The VLDB PhD workshop is a forum for PhD students working in the broad areas addressed by the VLDB conference itself. This forum aims to facilitate interactions among PhD students and to stimulate feedback from more experienced researchers. We welcome submissions from PhD students at any stage of their PhD work. PhD workshop papers are meant to present on-going thesis work in 6 pages. Those starting their PhDs should describe the problem they focus on, explain why it is important, detail why the existing solutions are not sufficient, and give an outline of the new solutions that are pursued. Those in the middle or close to completion should be more concrete in describing their contribution, still in the context of their doctoral work. Note that specific portions of the thesis work might have been published or submitted to publication. Again this year, the accepted papers will be published in the VLDB proceedings. This workshop should be an opportunity for the upcoming generation of database researchers to share their work and get to know each other, and an opportunity for the rest of the database community to meet future colleagues and find out about the new ideas emerging in a variety of universities.
Submissions must be single-author, and the name of the supervisor must be clearly marked ("supervised by ...") on the paper, under the author's name. Authors should submit their papers in PDF format through the conference management system ( The paper should be of max. 6 pages (including references) and should be formatted with the same rules as VLDB papers. Please make sure to meet these guidelines.
Submission deadline: (Extended) April 19th, 2013
Notification: May 15, 2013
Camera-ready due: TBA, 2013
Angela Bonifati, Lille 1 University and INRIA, France
Sanjay Chawla, The University of Sydney, Australia
Chris Jermaine, Rice University, USA
Yanif Ahmad (Johns Hopkins, USA)
Bogdan Cautis (Telecom ParisTech, France)
Tyson Condie (Microsoft, USA)
Jens Dittrich (Saarland University, Germany)
Peter Fischer (University of Freiburg)
Giovanna Guerrini (University of Genova, Italy)
George Karypis (University of Minnesota, USA)
Oliver Kennedy (University of Buffalo, USA)
Rao Kotagiri (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Tim Kraska (Brown University, USA)
Ee-Peng Lim (Singapore Management University)
Wim Martens (University of Bayreuth, Germany)
Mohamed Mokbel (University of Minnesota, USA)
Frank Neven (Hasselt University, Belgium)
Dan Olteanu (Oxford University, UK)
Yanis Sismanis (IBM Almaden, USA)
Srinath Srinivasa (IIT Bangalore, India)
Anthony Tung (NUS, Singapore)
Raju Vatsavai (ORNL, USA)
Daisy Wang (University of Florida, USA)
Jeffrey Yu (CUHK, Hong Kong)
Xiaofang Zhou (University of Queensland, Australia)