adjective as in personal, intimate
Strongest matches
confidential, exclusive, independent, individual, secret, separate, special
Strong matches
Weak matches
behind the scenes, clandestine, close to one's chest, discreet, hush-hush, hushed, nonpublic, not open, off the record, own, reserved, under one's hat, unofficial
noun as in lowest rank of person enlisted in armed service
Strongest match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Kennedy has no medical expertise and peddled a range of harmful quackery as a private citizen, including anti-vaccination rhetoric and the benefits of chugging raw milk.
A study by Harvard researchers found that fewer than 1% adolescents with private health insurance received either puberty blockers or hormone treatments.
The Los Angeles County Office of Education is the largest Head Start grantee in the region and contracts with school districts and private nonprofits to serve 8,000 children and families.
Congressional Republicans seem downright pleased to give all their constitutional power of the purse to a private citizen with zero legal authority to make spending decisions.
"It was this huge private house and it was decorated in an English country house style. I don't think I'd ever seen anything like it in my life," says Frances.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.