

View definitions for tumor


noun as in abnormal growth in animate being

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His mom had been hospitalized due to a brain tumor, and so he had to rush to Seattle.

They also had an increased incidence of benign tumors and growths that can be precursors to cancer.

The multi-instrumentalist had surgery for a brain tumor in 1997, suffered a stroke in 2012 that left him unable to play guitar and also was treated for cancer, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Carter and Rosalynn had wanted to have more children, but an obstetrician said that surgery Rosalynn had to remove a tumor on her uterus would make that impossible.

The procedure, also known as a pleurectomy, removes all or part of the thin membrane that surrounds the lungs as well as visible tumors from the chest cavity.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


