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The Cineskinny Film Club with MUBI

A still from the film THE FALL. A man and a young girl, both dressed in black outfits with gold trim, walk through an empty castle courtyard.

The CineSkinny Film Club continues this autumn. For the latest of our free screenings with the brilliant streaming service and film distributor MUBI, we have a rare treat – Tarsem Singh's fantasy epic The Fall, back on the big screen in a new 4K restoration.

The phrase “visionary director” gets bandied about a lot but it’s perfectly apt when discussing the work of Indian-born, US-based director Tarsem Singh. He makes stunningly beautiful films, and his wild imagination is at its most flamboyant in 2006's The Fall. That this fantasy epic even exists is a miracle. Tarsem funded it himself, and shot it over four years in 18 different countries (including China, India, Spain, Bali, Cambodia, Czechia, Egypt and South Africa) in between his day job as a celebrated director of adverta and music videos. What he created is jaw-dropping.

The film centres on a silent movie stuntman played by Lee Pace, who’s in hospital recovering from broken bones due to a disastrous on-set fall. From his sick bed, he entertains a young girl who’s a fellow patient with an exotic yarn about a band of men – whose number include biologist Charles Darwin and an eyeliner-wearing bandit (played by Pace) – who do battle against their sworn enemy, the evil Governor Odious. The girl is delighted by the story but the stuntman keeps stopping it at the most gorgeous bits.

Imagine if Terry Gilliam had directed The Princess Bride and you’d be pretty close to the vibe of this total one-off of a film. The result is a dazzling study of the power of storytelling that’s a riot of colourful and operatic setpieces, most of which were achieved using practical effects.

The Fall recently received a 4K restoration, and we've teamed up with its distributor MUBI to screen this restored version for free at Summerhall and CCA in Glasgow this October – so don't miss this rare chance to see this stunning film on the big screen!

The Fall, Summerhall, Edinburgh, Tue 1 Oct, 7pm – RSVP here

The Fall, CCA, Glasgow, Wed 16 Oct, 7pm – RSVP here

Doors open 7pm, film starts at 7.15pm (no adverts or trailers), RSVPs limited to two per person, please arrive early to guarantee a seat.

Watch The Fall on MUBI from 27 Sep and enjoy 30 days of hand-picked cinema – go to – and If you're looking for more cool stuff to do, why not sign up to our weekly newsletter, The Zap