

View definitions for repellent


adjective as in repulsive

adjective as in revolting

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Landslides are a risk after wildfires because the heat of the fire makes the soil repellent to water.

The soils become repellent to water, which then starts flowing on the surface downhill and picks up rock and debris.

Hillsides are vulnerable to landslides after wildfires because the fires make the soils repellent to water, and instead of being absorbed, rain flows downhill and picks up rocks and debris.

Hillsides are vulnerable to landslides after wildfires because the fires make the soils repellent to water, and instead of being absorbed, rain flows downhill and picks up rock and debris.

Like a taut earthquake fault that too often unbelts itself and cuts loose with repellent force, a deep lode of hate and racist one-upmanship undergirds Southern California.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


