Example Sentences
The outcry wasn't entirely fair to Klobuchar who turned immediately after the quote in question to discuss real ways of gumming up the worst actions of the Trump administration.
The university confirmed a figure of £506m in "unrestricted reserves" quoted in the document was correct, but said it would be incorrect to assume that it equated to cash that was ready to be spent.
But a fact sheet about the executive order on the White House website, quoting Trump, makes clear the president’s intentions to “deport Hamas sympathizers and revoke student visas.”
And yet, the comedian did quote Robert F. Kennedy Jr., President Trump's pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, from the confirmation hearing earlier that morning.
Mr Prescott ended his tribute with a quote from his father's 1968 speech to the East Hull Labour Party when he ran to be selected as a candidate .
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.