
View definitions for requisition


noun as in demand; application for need

verb as in ask for; apply for something needed

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Example Sentences

He was charged via postal requisition earlier this month, the force added.

From BBC

"It does not comply with the relevant requirements and is therefore invalid as a requisition for an SGM."

From BBC

"We will respond to any potential meeting requisition if and when it is received in the appropriate format," an RFU spokesperson said.

From BBC

During Mrs Johnson Wahl's stay, she painted dozens of pieces depicting life at the hospital and upon her discharge went on to requisition a boardroom at the facility to exhibit her work.

From BBC

The official also said Russia is requisitioning equipment due to be delivered by its defence industry to other countries.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


