
View definitions for proportionately


adverb as in relatively

noun as in per capita

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The MP added he recognised it was "an intrusive power" and "must be subject to rigorous legal safeguards and used proportionately".

From BBC

"The plan to sanction GB News flies in the face of Ofcom's duty to act fairly, lawfully and proportionately to safeguard free speech, particularly political speech and on matters of public interest," he said.

From BBC

They say this would "rectify unfairness in the tax system, where working people are subject to proportionately higher rates of tax", and raise £16.7bn per year.

From BBC

“However, with new models being released almost every week, we are still learning where these risks may emerge, and the best ways to manage them proportionately.”

Yet, their reporting failed to correspond proportionately to the heightened occurrences.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


