work with
verb as in assist
verb as in associate
Strong matches
Weak matches
- be friends
- be in cahoots
- buddy up
- bunch up
- come together
- gang up
- get in on
- get in with
- get into
- get together
- go along with
- go partners
- hang around
- hang out
- hang out with
- join up with
- line up with
- pal up
- play footsie with
- run around with
- run with
- string along with
- swing with
- take up with
- team up
- throw in together
- tie in
- tie up
- truck with
verb as in collaborate
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
"Our editors in Opinion work with op-ed contributors to edit pieces for length, clarity and accuracy, among other things. No op-ed pieces are published, as edited, without the permission of the author. That includes the op-ed written by Eric Reinhart," Manning said.
He gets a call to work with Steve Martin.
“What I don’t like are social media teams — people who work with these people — trying to diminish our work, like me and my movie, because that doesn’t lead anywhere,” Gascón said.
Once you know the accounts you need, you can determine the right institutions to work with.
It directs the U.S. attorney general to work with state attorneys general and local district attorneys to investigate and prosecute teachers who affirm trans students’ identities under laws that prohibit the sexual exploitation of children and the practice of medicine without a license.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.