Suggest an addition or change

The best and quickest way to suggest an addition or change to this timeline is via Github Issue. Suggest a new entry, or suggest a change to an existing entry.

If Github's not for you, you can also DM or tweet at me on my @molly0xFFF account (I often miss tweets to the @web3isgreat account!) For the Mastodon users, you can toot at @[email protected]. Make sure to send me a link to reporting about any event you're hoping to see on the timeline.


If you would like to support my work, which includes this website, I have a newsletter called Citation Needed where you can sign up for a pay-what-you-want subscription . You can also make one-off donations via Venmo, Cash App, or Paypal. If you wish to make a one-off donation specifically towards the upkeep of this website, please note that in the message so that I can earmark the funds for this project. There is a transparency report below where I record the cost of keeping this site online, as well as those earmarked funds.


DescriptionDateAmount (USD)
Introductory credits*December 2021-$300.00
Domains (3 @ $9.16, one-year reg.)December 2021$27.48
Cloud servicesDecember 2021$27.64
Cloud servicesJanuary 2022$91.62
Cloud servicesFebruary 2022$165.48
Cloud servicesMarch 2022$35.23
Cloud servicesApril 2022$28.69
Cloud servicesMay 2022$41.80
Cloud servicesJune 2022$40.03
Cloud servicesJuly 2022$38.01
Domain (1 @ $9.16, one-year reg.)August 2022$9.16
Cloud servicesAugust 2022$46.04
Cloud servicesSeptember 2022$46.77
"Innovators Plus" credit*October 2022-$500.00
Cloud servicesOctober 2022$38.80
Cloud servicesNovember 2022$46.26
Cloud servicesDecember 2022$43.43
Domains (3 @ $14.76, one-year reg.)January 2023$44.28
Cloud servicesJanuary 2023$42.74
Cloud servicesFebruary 2023$36.11
Cloud servicesMarch 2023$42.21
Cloud servicesApril 2023$34.04
Cloud servicesMay 2023$36.43
Cloud servicesJune 2023$33.76
Cloud servicesJuly 2023$41.03
Domain renewalJuly 2023$14.76
Cloud servicesAugust 2023$37.30
Cloud servicesSeptember 2023$43.08
Cloud servicesOctober 2023$41.14
Domain renewalNovember 2023$16.06
Cloud servicesNovember 2023$44.56
Cloud servicesDecember 2023$41.41
Cloud servicesJanuary 2024$75.80
Domain renewalJanuary 2024$32.12
Cloud servicesFebruary 2024$49.32
Cloud servicesMarch 2024$52.78
Cloud servicesApril 2024$52.96
Cloud servicesMay 2024$55.65
Cloud servicesJune 2024$57.81
Cloud servicesJuly 2024$53.36
Cloud servicesAugust 2024$56.91
Cloud servicesSeptember 2024$57.87
Cloud services estimateOctober 2024$60.00
Total expenses to date (including next month's estimate)$1,879.93
Total donations to date$956.59
Remaining donations$0.00
Remaining expenses (after donations and credits)$123.34
Expenses covered by credits
Remaining expenses

I manually update the table above, so don't be startled if it takes a day or so for your donation to show up here!

* Credits refer to free credits for Google Cloud Platform, provided by Google.