Strongest match
noun as in title
Strongest match
verb as in entitle
Example Sentences
Caveat lector, especially if you’re a lector who wants to read only about the history of Microsoft: The subtitle is there to remind us that this book covers Bill Gates’ childhood, upbringing and secondary education.
Dyer's subtitle sums things up nicely: “How Economists Forgot the Real World and Led Us Astray.”
The subtitle is me saying that I know I haven’t done the things that you need to do to write a celebrity memoir and poking fun at that idea.
It was subtitled, “Opponents of illegal immigration cannot claim to champion the rule of law and then propose policies that violate our Constitution.”
Murnau’s film, subtitled “A Symphony of Horror,” soon came to be regarded as a masterwork in its own right, a high-water mark of German Expressionism and a template for future vampire movies.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.