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Help:Folio a questiones

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This page is a translated version of the page Help:FAQ and the translation is 43% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


  1. Ubi pote io trovar le FAQ in mi lingua?
    Vide le quadro "Other languages:" al initio de iste pagina e selige le lingua de tu preferentia. Si iste lingua non appare, alora le pagina non ha ancora essite traducite in illo. Pro crear un catena de linguas de reserva, de maniera que Wikidata monstrara automaticamente le contento in un lingua alternative si non disponibile in tu lingua primari, visita le Help:Navigating Wikidata/optiones del usator.
  2. Como pote io cambiar le configurationes de mi lingua? Es il possibile modificar le datos in plus que un lingua?
    Il ha alcun optiones pro definir le preferentias de lingua sur Wikidata, ma le extension Babel es le melior option pro usatores multilingue contribuente a Wikidata. Le extension permitte vider e adder facilemente information a campos in paginas de objecto (in particular: etiquettas, descriptiones e aliases) in plure linguas. Tu pote activar le extension Babel per le insertion del patrono #babel in tu pagina de usator; vide le Help:Navigating Wikidata/optiones del usator pro le detalios complete.


  1. Que es le differentia inter declarationes, proprietates e qualificatores? Ubi se trova plus information sur le terminologia de Wikidata?
    Le glossario es un bon loco pro initiar. Le paginas de adjuta forni etiam le contento introductor sur le conceptos importante de Wikidata.
  2. Que es un typo de datos? Quales se supporta actualmente in Wikidata?
    "Typo de datos" se refere al genere del valores de datos que pote esser addite a un proprietate in un declaration. Le typo de datos de un proprietate dunque limita lo que pote esser inserite como su valor. Per exemplo, solmente texto pote esser inserite como valor del proprietate "color", solmente numeros pote esser inserite pro le proprietate "population", e solmente formatos de file pote esser inserite pro le proprietate "Multimedia de Commons". Pro un lista de typos de datos actualmente supportate per Wikidata, vide Special:ListDatatypes. Additional typos es in disveloppamento e essera disponibile bentosto. Pro plus information, vide Help:Properties.
  3. Que es un "conflicto interwiki"? Como remediar lo?
    Un conflicto interwiki occurre quando duo plus objectos existe pro le mesme concepto o corresponde al mesme pagina in un sito de Wikimedia, per exemplo, un articulo de Wikipedia. Per favor, signala le problema sur Wikidata:Interwiki conflicts. Vide etiam Help:Merge.


  1. Io es nove hic. Que pote io facer e como pote io adjutar?
    Benvenite! Nos es multo felice de haber te hic! Il ha multe opportunitates pro contribuer a Wikidata, variante de meliorar e traducer documentation a planificar e proponer nove proprietates pro appoiar datos. Si tu cerca manieras de implicar te, nos recommenda le pagina Wikidata:Contribute pro un summario del differente rolos e activitates disponibile al usatores (in addition al modification de datos).
  2. Que deberea io modificar?
    Si tu sape modificar e vole un carga micre pro comenciar, tu pote meliorar un objecto aleatori (iste ligamine es sempre disponibile sub "Random page" in le barra lateral sinistre). User:Magnus Manske ha etiam disveloppate le joco de Wikidata, un interfacie dynamic que permitte meliorar Wikidata un declaration al vice. Tu poterea etiam laborar a un objecto particular pro elevar lo al stato de "objecto eminente". Objectos eminente es objectos que representa plenmente le capabilitates de Wikidata, demonstrante in plen detalio le datos que illo pote immagazinar. Un objecto eminente debe haber al minus 10 declarationes, inter altere attributos. Pro plus information, vide Wikidata:Showcase items.
  3. Ubi pote io trovar adjuta?
    Visita primo le portal de adjuta ubi se trova tote le documentation concernente le uso e redaction de Wikidata. Si le problema persiste, lassa un message in le Taverna.
  4. Que es un WikiProjecto?
    WikiProjectos sur Wikidata es gruppos de usatores collaborante pro meliorar le contento e copertura pro un thema particular. Iste labor varia e pote includer le discussion e proposition de nove proprietates pro supportar le thema, le disveloppamento de directivas pro le uso correcte de proprietates, communication con projectos associate e collectiones de datos ligate a includer in Wikidata, le creation de ressources pro appoiar le redactores de datos (p.ex. fontes de information digne de fide pro le thema), e plus. Omne usator pote adherer a un WikiProjecto o comenciar le sue. Vide etiam le lista actual de WikiProjectos.


