate number (P4243) 2
ammatti "valtiotieteiden kandidaatti, asiakasneuvoja" person > occupation (P106)
kunnanvaltuutettu nil person > position held (P39) municipal councillor in Finland (Q18694248) + event date
maakuntavaltuutettu nil person > position held (P39) maakuntavaltuutettu TBC + event date
henkilön-sukunimi "Ahola" person > family name (P734) Ahola (Q16147765)
äänestysaluetunnus "001A" candidate > subdistrict
kotikunta-fi "Helsinki" -
ikä-vaalipäivänä "031" person > event > age of subject at event (P3629) 31
kansanedustaja nil person > position held (P39) + date member of the Parliament of Finland (Q17592486)
kotikunnan-koodi "091" person > residence (P551) Helsinki (Q1757) + event date
alueen-nimi-fi "Kruununhaka A" -
puolue-nimilyhenne-fi "VAS" -
kotikunta-sv "Helsingfors" -

Challenges with importing a list of people

  • Copyright. Same data is available also from Statistics Finland, their licence requires attribution. Election data however is generally public and it is distributed by newspapers and mainstream media. Either the data is released under CC0 or the sections of data used from that database are not subject to copyright.
  • Privacy issues. In 2012 municipal elections there were 37125 candidates, 9674 of whom were elected to council. Whether or not this public data is challenging privacy needs to be evaluated.
  • Also, information collected to Wikidata can be seen as a person register. Person registers are controlled by henkilörekisterilaki in Finland which states that it is forbidden to store information about a person's political beliefs in a person register without consent. However, it is understood that if one volunteered as a candidate, they have published that information to general public.

Wikidata notability of the imported data


The notability has been discussed in a couple of threads in the Wikidata Project chat:

In Wikimedia context there is Resolution:Biographies of living people. In Wikidata there is Wikidata:Living people (proposal), but not any clear policies regarding the privacy issues.

Technical challenges


Biggest challenge is to detect which persons are already in Wikidata. If there is false positives then there is too wrong data in the persons article. If there is false negative then there is duplicate wikidata items.

Import plan


If it is ok for the community plan this:

  1. import councilmembers (Sample Heli Piirainen (Q28777227)), because they are in public role and thus safe. Deadline is more or less the friday because the Hackathon at Yle 17. February 2017.
  2. Trying to avoid false positives when data is matched to existing wikidata items. Primary method is just skip that person when data is uploaded and check that person later by hand.
  3. However there will be still some duplicate items with the persons who are already in Wikidata but code checks that they are different person. In example if person have changed their name. Again manual checking is needed for these.

Vaalidatahack – Hackathon at Yle 17. February 2017


See also
