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Center for Instruction and Research Technology

About CIRT

Our Mission

The Center for Instruction and Research Technology’s (CIRT) mission is to empower UNF faculty by providing exceptional instructional, multimedia, and technical support, equipping them with the tools, training, and expertise to foster student success and excellence in scholarship.

Our Vision

CIRT’s vision is to empower the UNF community to harness the potential of technology, combined with innovative pedagogical practices, to cultivate transformative and impactful learning experiences.

UNF Osprey Fountain

Our Values


We value the creation and adoption of new methods, technologies, and insights to address evolving challenges and opportunities.


We value the transformative potential of inclusive partnerships and diverse perspectives to achieve common goals and foster a vibrant academic community.


We value and respect the emotions and perspectives of others while we work to create supportive environments that foster civility, respect, and honest dialogue rooted in trust.


We value the pursuit of excellence in all endeavors; we strive to exceed expectations in every project, interaction, and initiative, ensuring that the quality of our work reflects commitment to the highest levels of professionalism, expertise, and service.

Who We Are

Rozy Parlette

Rozy Parlette

Director of CIRT
[email protected]
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David Wilson headshot

David Wilson

Associate Director of CIRT, Creative Team Lead
[email protected]
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Creative Team

Niam Jones Headshot

Niam Jones

Video Producer
[email protected]
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Andy Rush Headshot

Andy Rush

Course Media Developer
[email protected]
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Michael Boyles Headshot

Michael Boyles

Coordinator of Graphic Design
[email protected]
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David Johnson headshot

David Johnson

IT Support Specialist
[email protected]
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Kayla Little headshot

Kayla Little

Web Designer
[email protected]
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Ron Shecut headshot

Ron Shecut

CIRT Video Tech
[email protected]
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Craig Pedroza Headshot

Craig Pedroza

CIRT Video Studio Tech
[email protected]
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Antonio Richa headshot

Antonio Richa

CIRT Video Tech
[email protected]
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Deema Alhaddad with teal background

Deema Alhaddad

Creative Assistant Tech
[email protected]
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Jack Anderson headshot

Jack Anderson

Creative Assistant Tech
[email protected]
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Adrian Onyeukwu

Adrian Onyeukwu

Creative Assistant Tech
[email protected]
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Bri Owusu holding up two arms to showcase her muscles

Briana Owusu

Creative Assistant Tech
[email protected]
Schedule Meeting

Instructional Design Team

Laura Jackson Headshot

Laura Jackson, Ed.D.

Assistant Director of Online Course Development
[email protected]
Schedule Meeting
Kate Simpson headshot

Kate Simpson

Project Manager
[email protected]
Schedule Meeting
Natalie Gray Headshot

Natalie Gray

Senior Instructional Designer
[email protected]
Schedule Meeting
Jann Sutton Headshot

Jann Sutton, Ed.D.

Senior Instructional Designer
[email protected]
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Khia Thomas, Ph.D.

Senior Instructional Designer
[email protected]
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Noelle Frantz Headshot

Noelle Frantz

Instructional Designer
[email protected]
Schedule Meeting
Noelle Frantz Headshot

Wendy Poag

Instructional Designer
[email protected]
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Davee Thompson Headshot

Davee Thompson

Instructional Designer
[email protected]
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Sara Wenger Headshot

Sara Wenger, Ph.D.

Instructional Designer
[email protected]
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Valdis Bean Headshot

Val Bean

Coordinator of Accessibility
[email protected]
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Topaze Thomas Headshot

Topaze Thomas

Accessibility Document Specialist
[email protected]
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Sarah Allen Headshot

Sarah Allen

Graphic Designer
[email protected]
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Alexandra Castro headshot

Alexandra Castro

Instructional Design Assistant
[email protected]
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Online Learning Support Team

Michael Russo Headshot

Michael Russo, Ph.D.

Assistant Director of Online Learning Support
[email protected]
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Joe Stewart Headshot

Joe Stewart

Senior Coordinator of Online Learning Support
[email protected]
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Tanem Coskun headshot

Tanem Coskun

Coordinator of Online Learning Support
[email protected]
Schedule Meeting
Yasmeen Merriweather Headshot

Yasmeén Merriweather, M.Ed.

Coordinator of Training
[email protected]
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Katie Commissaris Headshot

Katie Commissaris

Knowledge Specialist
[email protected]
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Haris Smajic headshot

Haris Smajic

Online Learning Assistant
[email protected]
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Sienna Radovich

Sienna Radovich

Online Learning Assistant
[email protected]
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Brianna Sanchez-Channel

Brianna Sanchez-Channel

Online Learning Assistant
[email protected]
Schedule Meeting
Saba Gebrewahid

Saba Gebrewahid

Online Learning Assistant
[email protected]
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