The National Map
Join The National Map Corps
TNMCorps is a crowdsourced mapping project with volunteers editing structures in the United States and territories
Create custom USGS topographic maps on demand using the best available data from The National Map
Explore Our Topography
One-stop destination for visualizing and interacting with all National Map data and more.
Meet our Network of National Map Liaisons
Our liaisons cultivate long-term relationships with partners to support The National Map and USGS science.
The National Map Training
Video lessons on how to use TNM services, applications, interfaces, data, and tools
Join The National Map Corps
TNMCorps is a crowdsourced mapping project with volunteers editing structures in the United States and territories
Create custom USGS topographic maps on demand using the best available data from The National Map
Explore Our Topography
One-stop destination for visualizing and interacting with all National Map data and more.
Meet our Network of National Map Liaisons
Our liaisons cultivate long-term relationships with partners to support The National Map and USGS science.
The National Map Training
Video lessons on how to use TNM services, applications, interfaces, data, and tools
Join The National Map Corps
TNMCorps is a crowdsourced mapping project with volunteers editing structures in the United States and territories
As a cornerstone of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Geospatial Program (NGP), The National Map (TNM) is a collaborative effort among the USGS and governmental, academic, non-profit, and industry partners to improve and deliver topographic information for the Nation.

The National Map
Applications and Maps | Topographic Data | Learn More
The National Map is a suite of products, services, and applications that provide access to base geospatial information representing the the topography, natural landscape, and built environment of the United States and its territories.
The National Map supports digital and print versions of topographic maps, data download, web map services, and online viewing of maps and data. Government, industry, academia, as well as the general public, can use the geospatial data and maps to enhance their recreational experience, make life-saving decisions, support scientific missions, and for countless other activities.
The National Geospatial Program and its partners acquire and integrate authoritative geospatial data from a variety of sources and makes the resulting nationally consistent geospatial data layers available to all through The National Map. The National Map also serves as the data source for cartographic products, such as US Topo and OnDemand Topo maps, and provides access to digital historical topographic maps.
National Map product and service implementation is supported by USGS' National Geospatial Technical Operations Center and Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, which comprise the National Geospatial Directorate.
Need Help?
Interested in learning more or collaboration? Contact your local National Map Liaison.
Technical questions related to The National Map products and services, data, or initiatives may be sent to our help desk at TNM_Help
The National Map Viewer
The National Map Downloader
topoBuilder - Custom Topographic Maps
Access US Topo, Historical Topos, & More
Web Services
Direct Data Download For Advanced Users
More TNM Applications & Viewers
The National Map Training Videos
National Map Data
Geospatial data available as a part of The National Map includes:
- Foundational topographic information layers - elevation, hydrography, & geographic names
- Curated layers of the built environment - structures, transportation, & boundaries
- Surface data layers - land cover & orthoimagery