  1. Io non vide un button "modificar" general pro paginas de objecto o de proprietate. Ubi es illo? Proque non pote io vider le codice de marcation wiki pro tote le paginas?
    Ben que Wikidata se basa sur le pacchetto wiki MediaWiki, illo etiam usa le programma Wikibase que permitte un genere special de modification unicamente pro datos structurate. In Wikidata, le spatio de nomines principal e illo de proprietates es reservate pro le redaction de datos. Pro paginas in iste spatios de nomines, tu pote solmente modificar le partes respective de un objecto o proprietate per le varie ligamines "Modificar". Il etiam non es possibile vider le marcation wiki pro tal paginas. Pro plus information sur le redaction de objectos e proprietates, vide Help:Items e Help:Properties.
  2. Como crea io un nove pagina, o un nove objecto?
    Le paginas foras del spatios de nomines special e de proprietates se crea del mesme maniera que in altere sitos de Wikimedia. Pro crear un nove objecto, usa le pagina Special:NewItem (o clicca sur "Create a new Item" in le menu sinistre). Pro instructiones plus detaliate sur le creation de objectos, vide Help:Items. Pro plus information sur le redaction de un wiki, vide Help:Navigating Wikidata.
    Le proprietates pote esser create solmente per creatores de proprietates e administratores. Pro proponer un proprietate nove, vide Wikidata:Property proposal.
  3. Io prefere un summario de modification a un pagina de discussion pro explicar minor cambiamentos. Pote tu activar le summarios de modification, per favor?
    Regrettabilemente, le summarios de modification non es disponibile pro le modificationes sur un pagina de objecto e de proprietate per medio del interfacie graphic. Nonobstante, tu pote scriber un summario de modification quando tu reverte o disface un modification (non importa si es le tue o illo de altere persona). Pro disfacer un modification, clicca sur le scheda "Vider historia", selige le version que tu vole cambiar, e clicca sur Disfacer.
  4. Io ha create un objecto per accidente e ora io vole deler lo. Ubi pote io obtener adjuta?
    Tenta Wikidata:Requests for deletions. Existe etiam un gadget que tu pote activar in tu preferentias que se appella "RequestDeletion" e que pote adjutar con iste processo. Si un altere objecto existe pro illo que tu ha create e ora vole deler, vide etiam Help:Merge.
  5. Como fusiona io duo objectos?
    Vide Help:Merge pro instructiones in detalio. Il ha etiam un gadget que tu pote activar in tu preferentias appellate "Fusionar" ("Merge") que pote adjutar con iste processo.
  6. How do I delete wrong sitelinks from an item?
    To delete a sitelink from an item, click the [edit] button, select the trash icon next to the sitelink and save the changes. After this is done, please add the deleted sitelink to the correct item or make a new item for it if one doesn't yet exist. There's also a gadget you can enable in your preferences called "Move" which can help with this process. In cases where your changes are not obvious or straightforward, you can leave a note on the talk pages of the items. For more information, see Help:Merge and Help:Sitelinks.
  7. What are sources? How do I use them?
    In Wikidata, references are used to point to specific sources (i.e. sources of information) that back up the data provided in a statement. Examples of sources include books, scientific publications, and newspaper articles. To learn about adding references to statement, see Help:Sources.
