West and Central Africa


A medical team from the NGO, Action Pour le Bien Être, with a patient in a camp for the internally displaced in Ouallam, Niger. A project financed by the OCHA-managed Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa supports efforts to respond to gender-based violence, provision of emergency shelter, non-food items and healthcare service. Photo; OCHA/Michele Cattani
A medical team from the NGO, Action Pour le Bien Être, with a patient in a camp for the internally displaced in Ouallam, Niger. A project financed by the OCHA-managed Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa supports efforts to respond to gender-based violence, provision of emergency shelter, non-food items and healthcare service. Photo; OCHA/Michele Cattani

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Niger continues to face an acute and complex humanitarian crisis marked by the impact of persistent insecurity, epidemics, food insecurity and floods.

In 2024, 4.5 million* people, about 17 per cent of the population, require humanitarian assistance.

*Estimated pending finalization



Protection of human life and people’s fundamental rights and dignity remains the most urgent humanitarian need in Niger. Civilians are victims of armed conflict or inter-communal violence every day. They are directly attacked or affected by ongoing hostilities. 

Protection of human life and people’s fundamental rights and dignity remains the most urgent humanitarian need in Niger. Civilians are victims of armed conflict or inter-communal violence, in addition to facing climate shocks, epidemics and other vulnerabilities

In 2024, the UN and partners need US$662.2 million to provide humanitarian assistance to 4.5 million people*.

*Estimated pending finalization.

Overview of the humanitarian response in Niger

For a full overview of the humanitarian response, visit humanitarianaction.info
Total population
26.6M 2024
People in need (estimated pending finalization)
4.5M 2024
People to be covered by assistance (estimated pending finalization)
2.7M 2024
Total requirements (USD)
662.2M 2024
Funding coverage (%)
42.36 2024
Funding gap (USD)
381.7M 2024

The Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa (Niger)

Pledged amount (USD)
7.8M 2024
Paid amount (USD)
7.7M 2024


Funding for OCHA Niger

Total requirements (USD)
6.3M 2024
Opening balance (USD)
48.1K 2024
Earmarked funding (USD)
957.1K 2024
Total (USD)
957.1K 2024