

View definitions for salary


noun as in money paid for work done

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"They recruited you with a salary of $8,000 a month, you eat well," Ngoma yelled, pointing out the disparity between that and a Congolese army recruit's pay.

From BBC

My taxes pay his salary, as well as the salary of everyone who works for him in the executive branch.

From Salon

In recent weeks, the government said it was evaluating ministry employment rosters, removing ghost employees and those with multiple salaries, and suspending payments to military and security personnel of the old government.

The White House has begun offering buyouts worth seven months of salary to all federal employees who opt to leave their jobs by Feb. 6.

Defined benefit pension schemes guarantee an annual pension payment to retired workers, based on their salary while they were in work.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