  8. There is an item that already has a Wikipedia sitelink in language X. I want to add a second sitelink to the item for another Wikipedia article in language X that fits as well but it won't let me. What should I do?
    Wikidata allows only one sitelink per item per language. You will see an error message when attempting to add a new sitelink to a item page if that link has already been added to another item page. For more information, see Help:Sitelinks.
  9. I tried to add a sitelink to an item, but when I tried to save it I received an error message. What should I do?
    Wikidata allows one sitelink per item per language. If you receive an error message but believe the item you are editing is the most appropriate one for the sitelink, you may need to merge two items. Please consult Help:Merge or visit Wikidata:Interwiki conflicts to report a conflict.
  10. How do I add a sitelink to an item for a section within a larger page, e.g. en:Han Dynasty#Eastern Han on Wikipedia?
    Wikidata sitelinks do not support anchors (links to a specific section of a page). If a redirect exists pointing to the anchor in question you can add the redirect as sitelink (with intentional sitelink to redirect (Q70894304) as badge). If no such redirect exists, you may consider creating one for this purpose.
  11. How do I make two pages in language A link to one page in language B, e.g. en:Cirth and en:Tengwar to de:Tengwar und Certar?
    Wikidata can only link on a one-to-one basis so these situations should be handled in the same way as anchor links (see above question). You may however connect redirects to Wikidata items (see Wikidata:Sitelinks to redirects).
  12. How do I find properties available to use in Wikidata? How will I know what property to use while editing Wikidata?
    Please check Wikidata:List of properties for a community-maintained list of properties. When searching for properties with the site's main search bar, please prefix your search term(s) with "P:" to ensure you are looking in the property namespace. If you are unsure whether the property you are using is most appropriate for a statement, consult the property's discussion page or ask on Wikidata:Project chat. If you are fairly new to editing data, you might also want to check out some showcase items. Showcase items are items that fully represent what Wikidata is capable of by displaying in full detail the data that can be stored on Wikidata. They can serve as valuable examples of what properties to use on different types of items. Please see Wikidata:Showcase items for more information and examples.
  13. According to the history of an item I changed, the number of bytes went up or down significantly, even though I only made a minor change. Why did this happen?
    The history shows the number of bytes changed in the internal data structure for the item in the database. phab:T41189 has been filed for this.
  14. I want to add a label/description/alias for a new language but when I click "edit", it doesn't offer the language. How can I add it?
    This is currently not possible by default, see phab:T126510. The set of languages displayed can be customized, see Help:Navigating Wikidata/User Options. Registered users can activate labelLister gadget. Or you can use Special:SetLabelDescriptionAliases.

