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The WG has decided to manage issues in Tracker at the OWL Issue/Action Tracker.

There are a few quirks of Tracker that we are working around at the moment.

Working group members can add new issues to Tracker. We want to start managing issues a little more carefully, and making better use of tracker. In order to achieve this, the new procedure for issues will be as follows:

  • When creating new issue, it should initially be assigned the state "Raised" (rather than "Open")
    • Before adding a new issue, please check if a closely related issue already exists and consider augmenting or commenting on that issue.
    • New issues should be given a short informative "Nickname" (e.g., "datatype facets").
    • Editorial-only issues should have EDITORIAL in their title.
      • Editorial issues can be immediately RESOLVED and closed by a WG member working on the appropriate documents; email should then be sent to team-owl-chairs@w3.org so that consideration of the resolution can be added to the teleconf agenda.
  • The WG will briefly consider newly raised issues during weekly teleconfs
    • Issues that are considered out of scope and/or which don't have reasonable support from the WG (at least a seconder) will be rejected
    • Issues that are in scope and have reasonable support will be given the status "Open", and will be discussed via email (and possibly in future teleconfs)
  • Each open issue will be assigned an "owner" whose responsibility it is to initiate/lead a discussion, the objective of which is to bring to the WG a proposal to close the issue as RESOLVED, POSTPONED or REJECTED; the owner will normally be the same person who raised the issue.
  • A note must be added to closed issues explaining how and when the issue was closed, linking to relevant documents (such as meeting minutes or email); where resolving the issue leads to changes in WG documents, a "diff" link showing the differences between the version immediately before and immediately after the changes should also be included in the closing note (see http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/index.php?title=Syntax&diff=2107&oldid=2103 for an example).
  • To document changes in figures, the easiest way is to click on the image after it has been changed, and from the information page, note the date of the current image, and the date of the previous version of the image. For example, for Image:Ontology.gif, there are two versions as of today, 18:28, 25 October 2007 and 06:19, 19 December 2007. Noting the image wiki page and these dates is adequate documentation.

The initial issues lists were the OWLED issues list and postponed issues from the WebOnt WG issues list.

The OWLED issues list (as of 24 October 2007) has now been migrated into Tracker. The WG expects to monitor this issues list and transition new issues that arise there, but there is no commitment to do so. The postponed issues from the WebOnt WG issues list have also been migrated into Tracker.