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Passauer Universit�tsschriften zur Arch�ologie

[ISSN 0945-327X]

Edited by
G�nther Moosbauer and vom Bayerischen Landesamt f�r Denkmalpflege

Cover: The Late Antique fortress and cemeteries at Straubing


[Last update: 23.08.2018]

[ PUA 10 ]

The Late Antique fortress and cemeteries at Straubing.

Romans and Germans on the way towards the first Baiuvarii.

G�nther Moosbauer
With a contribution by Mike Schweissing


Straubing with its fortresses and cemeteries is the ideal site for studies on the transition from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages. A Claudio-Neronian military post is followed by the Early Flavian western fortress [fortress IV] and the Middle Flavian eastern fortress, which continued down to the 2nd half of the 3rd century [I-III]. A fortress of the late 3rd century of some 0.3 ha in size on the church hill of St. Peter lived on into the 5th century without a recognizable interruption of population, despite Iuthungian destructions of 357/8. A harbour existed on the mouth of the Allachbach stream from Early Flavian times until the 7th century. A cemetery of the Middle Empire underneath the old town centre is followed by cemeteries Azlburg 1 and 2 with 156 burials from 290/300 to 450. They can be divided into 4 phases and are so well documented that the reconstruction of tree-trunk coffins and plank boxes is possible. The higher percentage and age of males at Azlburg 2 indicate a close connection to the military site. Strontium analyses of bones and teeth revealed the local origin of people, which seemed to be of an Elbe-Germanic descent according to grave goods.

Content:318 pages, 66 illustrations, 30 tables, 10 diagrams, 57 plates, 2 supplements       (incl.7% tax)
Abstracts in
other languages:
English, French, Chzechian 
Keywords:Baiuvarii, castle, cemetery, Roman provincesSeries:Passauer Universit�tsschriften zur Arch�ologie
Postdoctoral thesisUniversit�t Osnabr�ck, 2004ISBN-13:978-3-89646-177-3
Cover:Hardcover ISBN-10:3-89646-177-X
Size:21,0 x 29,7 cm / DIN A4 Place of Publication:Rahden/Westf.
weight:1.530 gDate of Publication:2005

VML Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH   ·   Stellerloh 65   ·   D-32369 Rahden/Westf.   ·   eMail: [email protected]

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