  1. I don't understand the URL names. Q142? P1082? What do the letters and numbers mean?
    All pages in the main and property namespaces end with a unique identifier in either the format Q### or P###. These identifiers represent Wikidata items and properties, respectively—for example, Q142 is for the item on France and P1082 is for the population property. The numbers in identifiers are assigned in the order the items and properties were created in Wikidata. By using identifier codes, Wikidata is able to support multilingual data entry without favouring any one language.
  2. How do searches work?
    The two main search options are Special:Search and Special:ItemByTitle. The first is the widest possible search across languages and namespaces. The second searches the main namespace only for an item in Wikidata in a selected language whose title is exactly equal to value entered. Please try both options to ensure you find an existing item. For more information, see Help:Navigating Wikidata.
  3. What is Wikidata's main namespace for?
    The main namespace on Wikidata is reserved for items only. Pages in this namespace are known as item pages and are titled according to their unique identifiers (Q###). For more information on Wikidata namespaces, see Help:Namespaces.

Altere sitos Wikimedia

  1. How can I use data from Wikidata in my Wikimedia project?
    If Wikidata has been integrated with your wiki, you can access its data by using a parser function or a Lua module. Templates can be built to ease the access to data for all contributors. See How to use data on Wikimedia projects.
  2. When will Wikidata be integrated with Incubator and Beta Wikiversity?
    This is currently not supported by the Wikibase software. Wikibase has a basic assumption that a given wiki only has one page about a given topic, and changing this may need to refactor some code. See phab:T54971 for more information.
  3. Will Wikipedia featured articles, good articles and other quality pages be denoted somehow on Wikidata?
    Several badges are available, see Special:SetSiteLink. If you want to add a new badge not listed there, you can contact the development team.
  4. How can I link to Wikidata from Wikipedias or other Wikimedia sites?
    As per Meta-Wiki, add [[d:Q39715]] or [[d:Special:ItemByTitle/enwiki/Lighthouse]] to the wikitext of the Wikimedia site page.
  5. I have just added a sitelink to an item for a new page on another Wikimedia site. How long will it take to see the sitelinks appear there?
    Usually not more than a few minutes. You can see sitelinks immediately by purging the cache on the corresponding Wikimedia site page (you can do this by adding ?action=purge at the end of its URL). For more information on adding sitelinks, see Help:Sitelinks.
  6. Can I edit Wikidata directly on articles on other Wikimedia projects?
    This is currently not possible. But in the future editors on other Wikimedia projects will not necessarily need to go to Wikidata to edit the data they use from Wikidata. This is tracked in phab:T136599. In addition, there are some third-party gadgets for this; WE-Framework is an example.
  7. How do I link a Commons category to Wikidata?
    Where possible, a Commons category should be linked to a Wikidata category item, in the "other sites" section, e.g., as on Category:London (Q7149656). A Commons category (P373) statement is also added on the corresponding main item, London (Q84), since some software won't search category items to find the Commons category. If there is no category item the Commons category can be added to the "other sites" section of a main item, e.g., as on Old War Office Building (Q58454576). There's a bot that will add Commons category (P373) statements, so these don't usually need to be done by hand.

Wikipedia and Wikidata

How Wikidata integrates with Wikipedia, as the most high-profile project in the Wikimedia movement, brings up some common questions and concerns. For more information see Wikidata:Wikidata in Wikimedia projects.

  1. How is Wikidata being used on Wikipedia?
    Wikidata is used for a number of functions on Wikipedia already. Some of these are somewhat opaque to the user, and some are more readily seen. A more complete breakdown can be found at Wikidata:Wikidata in Wikimedia projects.
    Since 2013, all interlanguage links have been handled by Wikidata. The identifiers in the "Authority Control" box at the bottom of many articles in Wikipedia editions are also drawn from Wikidata. A number of Wikipedia language editions also now make extensive use of Wikidata-driven infoboxes.
    In 2017, Interlingua Wikipedia had 100% of its articles using infoboxes and none contained any local data, and Catalan Wikipedia reported that more than 300,000 of its 600,000 articles (or about 58%) used infoboxes derived from Wikidata. French Wikipedia also has tens of thousands of infoboxes created from Wikidata. However, interestingly, English Wikipedia has not adopted Wikidata-driven infoboxes in any large scale as the community debates how much to use them.
  2. How does Wikidata handle vandalism?
    Wikidata makes use of recent changes patrolling, as well as ORES, an AI tool which helps to find possible bad-faith edits. There are also some external tools which allow users to review changes in a certain scope (eg. their language). Still, Wikidata tends to have a much lower level of vandalism than Wikipedia, largely because it is relatively new and lower profile. However, since it is being used more in information boxes and authority control records, it may face more challenges.
  3. Does Wikidata have a Biography of Living Persons (BLP) policy?
    In 2018, Wikidata:Living people is adopted as an official policy.


  1. How do I make a list of the articles?
    Look up the item you want to make a list of and make a note of the item's Q number, then replace the 42 in the following URL with the Q number from the item you want to make the list from and follow the newly created link:
  2. How do I directly link to a specific Wikipedia resource using the Wikidata item identifier number?
    Use the Special:GoToLinkedPage form. In the first field (Site), enter the language and site code (e.g. "enwiki"). In the second field (Item id), enter the item id, including the Q prefix (e.g. "Q2063748"). Alternatively, you may specify the parameters directly in the link (e.g. Special:GoToLinkedPage/enwiki/Q2063748).

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