

Definition for smiling

adjective as in beaming

Strongest matches

cheerful, genial, radiant, shining

Strong matches

animated, grinning, sparkling

Weak matches

joyful, sunny

adjective as in benign

adjective as in fair

adjective as in good-humored

adjective as in sunny

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Example Sentences

A slight, smiling child, she was waiting at a centre run by World Food Kitchens, seven of whose aid workers were killed in an Israeli air strike last April.

From BBC

“It is so good to see them smiling, but this isn’t what we are supposed to be doing today. This is not why we are supposed to come together.”

“I’ve written a book,” she said, smiling and calling a chapter up on her phone.

It featured their signatures, a smiling flower and a note of thanks and congratulations.

As worshipers filed past, Tellström gave hugs and handshakes, smiling and stoic.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


