

View definitions for run with ball

run with ball

verb as in dispatch

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They closed the third on a 13-4 run with Ball and Michael Beasley scoring 11 of the 13 points.

“After 30 years in football I know I have to accept that. With one player more I wanted to win the match. Everybody wanted to do something more, to run with ball and not to combine with the other players.”

One of the features of the first half was that Italy were prepared to throw it wide, and repeatedly prepared to run with ball in hand, though Ireland always looked more likely to score.

Probably influenced by O'Connell's absence, the Irish were reluctant to kick for touch in the opening 20 minutes but that was giving the Scots opportunity to run with ball in hand.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


